Monday, December 18, 2017

National Identity: Time For A Place For A Discussion

In order to solve big problems and truly make America greater, we truly need to find our way back to having respectful discussions. 

I have shared an article* pertaining to just one of the many bones of contention that our country is grappling with, control and use of Federal lands. The article approaches this hotly debated topic in a manner we hardly see. Mainstream media is proving NOT to be the place where discussions like I wish to have are taking place. To the contrary.  Social media, which I thought offered some hope, is proving to be unfit as well.  I would have thought such conversations were taking place academically, on college & university campuses, but there are disturbing signs about what is actually taking place. Last but not least, is the Halls of Congress, the dysfunctional grand daddy of them all.

It seems as though the United States is having an identity crisis. Here is link to an intellectual paper on this notion of searching for national identity.

Perhaps there is some large phenomenon at play. For example the pattern of ~250 cycles (see blow), or some Messianic prophetic event that some believe was foretold.

Assyria 859 – 612 BC 247 years
Persia (Cyrus and descendants) 538 – 330 BC 208 years
Greece (Alexander and descendants) 331 – 100 BC 231 years
Roman Republic 260 – 27 BC 233 years
Roman Empire 27 BC – AD 180 207 years
Arab Empire 634 – 880 246 years
Marmeluke Empire 1250 – 1517 267 years
Ottoman Empire 1320 – 1570 250 years
Spain 1500 – 1750 250 years
Romanov Russia 1682 – 1916 234 years
Britain 1700 – 1950 250 years

Getting back to the point I started with, the need in America to be able to have respectful discussions.  In a sense, a country is relationship between it's citizens - to one another and to the country they each identify with.  In relationships there are tipping points - events which unfold and bring about changes to that relationship, potentially a collapse or to higher and better level. I believe active communication, empathy, and a desire to seek a greater good outcome are critical at such times. The question is, where is the place for this? And is it happening today in America?

* Article referenced in my opening paragraph.  Special Briefing: A Monumental Showdown --