Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fiddling While Rome Burns

The expression "fiddling while Rome burns" may not be historically accurate, but the meaning of the expression, which is "to occupy oneself with unimportant matters and neglect priorities during a crisis," is an appropriate way to describe the leadership of President Obama when it comes to the budget crisis.

Back on Feb. 12th President Obama sent his $3.7 trillion fiscal 2012 budget plan to Congress.  Since the President's State of the Union speech announcing his intention to freeze spending at this unsustainable level there has been a fire burning in congress.  Yet the the President's leadership has been absent. Obama is seriously risking that growing possibility that a government shutdown will be the defining moment for his presidency.

It's been said, "For now, Obama is content to let lawmakers snipe at each other, with a little more than a week before the March 4 shutdown deadline."  Does he think that congress, a dysfunctional partisan body that is as divided as ever can reach a decision on the most contentious and enormous political challenge in a generation without leadership?

The parties are not negotiating! They are arguing over $60 billion out of a $3.7 trillion budget!    They have drawn battle lines and Washington can't agree on cutting even 2% of the budget! Time is on the side of the Republicans and the Tea Party since if a continuous spending resolution is not passed much of the Federal Government will automatically come to a screeching halt. 

As both parties in congress play a game of chicken, betting the other will blink first, the risk is rising. "Shutdown" is fast becoming the buzzword used by both parties in Washington, and those covering the situation. Each party believes Americans will blame the other for any shutdown. But I doubt most Americans have given much thought to the impact of either budget option (a shutdown or major cuts) on the Nation and the State's operations?  While Washington is "fiddling" the States are going up in flames!

I don't care how good a speaker Obama is, when the Feds and the States face the inevitable reality that they have to restructure labor agreements, health benefits, and retirement packages/pensions there is nothing the President can say that millions of Americans expecting those entitlements will want to hear!  Try to imagine angry protests and job actions across the nation backed by the likes of the Teamsters, AFL-CIO, Rail Unions, Teachers Unions, The TSA, Police Unions, Postal Workers, and dozens of others. According to a 2/24/11 Article in NPR, "In fact, he (Obama) has only made one comment on the union battles, and that was last week."

Obama is fiddling, so when the flames rise up we better hope the firemen don't go on strike!!

Other Related Stories:
Shutdown Is No Joke - NPR
What Would a Government Shutdown Look Like - PBS
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