Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Prosperity Is a Hate Spoiler

First we saw a reconciliation with Romney and Cruz, two fierce opponents.  Then Trump held a "Tech Meeting" which included Bezos from Amazon and Cook from Apple, two of the most powerful business leaders in the world who were vocally at odds with candidate Trump. That meeting could have gone much worse, and instead signaled positive intention by all parties to work together to promote innovation and improve cyber-security.  Now we learn of a meeting with another major business leader, who is sure to influence Mexico's president in order to bridge differences and mend fences (pun intended) with Mexico.  Text from an article about that meeting is pasted below.

Trump takes his oath of office in about 30 days, and I have never know a President to be so actively and openly setting the stage to hit the ground running  upon taking office.  All while also traveling the country to thank voters in battleground states that gave him the election. All while facing efforts by those who insisted that Trump concede the election, but now openly try to discredit Trump's win and maintain a divided nation.

Animal spirits and a new pro-business/pro-America age of private and public investment could be unleashed to usher in the greatest coordinated business and economic development period our country has seen since the end of WWII.

Trump is creating positive inertia.  He is building momentum which hopefully will carry into capital investment, entrepreneurial risk tacking, business expansion, and and renewed consumer activity.  Government stands ready do its part through terribly past due tax reform, infrastructure investment, simpler and less onerous regulation, and a leadership's expression of an enthusiastic vision for the future.  Trump already has the slogan that says it all - Make America Great Again!

The legacy of the great recession is hate, jealousy, fear, and bitterness.  We have  millions of scared and disappointed people looking for someone to blame.
Unlike the last eight years which only made the rich more wealthy and the income inequality gap larger, this expansion promises opportunities for lots of angry people. Angry white men who have lost their factory jobs, angry black men and angry Hispanics who yearn for a piece of the pie, angry students struggling to pay their student debt, angry middle class folks seeing their financial status eroded, angry seniors on fixed income whose interest income has faded to practically nothing, angry tax payers who keep having their hard earnings sucked away from them by governments that are starved for a revenue base that has had too little benefit from economic expansion. Just watch how much less anger there is in America when America is growing more prosperous.

Trump has many faults.  And I don't ask you to like him. He says things he shouldn't say. And he walks a line he should not walk with impressions that his words and actions give about how to treat women, and people in general. He is a bully. He is a bastard for certain business practices. And he has tremendous constitutional conflicts of interest. So there are more than ample reasons to not want to support Trump personally.  So here is how I reconcile that in mind.  I am supporting American prosperity and I believe that what can happen under President Trump will ultimately lead to that and less hate!

Text below is from an article about meeting Trump had with Carlos Slim last night:

"Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim got a "very positive" impression from U.S. President-elect Donald Trump about ties with Mexico after the two met for dinner on Saturday in Florida, a spokesman for the Mexican telecoms billionaire said on Monday.

Trump angered Mexicans during the election campaign by pledging to build a wall on the U.S. southern border and make Mexico pay for it, as well as threatening to ditch a joint trade deal and impose punitive tariffs on Mexican-made goods.

Those pledges sparked criticism from business leaders including Slim, who said Trump's plans could destroy the U.S. economy. But following the Nov. 8 election, Slim offered a more upbeat take, saying that if Trump succeeded, it would be good news for Mexico."

Footnote: Listen to how understand how poverity breads contempt, jealously, hate, and lead to socialism and beauracracy, and government control . . . Of the WORST ORDER.