Sunday, September 15, 2019

3 Days, 3 years - My Personal Jonah Story

They who cling to empty folly Forsake their own welfare. Jonah 2:10.                     
"But I, with loud thanksgiving,
Will sacrifice to You;
What I have vowed I will perform.
Deliverance is the LORD’S!"
From Book of Jonah

It was three days in the belly before God put Jonah back on land to perform what he was commanded. It was three days walk across the great city of Nineveh that Jonah was called to declare would face "JUDGMENT" and be overthrown in 40 days.

On Sunday September 29th it will be the three year anniversary of the Taslich when I elevated my middle name Jonah.  Three years since this.

Three years since I raised my awareness and opened my mind and heart to find a even greater understanding of God. Three more years of studying and searching.

What did I find? What have I personally discovered?  I have found more than I imagined when I began.  What I found has enabled me to write the last chapter in my personal midrash about The Book of Jonah.

In the Book of Jonah, the evil Assyrians repent and God does not overthrow the city.  It would seem that the story is about Repentance and Forgiveness.  So it is very fitting that Jews tell the Book of Jonah on Yom Kippur, the Hebrew Day of Atonement.

Nearly all my life I believed that there was something not quite right about how the Rabbis were interpreting the Book of Jonah.  The message and meaning was incomplete.  There was something profoundly missing.

I have been on a lifelong journey to complete the story.  For me, that journey took on a much deeper and more spiritual purpose when I did Taslich 3 years ago -- When I cast off "fear" on the water, and asked friends to call me by my middle name Jonah for the first time.

That moment, captured by someone who sent me the photo you see above was truly an amazing spiritual and intimate experience with God.  I felt different.  I became different.  But I didn't know where my heart, God was leading me.

"The Lord has given a command concerning you, Nineveh:    “You will have no descendants to bear your name. I will destroy the images and idols that are in the temple of your gods.I will prepare your grave, for you are vile.”"
Very Soon I plan to write the 5th chapter in my midrash based on my understanding of the Jonah story. When I do I will share on my blog.

I will publish that during the High Holy Days.  It has yet to be "penned."  Besides, I want to be open to more meaning and greater blessings between now and the Holiday.  Whatever they may be. Deliverance is the Lord's!  (Baruch HaShem.)

Please pray with me.

Friday, September 13, 2019



Even though two of my four Democratic favorites made into the 2nd debate, there is NO sense in examining them since they don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of making it to the final debate, let alone the Election.  And by "hell" I mean Hell.

I am only going to speak about: Biden, Bernie, Warren and Harris.
They are the only Democratic Candidates that I think the DNC is willing to clear the way for. And by "clear the way" I mean clear the way for.

Make no mistake, THE DNC IS CALLING THE SHOTS.  If you didn't learn your lesson about Democratic politics from the last election, you may never learn.

And YES it is different in GOP politics.  But NOT because the GOP is terribly different!  It is because Donald J Trump REDEFINED Politics in America.  The Democratic Party simply hasn't had it's Trump, YET.  


One of those four won't make to the final primary debate stage. Care to guess who that is?  I will answer that out of the gate.


- Would be 77, 7 years older than DJT at the start of his first term.

- He is clearly and obviously having memory, cognitive and verbal dysfunction already!  Mind you, he has had multiple brain aneurysms.That is before the tremendous strains and demands of the Presidential office. Biden is not up for the campaign trail let alone the position of Commander In Chief. Forgetting "Creepy Joe," Trump's description of Binden as "Sleepy Joe" was actually being KIND!

RELATED SIDE NOTE: In retrospect, it was brilliant for Trump to take the high road and not mock a man who Trump must have known has serious health issues regarding brain function. Those of us who are old enough to remember the sad way Ronald declined should appreciate Trump's choice of "Sleepy Joe" - God help Joe in the next phase of is life.

I won't list all the reasons Biden can't handle China, Russia, the Middle East or even NATO.

Let's spare all the humorous, numerous and significant reasons Joe Biden will NOT be the Democratic Presidential nominee.

Joe is actually and truly "incompetent" to be President.  I give him a 35% chance of even lasting to the Primary election.


Once again, the DNC is controlling the process and rigging things. They are playing the candidates like pieces on a chess board.

The DNC knows Biden can't survive the process figuratively and literally.  Biden is on stage to give the illusion that there is any moderate aspect to the Democratic platform left.

If you took Biden off the debate stage, the entire group looks so far to the radical Left that Independent and Moderate Democrats and all businesses would be making donations to re-elect Trump at this point.

Biden is ALSO up there to help keep Kamala Harris a viable candidate.  The DNC hasn't made up it's mind whether Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris should be President. Kamala's record as a Prosecutor and the California AG is such that EVERY African American should be supporting DJT. Biden who also has a poor reputation with Blacks, except for his relationship with Obama, helps Kamala look good.

Speaking of "looking good," Kamala is Obama's girl.  Kamala doesn't need to go as far as she did with Mayor Willie Brown to get Obama to advance her career.

Kamala just needs Biden to step out of the race for health reasons. That's where Obama "comes in."

In a "private heart-to-heart" which will be public knowledge, Obama will give his stooge Joe Biden the "wise advice" he needs to hear to withdraw. Obama will tell Biden in effect, "Joe, you should take care of yourself, spend time with family and enjoy the time you have left." Of course with the MILLIONS HE MADE AS A CORRUPT POLITICIAN.

I would be NOT be surprised to see Obama make a large personal contribution to a Foundation that is near & dear to his old pal. That way Joe can focus on something meaningful in his "retired years." Say something to do with brain cancer or anything with the words "brain" and "non-profit" in it.  Biden needs to hear the word "brain" in the cause. And Obama needs the tax deduction.



- Would be 80 years old when he takes office as President. (10 yrs older than when DJT started.)

- Never had a real job in his life, yet has three luxury homes and is worth millions.

- Has been in politics for ~40, but has accomplished literally nothing and is essentially a joke in Congress. Crazy Uncle Bernie has NEVER TRULY been taken seriously in the Senate.

- Bernie's leadership style is basically to yell and wag his finger while he scolds everyone. He made up his mind on everything decades ago and hasn't had a new idea or solution since then. Bernie wouldn't recognize a fresh new approach to our nation's problems if hit him in the face.  Someone please do.

- Started as Capitalist-hating Communist who praised Cuba and honeymooned in Russia.  Evolved into a Capitalist-hating Socialist who wants to destroy the essential motivation for success in America that creates jobs, drives business, innovation, competition and success.

- Shows great contempt for America. It is a wonder if he has any "Love of Country" or Patriotism in him at all.

- Believes we can improve health care in America by putting every insurance company out business, financially destroying the drug industry and controlling what every doctor and hospital can charge for anything.

- Believes we can control health care costs in America by putting every American, including non-citizens here illegally on full health care coverage with no limits, no deductibles, no co-pay at virtually no charge by putting them on the bankrupt Medicare system. Thinks charging "major corporations" and 1% of Americans for all the costs is viable. The only thing more ludicrous is the Green New Deal which he supports too.

- Believes that by wiping out what practically every drug company, hospital and doctor can charge and taking away all their profits and essentially driving them out of business that somehow patients will have better choices and greater access to health care.

- Thinks the way to control the cost of education in America is to pay every teacher, regardless of where they are, experience or skills at least $60k and to give everyone a FREE college education.  Again, all his Socialist system needs to do is take the money away from business and the wealthy people and everything will be great.  It worked so well in Venezuela.

 - Has no clue about diplomacy,  national security, how to deal with foreign enemies and defense.

- Is a self-hating/Israel hating Jew.

馃, that's one of the best the Democratic party can do??

The truth is that Bernie is unelectable and the DNC knows it!! (They just won't say it.)  Just like with Hillary, the DNC will NOT let Bernie win the Primary. Crazy Bernie is up there to make Elizabeth Warren look good and everyone else look less crazy than they are.

The only one on the debate stage who doesn't get it is Bernie Sanders.  He is everyone's stooge.  



Warren has the most momentum and is taking votes away from Biden and Bernie. Plus, as the rest of the field drops out of the race the long tail of voters from other candidates need to make their final choice and that will benefit Warren.

Warren's political machinery is strengthening as her candidacy picks up momentum.  The DNC will start to put it's full forces to work in Warren's favor.

Warren comes with a lot of political "street cred." She is also hyper-progressive, intelligent, a clever debater/speaker and a woman. Without a doubt Warren is on the stage in the last debate.

But Warren brings plenty of baggage that ought to concern Democrats. Right off the bat is the fact that you & I are probably more Native American than she is. But you & I didn't lie about to get a job.  That "Pocahontas" label still sticks and still stings.

Warren will get every college professor in America's vote!  But every banker, insurance professional, doctor, manufacturer, miner, someone in the energy industry,  entrepreneur, investor and anyone with a 401k ought to be terrified by the thought of Warren being President.
As fast as Trump reduced regulations and the economy grew, with Warren it will all go in the other direction.  
Warren is worth millions, way more than Bernie. But unlike Bernie she may be THE MOST SOCIALIST Democratic Presidential nominee in history, IF she WINS the Primary.

What's for sure is that it will be entertaining to watch Warren and Trump debate one another.

The big question is whether or not she is fully backed by the Obama's.  That leads me to who I saved for last.


They want you to believe she doesn't have a chance. Just like Obama pretends he is out of politics.  He's not. She does. Just wait and see. Kamala's time will come .... after the DNC has eliminated all the FRONTRUNNERS.

Thursday, September 12, 2019



On many an evening, in the silence well after midnight, but well before the dawn, my spirit wakes me. Then, I have a choice to make. To return to my slumber, or to make time.

More often than not, I choose to make time in the still of the night.  In this most intimate moment it is my choice where to put my attention.

I choose -- Not the TV. Not the telephone.  Not my customers. Not my friends and family. Not even my animals, they sleep too. This is my time to do as I choose.

ALL is quite. All except my mind and spirit. In the quiet I can hear. I choose whether to listen to my mind or my spirit. I choose my muse.

Psalm 104 Verse 34: Let my muse be sweet unto him; as for me, I will rejoice in the LORD.

Then I return to my slumber, more rested. Glory to God's choices.

Saturday, August 31, 2019



Below is one translation of the full verses from Leviticus where the "Golden Rule" originates from.

Most of us are only aware of the last portion of the verse. " your neighbor as yourself." However, the beginning is an essential lead up. 

Verse 17
You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your fellow, but you shall not bear a sin on his account.   讬讝诇ֹֽ讗־转ִ砖ְׂ谞ָ֥讗 讗ֶ转־讗ָ讞ִ֖讬讱ָ 讘ִּ诇ְ讘ָ讘ֶ֑讱ָ 讛讜ֹ讻ֵ֤讞ַ 转ּ讜ֹ讻ִ֨讬讞ַ֙ 讗ֶ转־注ֲ诪ִ讬转ֶ֔讱ָ 讜ְ诇ֹֽ讗־转ִ砖ָּׂ֥讗 注ָ诇ָ֖讬讜 讞ֵֽ讟ְ讗:

Verse 18
You shall neither take revenge from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
讬讞诇ֹֽ讗־转ִ拽ֹּ֤诐 讜ְ诇ֹֽ讗־转ִ讟ֹּ专֙ 讗ֶ转־讘ְּ谞ֵ֣讬 注ַ诪ֶּ֔讱ָ 讜ְ讗ָֽ讛ַ讘ְ转ָּ֥ 诇ְ专ֵֽ注ֲ讱ָ֖ 讻ָּ诪֑讜ֹ讱ָ 讗ֲ谞ִ֖讬 讬ְ讛讜ָֹֽ讛:

Have some taken hate for President Trump "into their heart" and nurtured a grudge?

When we hate our fellow in our heart and nurture a grudge, that hate leads to a powerful anger.  When that happens it can cause us to take sin upon ourselves and to seek revenge.

IMPORTANT: Before I go any further, I want to preface what I am about to say. This article is NOT intended to vilify or defend anyone.  I am trying to offer an a non-political paradigm for seeing matters.  I respectfully ask readers to suspend judgment of the character and actions of the my subject's people and parties.

In my opinion the underlying source of the hate in America today is the result of dysfunctional processing of the "GRIEF" over Hillary's "loss" in the 2016 Presidential election. Let me explain.

The night Hillary lost the 2016 Presidential election, for many Americans it was as though they suffered a death. Trump killed Hillary, metaphorically speaking.  The fact that Hillary didn't come out for a concession speech the night she lost was ironically very fitting.
When people see Hillary today, it is profoundly like seeing a ghost.  
Art & Culture have a particular nature of capturing public sentiments. During Saturday Night Live’s cold open the week of the election, SNL featured a surprising departure from the show’s typical humor about the presidential race. In character as Hillary Clinton, Kate McCinnon performed a mournful rendition of “Hallelujah.”
(Note: Leonard Cohen had passed that week so there was already a sence of grief and morning in the air.)

Adding insult to injury, Trump supporters celebrate the loss of Hillary. The deplorables applaud him for killing her right to be President. When Trump supporters speak of "winning," Hillary supporters take it profoundly personally.

Grieving is a psychological process with several stages. Shock > Denial > Anger > Acceptance.

A psychological problem comes about when one gets stuck at any stage in the grieving process.

Grief begins with shock. Hillary supporters and the media couldn't believe Hillary lost the Presidential election. It was like getting heart piercing news of a fatal car crash involving someone dear. Hillary's supporters entered the first stage of grief - shock.

Shortly after that the mourners (Hillary supporters) moved to the second stage of the grieving process. They went from shock to denial.  That's when we heard "not my president" and so many citizens became "never Trumpers."

After denial grief moves to anger. Heaven knows that happened.  Americans were outraged. The attitude was that Trump must have stolen the election. Russia must have helped him! That happened nearly three years ago. America has been stuck there ever since.

So many Hillary supporters have not moved past anger to acceptance - the last stage.  They are stuck at anger.

That anger has been perpetuated and fostered by Hollywood stars, celebrity entertainers, the media and news, politicians, the Party and Deep State actors like Comey and others.  That anger has festered and morphed into full blown hate - a hate that is deep in the heart.


There is a ton of material regarding the ways people cope with hate. Check out this paper on Understanding and Overcoming Hate. 

"Denial is a defense mechanism frequently employed by the mind to cope with painful, uncomfortable, or embarrassing aspects of our psyche."

Side note: All media and politicians exploit emotion. That is the nature of what they do!   

Friday, August 23, 2019



The trajectory of hate directed at all things Trump is increasing in frequency, volume and directness.


The biased vitriol against all things Trump being directed at the American mind may overwhelm our Nation BEFORE the 2020 election.  It could be said that America is going to have a premature eruption.

The density and intensity of this divisive narrative is on a trajectory which is leading the USa to an unsustainable state.  The pressure in America is building up like a balloon that is over inflated.

Are Americans going to blame Trump for that? Or will they recognize that the mainstream media and candidates who are twisting every word and every intention of Trump in order to win the 2020 election are the cause?

IF there is a "premature eruption" and if the general sense is that the blame rests LESS with Trump's ACTUAL intentions and actions and MORE with how the LEFT presented the situation, what are the consequences for the 2020 Election?

THAT IS A VERY BIG "IF." But it is NOT far fetched.

What if there is some new significant element of information which shatters the narrative of either the Left or the Right?  For example a recession would deeply damage Trump's narrative. Which is why many on the Left are talking that possibility up.  And why Trump is so anxious for a Fed rate cut.

Do you HOPE for a recession? Or do want America to be more prosperous? 

By the same token, if substantial evidence which could not be ignored showed that the Obama Administration and the Deep State conspired to commit the crime of Sedition and that the mainstream media was complicit by ignoring the story for 3 years while pushing a hoax, wouldn't that change the perception of many Democrats?

We will have to wait and see to find out what is actually going to happen.

There is more in play than some are willing to believe.

This may be a large factor . . .

What is the capacity of each side, Left and Right to cope with the stresses of both their own and the opposing narrative?

On this point I could argue that the Right is having more fun and more laughs. Don't get me wrong - there are plenty on the Right who are disturbed. But you can not help notice the joy and jubilation at Trump rallies. And let's face it, scenes of the Radical Left literally howling and breaking down or having absurd and extreme emotional outbursts is all too common.

To put it simply --- Fox hosts are having way more fun that CNN or MSN hosts!

Monday, August 19, 2019


All through the Presidental campaign the massive crowds at Trump rallies would chant "Lock her up."  But once Trump won and took office he turned the other cheek and seemed willing to move on without seeking vengeance for the good of the country. But the Clinton's and the Deep State were determined to pursue "Plan B."

Not since the first conspiracy to kill George Washington in order to stop the American Revolution have we had a case of crimes against America that were so high.

The biggest question in American political history is about to be answered. Let me explain.

The attacks against Trump by the Left, including the media, are as loud and angry as ever. They are fueled by evil forces. Those evil forces are scared because the crimes under investigations are about to be prosecuted.

During the Presidential campaign, when candidate Trump said he was being "spied on." The reaction in the media and by many others was that he was crazy.

Today, it is accepted that Trump was correct. AG Barr said during Congressional testimony.  "There was spying." That is a watershed moment which changed the paradigm.

Trump has been going on repeatedly for YEARS against Hillary, the DNC and others for pursuing a "witch hunt" while ignoring "real Russian collusion" via the fake Steel dossier that was constructed with Russian supplied false accusations.

The Media ignored those accusations too. They treated Trump's accusations as more crazy talk. They mocked him mercilessly. That is until the Mueller investigation and report proved Trump correct again. The Mueller investigation found no Collusion by Trump with Russia in order to effect the Presidential campaign.

AG Barr has made it his mission to get to the bottom of how the Mueller investigation even began. By the time he is through we will know whether the FISA court process was abused by Comey who sought permission to spy on American citizens.

Trump provided AG Barr access to classified documents to help his investigation. Trump ordered that EVERYTHING Barr needed be available. The FBI, CIA and other Federal Agencies were ordered by Barr to fully cooperate with investigations.

As a result of tireless efforts by Judicial Watch, Rep. Nunes when he headed the House Judiciary  Committee and others, signficant evidence which supports Trump's claims has surfaced since the Mueller investigation wrapped up.

AG Barr appointed a tough and tested US Attorney, John Dunham to help him and the Inspector General Horowitz with investigations. These investigations can lead to prosecutions, whereas Congress does not have judicial powers.

While we wait for Barr and Dunham to reveal their findings, deeply damming evidence surfaces nearly weekly.  The legality of the entire dossier and FISA Court applications are called into question.

No Collusion is one thing but a hoax is another.  The stakes are much higher.

For nearly a year Trump has said what happened to him was conspiracy to commit "sedition," possibly even the higher crime of treason if Russia was involved directly with USA persons.

The Left and mainstream media continue to ignore the seriousness of Trump's accusations. 

In addition to saying there was spying, AG Barr said during his congressional testimony that the crucial question that he needed to get the answer to is this: "Was the spying predicated."

There is an equally serious question which AG Barr, US Attorney Dunham and Senator Lindsey Graham are going to answer soon. It is the biggest question in American political history:

Was there a plot to spy on the Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton the DNC, aided by the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA and Obama Administration in order to stop candidate Trump and remove President Trump?  (The infamous "Plan B.")

If the answer to this questions is "yes," it is fair to say the following:

1. This represents the greatest crimes against America in history.

2. The mainstream media and even Democrats in Congress were complicit by ignoring this story. By doing so they allowed it to happen.

3. As President Trump has repeatedly said, "We must never allow this to happen to another President EVER AGAIN."

4. If and when AG Barr holds a press conference to disclose the findings of the findings of his active investigations, Barr reveals that indictments for such crimes are being unsealed, the revelations will be BOMBSHELLS THAT WILL ROCK THE WORLD.

Maybe that day I won't need to say . . .


Wednesday, August 7, 2019


America needs Mr. Rogers. We don't need the hate. We are all to blame for the blame. It doesn't matter that you "know" you're right or that I "know" I am right. America doesn't win unless we all win. That is how society moves forward and improves rather than swinging back and forth from Left to Right. Partisanship is the enemy. Ego is the enemy. Emotionally biased reasoning is the enemy.

Humans decide emotionally and justify their choice with logically reasoning. Deep down we all have an inner lawyer who is going to win our emotionally biased intuitive response, whether we are correct or not. In this respect you can presume that we are all guilty, because we all do it. It is what makes us human.

We ALL grew up human. There are very few people who rise above our evolutionary design. Perhaps there are those people have "reincarnated" or are more "evolved." Some are profoundly fortunate to have our paths touched by such an individual - a healer, a prophet, wise spiritual leader. One like Moses or Jesus or Buddha.

Democrats and Republicans are locked into the truth they believe. It's so hard to let it go! And once we put the debate in the context of politics with the high stakes of power & money agenda, the lying and cheating is inevitable.

Neither the Left or the Right will reason their way out of their position. The mainstream media isn't going to help America heal - unless it's in their interests and its not. The only hope is sympathy or empathy. The only hope is the reason God gave us love & kindness, humility and grace. But we need a healer and spirit guide to help us along the way - someone we are willing to trust and open our heart to. Someone such as Mr. Rogers.