Friday, March 27, 2020


I am going to challenge the way you think.  More specifically,  I am going to challenge the mainstream media's perspective on COVID-19.

Before I do I have to preface what I mean by the expression "the way you think."

I know how MOST of America thinks! Most Americans think like they are told to think. They think like their media sources tells them to think. They think like CNN, MSN. the NY Times, Washington Post OR, they think like FOX. They think like Democrats or Republicans.
People think like those who control the message want us to think.
In order to truly THINK for yourself you need to do much more than listen to the media or Hollywood. And sadly, even go to college!  Do you think a Liberal College Professor teaching a gender studies class wants you to think? They do not!  They want to fill your brain with how they want you to think!  Then again, so does a accounting or physics professor.  Both the Gender Studies professor and the Physics professor are teaching WHAT to think.

People don't have time to truly THINK for themselves!  So they upload their thoughts from the mainstream media every day.
People turn on the TV like we go to the gas station. We pick our pump and filler up!
In order to THINK one must do three things:
1. Pray - One must begin with an honest desire for truth and a deeper understanding. One must formulate questions in their mind and call out to something greater than themselves for inspiration and guidance.

2. Contemplate - One must look thoughtfully for a long time at the situation and ponder the possibilities. One must be open, curious and receptive. One must explore, observe and be patient!

3. Expression - Thoughts must be processed.  We need to formulate our thoughts. This requires the hand. That's right - One must perform their thoughts through acts of creation involving the interaction between our heart, mind and hand.  We must write. It could be a letter or an article or blog post, or a song, a poem or painting. Possibly even a dance, though I'd suggest that dance is a better way to process emotions than thoughts.  In order to process thought one needs to use their hands.  Facebook posts are a shallow and inadequate substitute for the process that I believe is required to THINK.
I believe that a person who is not praying, contemplating and expressing, they aren't seriously "THINKING." 
Discussing your thoughts can be an effective means of expression. Discussions typically fall quite short more often than not.

I have said enough about the challenges and shortcomings of "thinking" in America today.  Now I want to challenge the way much of mainstream media is telling us what to think about Covid-19.

1. First, a fact:
~80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 have been adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85.
If someone who is 80+ years old dies from the virus is that considered a "premature" death?

If someone who is 85 years old dies from cancer, heart disease or influenza and pneumonia is that considered a premature death?

Murder is premature death.  Being killed by a drunk driver is premature death. Suicide is premature death.  Those ddeaths are the result of Man's actions. Viruses are a fact of life. They part of God's design.  (If COVID-19 was engineered by the CCP, that is a case of mass murder!)

2. Suppose that over the next 12 months there are 10,000 deaths in the USA from Covid-19.  Let's say that during the same period there is also a 100,000* increase in the number of babies attributed to Covid-19 and social distancing. Was there more death or life as a result of the virus?
*In a typical year there are approximately 3.8 million births. In 2016 the number of births hit a 30 year low.
3. The challenges America and the world faces as a result of Covid-19 are causing long and extremely needed changes in the public and private sectors, as well as in individual lives.  Here are some examples:

  • New systems and capabilities for testing are being introduced. So are methods for managing and distributing medical care such as telemedicine and mobile testing. 
  • Planners are evaluating our supply chain. There is greater appreciation of the need for stockpiling critical supplies.
  • America is reducing our dependence on China and elsewhere for drugs and other critical supplies. Many new jobs will be created in the USA. 
  • People are considering their priorities in life and making more conscious choices about how to value and protect relations and what is meaningful to them.
  • People are using the time they have at home in constructive ways such as cleaning, organizing and doing projects.
  • Some people are deciding they want deepen their relationship to God and Yeshua. 
  • America and other nations will be far more prepared to handle future health crisis.
  • There is incredible improvement in the cooperation taking place within government at all levels as well as between the government and the business sector. It is reminiscent of the WWII wartime spirit that enabled us to defeat the enemy and win the war. America emerged out of the Depression as well as WWII stronger and better.  We began some of most prosperous years in our Nation's history. 

So, if all these positive things and many other beneficial consequences come from Covid-19, are there more reasons to be pessimistic or hopeful?

There are different ways to look at the situation with Covid-19.  It depends on how we choose to THINK about it. It depends on whether we do the THINKING or we let others tell us what to THINK.