Wednesday, February 26, 2020


India's Leader Modi embraces President

"His imbecile mind and disgusting manner have made the USA the laughing stock of the whole world."

That was said about LINCOLN in the Press during his day. It's what MANY thought of Lincoln, who was considered a Washington outsider and a buffoon. They said the "European powers will despise that this President was the best that Americans could do."

Today, Trump's critics say very similar things about him.  The way the mainstream press and the Washington establishment treated Lincoln bears a likelyhood to how Trump is treated.  The criticisms are hard to distinguish.
Lincoln was not deterred and Trump is certainly not either. 

By "putting America first" and encouraging other Nations to do the same, Trump has sent a strong message to leaders around the world that Patriotism and pride in one's country is a positive thing.

Standing his ground for America on trade and defense issues as he's done, Trump is taken seriously.  It is a truth revealing contrast to Obama who failed to respond to Syria's Assad when he crossed the "Red Line."

By showing that Sovereignty is not something to be abandonded nor ashamed of, Trump made himself a model which other National leaders are patterning and being elected for.

By the same token, Trump is quite clear that protecting the culture and identity of each Nation from inside is NOT a reason to cease relations or doing trade with the those outside.  To the contrary, Trump wants to build stronger relationships with our allies, do more trade, and break down old barriers to peace.

Trump is demanding relationships be on our terms. While holding America to its original Founders' vision, keeping to the Constitutional and reinforcing our trust in God.

Trump is demanding that trade be "fair and reciprocal." He is willing to take bold new moves to change the status quo with enemies like North Korea and Iran. But he does so from strength.  Even if that strength seems like childish name calling and threats. After all, that is the language some of our enemies understand!

Trump's strong message on trade has broken through. He's scored giant trade victories many thought impossible with Mexico, Canada,  South Korea, Vietnam and China. Deals with the U.K., Europe and India are in the works.  They almost seem inevitable given the President's success and momentum.

Trump took his message abroad right from the start in the Middle  East. But
Unlike Obama's "Apology Tour" when Obama who "bowed" to dictators in the Middle East and literally confessed America's sins, Trump held his head high and maintained America's dignity! Dozens of Arab countries in the Middle East respected Trump for that. They welcomed him and they listened to him at the major and historic Arab summit at the beginning of his Presidency.  
Cheering supporters in Warsaw Poland.
The crowds in Poland chanted Trump. The protestors fighting for Liberty in Hong Kong cheer him. Trump excited the people of Vietnam. Brits were encouraged to go bravely forward with BREXIT in the U.K. because they knew Trump had Great Britain's back.

Trump commands respect from the most populated country in the world, China. And just this week India, the largest and most populous Democracy in the world "Bowed in Respect" to Trump at the "Namaste Trump" rally.
110K Cheering supporters in India
Meanwhile, back in the USA, EVERY Democratic candidate for President showed NO respect for the current President of the United States. If anyone should be able to appreciate what Trump accomplished with ZERO political experience against 17 serious Republican contenders and then going on to defeat the Clinton machine it should be the Democratic candidates flailing for attention during the debates. 

The Democrats bring shame to themselves, their Party, the Office of the President, and on America through their contemptuous lack of respect.

The contrast between the respect Trump receives and doesn't receive is revealing the truth about the true platform of the Democratic platform. And it explains why Sanders is going to win the Primary but lose the Election.