Saturday, September 23, 2017

Trump Signaled To The World

For all those who thought President Trump's speech last Tuesday before the United Nations General Assembly was a disgrace, I've got news for you. It earned much praise from former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and others, who unlike the media and critics, actually understand foreign policy.

Bolton was especially impressed by the much-needed paradigm shift in foreign policy proposed by the president. Referring to Trump’s fierce criticism of Venezuela, North Korea and Iran, Bolton stated, “I think it’s safe to say in the entire history of the United Nations, there has never been a more straightforward criticism of the behavior, the unacceptable behavior, of member states."

He also said, “I think these are about as clear an indication as a president can make that he’s not going to live with the kinds of half measures and compromises that frankly for 25 years have marked American policy and led us to the present desperate situation."

Trump's speech signaled that the days of appeasing our enemies and letting them walk all over us are over. Unlike past White House Administration, Trump's is not going to cater to terrible regimes such as Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela like a despondent child who only needs some kind words and a treat to be set straight.

This applies to failed ideologies like socialism as well. Trump delivered the cold and direct truth about the devastation of Venezuela’s once-wealthy nation by the implementation of socialism. Trump nailed it with this line to be remembered, “The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented."

Bolton loved that statement: “I tell you, there are a lot of people in the U.N. who have never heard anything like that from an American president." Russian diplomats seized on Trump's speech as possible turning point for relations.

Said one conservative Journalist writing about this historic watershed moment at the United Nations, "Trump set a new tone — one of strength in the face of both evil men and evil ideologies."

Again, Trump has changed the equation.  Leaders in nations around the world have a new calculus to have to figure out. Gone are the days of failed predictability and elitist rhetoric. Progressive Democrats and the media elite who can only find trivial points to express their pathetic contempt and criticism, have missed the big picture and the potential for big results which are already evident from Trumps major shift in foreign policy.  But I assure you that world leaders recognized Trump's signal that the USA is back to leading boldly from the front.  And as much as Trump's critics hate to admit it, our allies are loving it.  Because the world is a safer place when we do. Especially on the terms that Trump clearly laid out.

There was plenty of criticism of Trump's speech as well.  The most fierce coming from Iran, North Korea, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and late night TV comedians.  They deserve each other!