Saturday, July 13, 2024


The brilliant political analyst Andrew James Breitbart was an American conservative journalist and political commentator and the founder of Breitbart News and a co-founder of HuffPost. He famously said that "politics is downstream from culture." The Democrat Party knew that long before the Right. Then came Trump!!  

HILLARY, OBAMA AND THE DNC ORCHESTRATED the entertainment industry and the media to stop TRUMP, their political enemy, from the get go because they knew he was a real threat. Trump is NOT to America because he believed in lower taxes, less regulation, a strong military and better trade deals. Trump was a threat because he understood what Andrew Breitbart meant and he was good at it. Trump knew how to effect culture.  He knew how to build a brand.

Trump is a threat because he understands what Andrew Breitbart said like no body else and he is a threat to the Deep State Washington establishment!!

They saw Trump as a threat because he was the first Republican since Ronald Reagan who had skills and talents in creating a cultural impact. Trump knew branding and he was personally using social media like no other. He worked his skills in gambling, real estate and with his hit TV show. Only Trump could walk into a UFC or WWF fight and get the whole arena to go crazy. Trump could go on any talk show from Oprah to SNL and get huge ratings!

So Hillary, Obama, the DNC and the Deep State used all their means to influence the culture. They utilized Hollywood, entertainment and the mainstream media which is effectively the Left's propaganda arm, to be mercilessly mean and nasty to Donald Trump and his family from the moment they thought he might run for president. But that didn't stop him. It emboldened him!

So they bought and paid for a fake dossier to create the hoax that Trump was conspiring with Russia and peeing on Russian prostitutes. But that didn't stop him and he won the election.

So they began an impeachment effort, with fraudulent fisa court filings and lies about other Americans like General Flynn. But that didn't stop him.

So they tried again with another bogus impeachment effort based on a phone call between Donald Trump and the president of Ukraine because Trump was concerned about corruption in the Ukraine government and that some were using Ukraine as a way of laundering money back to certain USA interests. But that didn't stop him.

So they began to utilize the courts to dredge up and concoct crazy legal cases against Trump in places where the Democrats controlled nearly 90 plus percent of anyone who would be a judge or juror. But that didn't stop him.

They turned the Jan 6th demonstration, that escalated into a riot because of the way Pelosi and Capitol Hill police under her authority handled it, into a basis to keep Trump out the current Presidental race.  Then they weaponised the DOJ and FBI to persecute the protesters and promote a bogus claim of "insurrection." But that didn't stop him.

They raided Trump's home and looked through his wife's underwear draws and constructed a bogus basis to prosecute Trump in another effort to keep him out of the Presidential race. But that didn't stop him.

Tulsi Gabbard figured it out early on!

Vivek figured out the real threat!

And now a lot more voters are figuring it out.  

No body has fought harder than Donald Trump to bring down the Deep State that is running this country and controlling Joe Biden. 

What will they do next???  They will stop at nothing!!