Thursday, February 13, 2020

Perspective Changes the Conclusion

If two people look at apparently the same situation and come away with completely different assessments and conclusions, what are we to make of it?

There are multiple facets to this question that must be considered in order to make anything of it:

1. Are they looking at the "same situation" based on the same details? The same situation may be skewed by the presentation.  The information they are each basing their "make" may be different and/or biased.  If this is the case then they aren't looking at the same situation.

2. Do they look at the same situation with preconceived opinions? In other words, their make of the situation is skewed even before the situation came to their attention.

3. Are there extenuating circumstances that directly bear on the situation and if so are both parties giving comparable and reasonable weight to them?

4. Do the parties have a position in relation to some broarder matter that is related to the sitation?  In other words, are the ego's of the parties invested in an agenda that has any bearing on how they see the situation.

5. Have both parties dedicated the same amount of time to researching and trying to understand the situation and the background?

6. Do the parties have different values and philosophies that they will filter their assessment of the situation through?

7. Are there external forces, such as the media, politians or even friends trying to influence the conclusions of the parties?

In today's polar political atmosphere, it is no wonder two parties can look at the so called "same situation" and draw very different conclusions!

Assuming multiple facets are in play, then how do we settle the question of which party is correct?  That is the $64,000 question.  I am not so sure we can reconcile our differences.

Which leads me my own conclusion. 
What's important is not what we make of many situations, but rather how we debate it.

I wrote another blog post which I believe is relevant to the dilemma America has today and what may be the only way to fix the problem.

It is easy to disagree.  It takes effort to try to understand.