Monday, March 13, 2017

Life Without Women - A Lesson We Did Not Need To Learn

Are we really a nation that needed to be taught a lesson of what life would be like without women? Are women so devalued in America, and the Western world, that women needed to go on strike to prove their value?

At time in history, NOW, feminist are protesting the unfair treatment of women in a country, the USA, where they never had it better.  No offense Ladies, but a lot of men are confused.

ALL the guys who love their wife and daughter and mother with all their heart and would give them a kidney if they needed it, wonder how we went so wrong.  Or maybe it is only Republicans who are oppressing women?  Or at least the Republicans who do not love their wife, daughters, or mother. Still confusing.

It seems to me personally, that nearly any woman or man's life is largely in their own hands.  Call me naive for thinking that either a woman or a man's future opportunities will be mostly determined by how hard they work, their personal choices, the way they treat others, and their values and priorities. Surely God's gifts, and the genetic advantages which control intelligence, talent, appearance, health, and other things factor in. But over all, once one combines both those things which are within one's control with those that are not, is there really that much left that it is worth going "On Strike" over?

I am all for celebrating women, but that does not seem to be the tone or message being sent by this "A Day Without Women" protest.

Do feminist think men do not get women's concerns for their health? Are all the husbands, fathers, and sons not caring enough?  Or is it only those men who are unmarried, without daughters, motherless and that are also in congress, or rise to the level of Supreme Court Justice, that are the problem?

Any man who is not deranged gets that you want to be able to make choices over what you do with your body.  Any man who puts on a shirt to go to work gets that you will sue your employer, or get people fired if you are sexually harassed. Men, especially including husbands, get that you expect to be paid fairly for your work. So do we.  And who would not want 12 paid weeks off work to spend time with their new baby? But try to have a little heart on a small business that has many challenges already making payroll.

Has the the situation in America turned so bad that women need to rise up and protest the treatment of women?  Or does the protest have nothing to do with current conditions?  Is it only a protest over what has not happened yet but will happen when a Republican Administration with the support of half of America oppresses women in America in the future?

Would it be so awful if some stricter rules were applied to abortion, NOT THE TOTAL OUTLAW?  Given all the birth control methods available, as well as the means to end an unwanted pregnancy in the earlier stages, do you think woman are going to lack the means to opt out of unwanted parenthood?  Besides, some men and women alike do not consider giving SOME protection to a LATER term viable fetes to be altogether unfair. Surely there will be some women who will walk this earth as a result who would be thankful for such protection. AGAIN, a women would still have many PRIOR months to alter the course of an unwanted pregnancy.

ON THE OTHER HAND, I truly DO BELIEVE a protest is called for women who DO HAVE IT BAD! Horrifically bad.  But not here in God Blessed America.  In countries where Sharia Law is adhered to!  And the women who are the victims of the sex traffic that crosses our borders illegally day in and day out.  Those women can NOT protest for themselves!!!  But it does not seem like the "A Day Without Women" protest is directed at support for them and against the oppressive regimes they are under. Isn't one the organizers a supporter for Sharia Law in America?

Finally, if a "A Nasty Women" is mostly a way of saying we are very upset that HRC lost the election and that Trump won, I have a fair question.  Does Trump, who is fighting against the evil and oppressive treatment of women by ISIS and radical Islam, as well as the sex traffic that comes in illegally at our borders, get any credit for that?  Doesn't it mean anything that Trump's daughter Ivanka is standing by his side and speaking up for the greatness of women?  Isn't it notable that out of the 45 individuals who have ever become POTUS, that Trump's campaign was the first to be lead by a woman?  I am even willing to get Trump credit for selecting a black woman, and a Jewish woman to be his "Apprentice" on two seasons of his show.

Anyway, here is Andrew Klavan to explain things with his trademark extreme sarcastic humor. A Day Without  Feminist.