Sunday, February 9, 2020



Earlier in my life I considered myself a Liberal Progressive.  After much listening, reading and thinking I grew into a Libertarian Conservative.

Before my perspective and opinions changed, I believed what Democrat politicians, Liberal Progressive leaders and the mainstream media said about so many things.  I believed Russ Limbaugh and just about every Conservative was a racist.  I believed the Democratic Party represented good values and the Republican party was for the rich.

Now I think for myself. Now I know better.  Now I pray much more. And now the contrasts are greater and more obvious than ever. And I have now noticed something extremely frightening.
I see how brainwashed people are. I've seen how powerful propaganda is!
As a Jew, I used to find it so hard to imagine that Nazi propaganda achieved what it did. I was found it hard to accept that propaganda was capable of persuading so many in Germany, even if they were anti-Semitic to begin with, into allowing Hitler to do what the Nazi's did to their own fellow country people, neighbors and even friends.  NOW I GET IT!
Now I appreciate what propoganda can do, that it exists in our Republic and it is tearing down the Foundation our Nation was built upon.
When I see how people still believe what Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters and so many others are doing is OK, I get it.

I see how mainstream media is 95% negative about Donald Trump and Republicans and how powerful propaganda is. I see how good and intelligent people can be convinced.


Millions and millions more are seeing what I see. That is the biggest reason the impeachment hoax and what has been happening to Donald Trump since he came down the escalator is backfiring.

Tens of millions of people, not just in America either, are awakening to how they were deceived by propaganda by the Left.
The public knows the House Democrats called 17 witnesses and Republicans weren't allowed to call one. The Public knows the House wouldn't allow the President to be represented. And the public doesn't believe the "whistleblower" without hearing and seeing him under oath!!
The TRUTH is being exposed. The truth is finally coming out about corruption and what the Left and the Deep State which INCLUDES REPUBLICANS, have been doing for a long long time!

People recognize now the news is more propoganda driven by a Partisan agenda. And the people are coming to appreciate two things that the Left realized decades before the Right and which Democrats are way ahead of Republicans:

1. "Culture is Upstream of Politics" Andrew Breitbart - If you can control popular culture (Hollywood, TV, etc.) you can control minds and that let's you control the message.

2. "Freedom is Never More than One Generation Away from Extinction" Ronald Reagan - If academics (college professors) are championing Partisan political opinions they can indoctrinate the next generation.

Since 01■01■2020 Truth has been on the march.

The image of Pelosi tearing up the SOTU speech has already destroyed Nancy Pelosi's future. It will tarnish her for the balance of her life. That IMAGE WILL BE HER LEGACY!

And Pelosi knows it and it is driving her insane.

Throughout this year we are going to see many bold contrasts. None will be better, stronger or more visually obvious than the image that the world saw of Trump delivering the SOTU while Pence stood to applaud and Nancy Pelosi stood to tear up his tremendous message to America.

That image is much more than an ordinary photograph. I believe that as years go by this image will mark an historic turning point in America. It will come to represent the point when the transformation of America began.

Over the months and five years ahead with Trump as President, many more lies to be exposed.
There will be many more truths and contrasts to come.

As the truth is exposed tens of millions in America will recognize the propoganda they were deceived by. Propaganda from all sides.

Americans are awakening to the corruption of our government at large. They are realizing that there is a Deep State in Washington D.C. which is protecting the ESTABLISHMENT.  That involves Democrats and Republicans! Whether the outsider who threatens their egos, money and power is Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy or Donald Trump it doesn't matter!

Like Moses did, George Washington's is speaking to us from the past through his Farewell Letter.
Millions of Americans are finally recognizing that our media has long been used by the Washington establishment to manipulate the citizenry for money and power reasons.

There are some very powerful and corrupt individuals inside CIA, the Deep State and political parties who will lead us into wars, destroyed lives and even assainated their enemies who threaten to expose them.

Destruction is ahead for the evil forces in our country. It will not come with physical force. It it will come from exposing the truth from the darkness to the light.
Jesus in John 8:22.
The TRUTH about our Government will come from the President doing just what he has been doing, DECLASSIFYING classified information!  It will come from FREEFORM OF INFORMATION filings by organizations such as Judicial Watch.

The truth will come from legal battles like the lawsuit of 16 year old Nic Sandman against CNN and Tulsi Gabbards lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. It will come from the long overdue criminal investigation that is underway by US Attorney Durham and AG Barr.

The truth will also come as a result of the hundreds of conservative judges which are being confirmed and who will strictly interpret the Constitution rather than legislating from the bench.

The truth will trample over the lies and cause much destruction in the process. The truth will cause the rise of rage.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:The truth is march on.

Can an image set us free?  An image is light. Light is truth.

Ultimately, there will be a REBIRTH in America.  The best is yet to come!