Friday, December 16, 2016

Trump Wants the Biggest Trophy Ever

Trump's wants to go down in history as the one who sealed the biggest deal there is .... the Israeli peace deal.  He also wants to please his daughter Ivanka, who he trusts more than anyone in his life.

Trump is going to be directly involved with his new Ambassador in negotiations. Ivanka will be "in the room when it happens." She and her husband Jared are going to very engaged in this process! Ivanka will be right by his side, while Jared operates largely behind the scenes with Israel.

Who knows exactly what Trump has up his sleeve, but my sense is he is going to go after a deal that will settle things for Israel in ways no other US President has.

There are a few aspects I expect to stand out early as Trump moves forward. Each of them are a 180° shift from previous policy, which after all, hasn't worked in 40 years.

Out of the gate, Trump will send a strong message to the Palestinian authorities that he has a very different stance than past Presidents.  It will be obvious which Palestinian parties will not have a seat at the table and that the USA is prepared to back Israeli efforts to marginalize them.  (He is basically saying, Go to hell Hamas.)

1. He makes it obvious that he stands with Israel, over the Palestinians.
2. He moves the US Embassy to Jerusalem, making it perfectly clear that it is the eternal capital of the Jewish State
3. He signals to world that the US is prepared to back away from the two state approach.
4. He bring Russia into the process to bring leverage on Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
5. He supports Netanyahu in every effort to clamp down on know terror organizations in the M.E., particularly in Gaza, West Bank, and Lebanon.
6. This point ties in with #5. He takes zero shit from Iran and closes more doors on them developing or obtaining a nuclear weapon.  

Trump is already setting the stage these positions. Notice what just selected US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman said, "If the Israelis don't want to do it, so he doesn't think they should do it. ... He does not think it is an American imperative for it to be an independent Palestinian state."

Trump's most recent move, his Embassy appointment, is the sure sign that the gloves are coming off, and the sleeves are being rolled up.  We are either in for a fight, or we are going to be getting down to brass tack negotiating.

Trump is going to put his own negotiating skills to the ultimate test, in his quest for his biggest deal ever.  He may land the biggest deal in history. OR, he may be setting the stage for the Messiah to show up!

One Love. One State. ISRAEL.