Monday, December 11, 2017

Trump Success Comes From What He Hears

Left critics of President Trump don't support ANYTHING he does, so it is not very shocking that they would go bonkers over his Embassy decision. They say it will hurt the "Peace Process."  What peace process?  For years Abbas has refused to negotiate and has only sought to undermine Israel in the U.N., which as a body has focused on passing one terrible condemnation after another of Israel while ignoring a multitude of crimes and violations by others.

The Left says the President's decision will "destabilize the Middle East and result in violence."  Somehow I failed to notice how stable and peaceful the Middle East has been these past 60 years.

The Left has taken away the wrong message from President's courageous action.  Here is what they seem to be missing:

“. . . for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye.” Zechariah 2:12,

“I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.” Genesis 12:3:

Here is the thing.  The Left fails to appreciate that President Trump is not just speaking. Even before he speaks, he listens. Trump is a receiver. He listened to America, and America elected him.  And I believe he is listening still when it comes to the Middle East and Israel. The message that Trump delivers to us, is the message he hears.  The Left has repeatedly underestimated Trump's voice because they completely discount that he listens.

We can relate the President's action with respect to his decision to move our embassy back to Jerusalem to Numbers 13, in which Joshua and Caleb urged the people to enter the Land of Israel without fear of their enemies. Trump heard this message echoing from the past.

President Trump's action does not hurt or weaken Israel. It protects and sustains it.  Nor does it hurt the chances for peace and a safe and secure home for Palestinians.  People of all cultures and faiths can prosper and practice their faith in Israel.  The only thing stopping them is their hatred.

The President's action confronts the closed mind set of hate.  The President's action squares the position of the USA with reality, and forces Palestinians to choose between peace and violence, between love and hate, between prosperity and suffering, between a brighter and a darker future.

President Trump's declaration on December 6, 2017 presents the Palestinians with a choice to make. A choice to see freshly the opportunities that are before them for peace and prosperity, or to see only darkness and vengeance ahead.  Their situation is akin to this passage from Deuteronomy, verse 19:  "This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live"