Saturday, September 21, 2024


Study of Central Area by National Capital Park and Planning Commission 

The first definition of "Fishy" is "relating to or resembling fish or a fish." 

I know the title of this article relates to the bible, but I am going to start out in Washington D.C.  After all, America is a Judeo-Christian nation, so there ought to be something fishy about our Nation's Capital. 

Is there something "fishy" about Washington D.C.?  There most certainly is. See if you can spot it on the image at the top of the blog. Do you see how there is a fish?  Here's a hint: 
The eye is the Lincoln Memorial and the tail is Capital. There is more.

Joke: In Hebrew a fish is pronounced "dawg." So the dog wags the tail. Or visa versa. 

Notice the area created by the overlapping shapes of the eclipse in Ellipse Park. 

The Washington Monument is located in a 52 acre park called "Ellipse Park." In the park is an image of a eclipse. The area of the shape of the eclipse is approximately 17 acres. Within the center of the eclipse in Ellipse Park there is the shape of a fish.  Here is an Ariel view. See if you can spot it. 

This begs the question, is there anything more? Did you know that at the tippy-top of the Washington Monument there is a pyramid capstone made of aluminum that is just under nine (9) inches tall which weighs 100 ounces. When it was made in 1884 it was the world's largest piece of solid aluminum.  Edgar H. Dix, then chief metallurgist of the Aluminum Company of America (now Alcoa) declared the aluminum cap on the Washington Monument "the crown jewel of the aluminum industry." 

Aluminum is a chemical element with an atomic number of 13. Thirteen is the gematria value of LOVE!

The "pyramid and eye" depicted on our dollar bill is based on the Washington Monument. What you don't see is the obelisk below it.
The words on the "Great Seal" on the dollar above the monument read "Annuit Coeptis" which is Latin for "He favors our undertakings."  The words below "novus ordo seclorum" translates to "a new order of the ages."

Did you know that the original Washington Monument project ran out of money and stood unfinished for a period of time. It stood unfinished at 153 feet!  I will explain why that number 153 is significant. 

Once the funds were available the entire 555' 5" with the pyramid and the capstone were completed. (5 has great biblical significance.)

On the east face of that 9-inch aluminum cap on top of the Washington Monument is inscribed the Latin phrase "Laus Deo" which translates to "Praise be to God." (The number 9 is significant. I blogged about this the other day.)
The capstone was placed on December 6, 1884. That date fell in the Hebrew month of Kislev which is the 9th month of the Hebrew calendar. 
The month of Kislev is best known for two holidays -- Hanukkah and Christmas. (Hanukkah is on the 25th of Kislev. Christmas is on the 25th of December.) 

The captone was placed to mark the completion of the 36-year construction of the monument. (36 is a special number in Hebrew known as "double chai" or "double life.") 

But I have digressed and I want to get back to the fishy shape.  Did you know that the fish shape which is formed by the overlapping shapes of an eclipse has specific geometric name and measurement? Yes, it is called the Vesica Piscis.  It is a geometric shape derived from an actual eclipse. The sign may remind you of "Pisces" the last sign of the Zodiac, a water sign. Below is a diagram which illustrates this. See if you can spot the fish.

Here is where it gets even more interesting. That fish shape not only has a name it also has number associated with it. That number is known as "the measure of the fish." Below is the calculation that was figured out by the famous 
Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and inventor known as Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212/211 BCE). Archimedes was considered one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. He devised methods for calculating areas and volumes 2,000 years before the invention of calculus.  Below is the final calculation of the area in the "fish" of the eclipse that Archimedes figured out. It is what is known as the "measure of the fish."

153 is known as the "measure of the fish." This is also where we get the so called "Jesus Fish" shape. 

The Gospel of John (chapter 21:1–14) includes the narrative of the miraculous catch of 153 fish as the third appearance of Jesus after his resurrection. Simon/Peter's is saved, literally and figuratively, by that catch. 

You'll notice in the formula for the "Measure of the Fish" the square root of three. That equals approximately 1.7. (If you recall, the area of the Eclipse in Ellipse Park in Washington is approximately 17 acres.)

The number three (3) is what is mathmatically known as a "triangle number."  Look down the right side of the triangle below to see other triangle numbers including 1, 3, 6 .... 17.
It so happens that the 17th "Triangle number" is 153. 

John 21.11 -- So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn.

So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them to be exact! 

Are all these associations just coincidences? If you think not, then the obvious conclusion is that Yeshua determined the number of fish that would fill Simon/Peter's nets. In other words, the 153 big fish were appointed by Yeshua.  

Is there a time in the Hebrew Bible that God appointed/prepared a big fish? The answer is YES.  That is exactly what happened in the Book of Jonah. 

Jonah 2.17 -- And the Lord appointed a great* fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

* The Hebrew word gadol can be translated as big, large, great or high.

Isn't it interesting that Yeshua said: 
John 12:38-40 -- Then some of the scribes and Pharisees told Jesus, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.” But he replied to them, “An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign. Yet no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah, because just as Jonah was in the stomach of the sea creature for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.

What would Moses have to say about all of this? Of course we know that Moses died long before Yeshua.  Moses worked a lot with numbers in the Hebrew Bible known as the Tenach. Numbers are big in Judaism for finding deeper meaning. Moses taught us about Creation using numbers.  Need I even mention 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 40, etc? 

Moses used "factorials." Factorals are big in creation! Moses died on a factoral number:
5! = 5×4!=5×4×3×2×1=120.

Moses death, 120, is the 5th Factoral. If we add up the first 5 factorals guess what we get: 
(1st - 1) + (2nd - 2) + (3rd - 6) + (4th - 24) + (5th - 120) = 153

I've pointed out significant relationships with the number 17 and the number 153 and related then to " shape of the fish." You can see why we get the "Jesus Fish." 

Here is one more mathmatical coincidence. If we add up the first 17 integers what do we get? Here is the answer:

In John 2, Yeshua famously declares he is God's "temple." There is one other connection to 153 that I'd like to point out. Adonia appointed Bezalel to build the Tabernacle.  His name has a gematria of 153. 

So the man who built the Tabernacle, the "Jesus Fish" and the number of fish in Peter's catch all just happen to relate to 153.  "Sounds fishy" to me. But who am I to say ...

Psalm 107:23-25 -- 
Some went down to the sea in ships,
doing business on the great waters;
they saw the deeds of the Lord,
his wondrous works in the deep.
For he commanded and raised the stormy wind,
which lifted up the waves of the sea.

Jonah's Conclusion. Its all a gadol (great/big) dawg (fish) story. The Bible is filled with them.  Creation, the sea parting, manna, a man swallowed by a large fish, fire coming down, men walking on water, people rising from the dead ... there are literally hundreds of "great fish stories" in the Bible.  Truth?  If you are seeking "truth" you are a lot less likely to find it on the evening news than in the Bible.