Friday, March 13, 2020


(Note: This post was has not been updated with many significant developments since May.  E.G. Operation Warp speed, Stimulus, etc.)

The media and the Left have been terribly critical of Trump and his Administration over the handling of the Covid-19 virus, aka the Wuhan Flu because of it origin.

This blog post represents my effort TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT ON COVID TESTING. I have gathered facts and put together a timeline to help us judge that.

First, I will share that I have a very close family member who is quarantined with extremely serious health conditions who doctors did not have a test kit for. So I am well aware of people's frustration and fear!! (In case you are wondering I have NOT been in physical contact with this person or anyone else who has in over a month.)

Now, there is no denying that we have a shortage of test kits. Plus, there is no question that actions are being taken to deal with that. And there is no question that we are moving rapidly toward providing testing for any individuals that a doctor believes warrants a test.

Keep in mind that even if test kits were more available would not change the public fear, panic, hoarding, social distancing, and the other unpleasant realities of a pandemic.

We all must appreciate that Government bureaucracy is by it's nature slow to make changes.

By the same token, I recognize that the delays have to do with 5 primary factors, NONE of which are THIS Administration's fault:
1. Prior Administration regulations
2. A sudden and gigantic need
3. It takes government time to figure out the causes of problems and plan new rules and implement new procedures.
4. It takes additional time for new rules to be put into practice and for highly complex production and processes to ramp up.
5. It takes money to do all of this and that requires Congress.

With these factors in mind, you be the judge whether the facts below are being judged fairly by the media.

Read this linked article AND the document linked to it regarding the recommended dramatic shift in test kit regulations. Notice the dates. Consider the following timeline and facts:

1. On December 31, 2019 a pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan, China was FIRST reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office in China.
Note: On January 26th Dr. Faucci advised the President and the White House that "The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States," Dr. Fauci said on The CATS Roundtable. "It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."
Note: On 1.29.20 speaking at the annual ASM Biothreats conference Dr. Faucci said "Panic from rumor and misinformation hurt people, communities, and the economy."  He also lessened it to SARS when he said, "Only 2% of cases are young; only 25% of recognized cases have severe disease. The take-home message is that nCoV2019 is a very different case than with SARS."
2. On January 30th 2020 the outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization (WHO).

3. On January 31st the Trump administration dramatically escalated quarantines and implemented major travel restrictions from infected China.  (The Left criticized him for doing so.)

4. On February 4th the USA Secretary of Health and Human Services publicly issued a determination that there was an emergency need for test kits and started dramatic and rapid CHANGES TO REGULATIONS that were implemented during PRIOR administrations which hindered testing!
Note: On February 7th in a recorded conversation between Dr. Faucci and with Dr Bauchner archived on AMA Education Hub, Dr. Vaucci said, "The nature of the 2019-nCoV outbreak is still slowly coming into focus but it appears to be acting more like bad pandemic influenza with overall lower mortality SARS."
5. On February 11 WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID-19.

6. On February 24th the President sent Congress a plan and request for $2.5 billion in spending to fight Covid-19.  Congress approved $8 billlion. (Politicians always use a crisis to send pork out to pay favors.)

7. On February 26th the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed a possible FIRST case of person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 in California

8. February 27th a special Federal Task force was organized to provide ADDITIONAL cooperation, oversight, leadership and communication on the virus. This is above and beyond systems that are already in place in the government to deal with infectious disease and other major health issues.
Note: On February 27th in USA Today Dr. Faucci said he "doesn't want people to worry about coronavirus, the danger of which is "just minuscule." Fauci offered advice for people who want to protect against the "real and present danger" of seasonal flu, which also would protect against the hypothetical danger of coronavirus. "Wash your hands as frequently as you can. Stay away from crowded places where people are coughing and sneezing. If in fact you are coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth," he says. "You know, all the things that we say each year."

On the subject of masks Faucci said, "The only people who need masks are those who are already infected to keep from exposing others. The masks sold at drugstores aren't even good enough to truly protect anyone."  "If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn't really do much to protect you . . . "there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask."
9. On Feb. 28th the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown and said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns. "hat we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."
Note: On February 29th  Dr. Fauci went on Weeked Today and told viewers there was "No need to change lifestyle yet" because the threat of community spread was low.
10. On March 5th 2020 the Governor of Washington State declared a state of emergency after the FIRST person in the United States to die of COVID-19 was reported.

10. On March 7th the Governor of NY declared a state of emergency.

11. On March 9th the Governors of NJ and FL each declared a State of Emergency.

12. On May 6th , NYC suspended the Subways. 

13. On May 10th Governor Cuomo rescinded his order that required Nursing homes to to take sick seniors from hospitals and prevented nursing homes from even testing them for Covid before admission. 

For a level headed assessment we should be able to rely on our Surgeon General.  Listen to the Surgeon General. 

Do you remember Swine Flu at the beginning of Obama's 1st term in 2009?  60 million infected. 300K hospitalized. Remember the panic?

In April 2009 SARS Became a Pandemic; 6 MONTHS Later, AFTER 1,000 U.S. Deaths, Obama Finally Declared it a Public Health Emergency!! 🤔

ALSO KEEP IN MIND that back in
On February 1, a man who'd been on the Diamond Princess tested positive for the coronavirus SIX DAYS AFTER LEAVING the ship that was docked in the port of Yokohama, Japan.  IT TOOK Japanese officials more than 72 hours to lock down the infamous Diamond Princess ship!!!

LET'S NOT FORGET THE UNFORGIVABLE SILENCE AND SECRECY OF THE CHINESE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT. If they had been honest and forthright MONTHS before when they knew about this virus the world Pandemic may have been avoided. The Chinese government is still frustrating USA CDC Officials by failing to reveal information! READ CHINA TIMELINE.


In 2009 with SARS the Obama Administration depleted 3/4 of the N95 Mask inventory and never replaced it.  Obama and Congress had 7 years to act and failed. And they have been too busy trying to impeach Trump for the last 3 years to care about anything else!!!!!

And for the last three years ALL we have heard from the Speaker of House, Pelosi and the Minority Leader in the Senate, Schumer, is that the most important issue is impeaching the President!

Lets not overlook this Presidential Executive Order:
September 2019 - Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health

Let's also give the President credit for quickly standing up the Corona task for and his daily press conferences.  Never in history has a President be so visible and open to reporters' questions!

Covid-19 is teaching us many things. Over the next 12 months the present Administration will be overhauling:
- Our supply chain's dependance on China
- Our reserve of critical supplies for health crisis such as a Pandemic.
- Accelerating the review and approval process for drugs and medical devises.
- Introducing new approaches and methods of healthcare delivery. E.g. telemedicine, drive through testing, pop-up hospitals, etc.
- We are seeing how essential
Inter-governmental cooperation is, as well as the importance of private-public sector cooperation.
- Partisanship will no longer be tolerated. Citizens are demanding that Congress work across the isle. We still have serious challenges to deal with.
- The USA implemented the most broad testing programs in our history than an nation. As of August 28 the USA has conducted more Covid tests that all of Europe combined and 40 million more tests than India. 

One of the big changes will be making sure that area/regional hospitals have LOCAL access to critical care equipment such as respirators so they don't have to manufactured and shipped in times of a national OR local emergency.

Trump has remained calm, confident and in-charge throughout this health crisis. He has also been encouraging and positive.  As Trump has said numerous times, the USA rises to a challenge.  We are at our best in a crisis. It is in the American DNA. We will emerge stronger and better.

Last but not least, back in early January the President doubled efforts to guard our Southern border with Mexico. Several Chinese nationals have been apprehended this year trying to illegally cross into the USA.  Having a secure border to protect America in situations such as infectious diseases and other health and safety matters is vital to USA citizens.

The actual "HOAX," the one the President was referring to, is the unfair treatment the mainstream media and the Left who are determined to blame Trump for everything and to overturn the 2016 election since the day he took office.

Did the President try to keep us calm and to avoid the panic you see today? Sure. Is he always accurate. NO.  But I believe the facts illustrate a President and Administration that is dealing with an exceptionally unique and difficult crisis in a reasonable way.  As well as any President could be expected.

People who hate Trump will find every reason blame Trump and to hate him more, simple as that. Stop the hate!!! Come together, work together.

The civil war going on in America is טוב versus רשע. Good versus evil.  Each are trying to control our heart.  We will know which is winning inside of us by whether we feel more love and gratitude or anger and hate. Peace or fear.


P.S. "In the current WuFlu crisis, the problem for the Trump-is-an-idiot crowd is that when you step back a bit — and when you subtract his clumsy statements and the usual government missteps in any crisis — the guy has been right about almost everything. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump has tried to rectify — are precisely what make flus like this so dangerous."  Andrew Klavan.