Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Left Mocks. I Pray.

This New Year, Rosh Hashana, I am praying for President Trump and America in a VERY SPECIAL PLACE.  Here is why.

Have you noticed the pattern with Trump and the Left and elite in the media and Entertainment industry?

- Mocked for running for President .... Now even Democrats are embarrassed by Hillary.

- Mocked for warning about voter fraud ... he was right.

- Mocked for saying the IRS targeted Conservatives ... they did.

- Mocked over how he would get the economy to pick up by reducing regulation and creating a pro business climate .... we are breaking out of malaise big time.

- Mocked for wanting to saying he would bring back American manufacters, trillions in overseas profits, and attack our trade imbalances ... he is making progress.

- Mocked for criticizing NATO allies for underpaying  ... he was right and they are starting to pay up!

- Mocked for recognizing threats of refugees from certain countries ... look at the horrible problems in Europe.

- Mocked about Russia and collusion ... nearly 9 months and still no evidence.

- Mocked about claims that his Tower and campaign were wire tapped by Obama and the FBI ... it was just exposed that it happened and Clapper lied under oath about, and Comey failed to disclose.

- Mocked that he said the Democrats rigged the Primary ... they did.

- Mocked about his boasts about dealing with ISIS ... his efforts have turned the tide and taken the caliphate.

- Mocked for his position on the failures of the United Nations ... his choice for UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley is rocking their world!

- Mocked for saying there were had guys on both sides at Charlottesville ... now we are seeing Antifa for the anti-American Anarchists they are, and that Obama was warned by the FB I years ago.

- Mocked about his trip to and approach on the Middle East ... Saudi Arabia and Israel are talking!  Wow

- And yesterday, mocked for his speech criticizing the failures of the United Nations ... he couldn't be more right.

- Mocked for his handling of North Korea ... China just implemented along with the US and others the toughest sanctions on North Korea in history.  It is amazing that China was willing to cripple it's ally financially and it never would have happened if not for Trump.

I could go on. And the list will grow.  Because Trump will get needed tax reform done. He will get a better immigration plan in place and improve border security.  He will address the failure of Obama care. He will improve the quality and readiness of our national defense. He will deal with threats from North Korea and Iran which have expanded under prior presidents.

Trump is getting things done in spite of a completely obstructionist Democratic party and the mainstream media and entertainment industry, basically the Washington establishment and the Left, thwarting his every move.

Trump beat ALL the odds and all the pundits/pollsters to get elected the 45th President. Imagine if the media and others started to take him seriously and stopped mocking him for wanting to make America greater?  Imagine what would happen if rather than wanting to undermine and impeach him, more Democrats wanted to work with him in the spirit of the common good? Imagine how much could be accomplished if we prayed for our President?

I am going to do just that. For the first time in my life I chose to make my Rosh Hashanah dedicated to praying for our President and America.  I can not stand the disgusting treatment he is receiving.  If G-d had a hand in the creation of America, which I believe, then G-d's hand is on 45.  It is a miracle he got elected, he beat ALL the odds to accomplish something no other person has - as the oldest first term president and the first without either any military or political service. He didn't even have the strong support of his political party.

So today, for erev Rosh Hashanah, Mary and I are heading to a Temple with a rich Jewish American history.  A temple I have always wanted to learn more about. The Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, that is the oldest surviving Jewish synagogue building in North America, and the only surviving synagogue building in the U.S. dating to the colonial era, founded in 1763. (National Historic site since 1946!)

And when I pray there at this Temple with such a rich American history, I will be praying that my fellow Jews and all Americans will want their President to succeed, rather than fail. Praying that he be given greater wisdom and understanding rather than being mocked for his stupidity. Praying that he will continue to keep us safe rather than being challenged for his best intentions to keep terrorists out of America.

Touro Synagogue had a special relationship with the President of the United States. One that drew a very special and famous letter from George Washington with the following extraordinary expression,

In 1790, the synagogue's warden, Moses Seixas, wrote to George Washington, expressing his support for Washington's administration and good wishes for him. Washington sent a letter in response, which read in part:

"... the Government of the United States ... gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. ... May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy."

Letter of George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island

Link to Touro website 

About my Trip