Sunday, May 22, 2022


This post came as the result of watching this movie trailer.  So please take a moment to watch it too and then come back for my thoughts. 

The Nazi's systematically robbed the Jew. First of our jobs and businesses -- our means to provide for ourselves and families.  

Then the Nazi's stole our homes and property when they moved us into the ghettos.

After that they stole our relationships and identity. To do so they rounded Jews up and shipped us to death camps like we were pigs. That is when the Nazi's seperated us, stripped off our clothing, hair and assigned us a number.  

There was one more thing to steal before they took our lives -- our humanity. The Nazi's wanted to turn Jews into the vermin that their propoganda claimed us to be. This way in their Nazi minds they were exterminating vermon, not murdering human beings. 

The will to survive in the death camps forced people to make choices and do things that no human should be faced with. It echoes pharaoh's edict for the Israelites to make bricks without straw and what that brought out in his slaves to survive. 

One of the few things I hate today is when people call someone a Nazi for political expediency and impact.  No body who isn't ACTUALLY a NAZI is a Nazi.  It takes a person who is deeply and uniquely evil to be so utterly and completely cruel.  The worst of them took pleasure in it!

There was a much deeper agenda at play in the Nazi "Final Solution." It is the hidden driving force behind Anti-Semitism, the oldest and longest hate.

Ultimately, what the Nazi's were seeking was to eliminate God. The purpose of the "Final Solution" was to wipe out Jewish DNA in order to get rid of God.  

"If we had killed 10.3 million Jews (referring to the entire Jewish population of Europe on the eve of the Holocaust) I would say with satisfaction ‘Good, we destroyed an enemy.’ Then we would have fulfilled our mission. And thus, to my regret, it was not to be,'” 

Adolf Eichmann, key architect of Nazi Germany’s Final Solution. 

A film was recently released about the trial of Adolph Eichmann who went into hiding after the war and was snatched from Argentina by Israeli intelligence in May 1960 to be put on trial in Jerusalem. Israel executed the top Nazi official by hanging in 1962. The film title, The Devil's Confession, perfectly represents the "supernatural" evil behind anti-semitism since God made his Covenant with Abraham. 

At the core of Anti-Semitism is a supernatural driving evil effort to remove what Abraham started. (The Real Reason for Jew Hatred.)

"The Jews put two scares on humanity - conscious on the soul and circumcision on the body, and both are inventions of the Jew." Adoloh Hitler

One of the best proofs that Hilter was trying to wipe out the God of Israel is the last seven words of the Hitler youth song that all German children were taught to sing from 1933 to 1945. Here they are:

"We are the joyous Hitler youth. We don't need any Christian virtue. Our leader is our saviour (A.H.). The pope and rabbi shall be gone. We want to be Pagans once again."

Sadly, while the Nazi's failed at wiping out Jewish DNA, they did succeed partly at robbing many too many Jews of their belief and faith in God. Therein is the greatest irony in the history of Judaism

P.S. Hitler hated Christians too. The church would have been next.