Thursday, April 9, 2020


An extremely large event will shape the future.  An event as major as a world pandemic will alter the course of history.

The Novel Coronavirus irus is apt to cause radical transformation in diverse areas of lifestyle and personal behaviour, business, politics, etc. While many aspects will settle back to normal, the changes will wash through many industries.

Large trends emerge. Great new opportunities are created.  There is massive creative destruction whereby somethings that were well established before the event, are rapidly destroyed and replaced.

With the CCP Virus there will be BOTH BIG winners and losers.  For many years to come we will be observing and noting big changes which will last well into the future.

Entrepreneurs and investors rise and fall based on their ability to forsee change and their talent to leverage it. Riding a big trend makes some people very successful.

The first place one starts is to identify that such an event is taking place. It is pretty easy to see that the CCP Virus qualifies perfectly.

The next step is to be anticipate the changes.  One has to identify the ways the CCP virus, or what evervthe event is, will change the ways people will think and behave.

The last step is to translate that into specific opportunities.  Be those stocks or a business move, or some other way in which one might position themselves or their business to benefit from the new ways people and organizations will spend their money and time in the future.

Some of the futurists will be authors who write about and document the change.  Thinkers are buzzing.

For others, the effects will be far more personal.  Like the choice to retire or whether to enter or exit a marriage, to have a baby, move, start a hobby or even to start reading and studying the bible.

People and businesses will be goal setting directly because of the CCP virus. Big decisions and life changes will be made.  The CCP Virus is transforming the world, one human being at a time, all at the same time. The world will never be the same.  You might say it is being born again


P.S. For those readers who may have expected me to offer a list of actual big winners & losers, I say this.  I have started the list in my mind. I can discuss it. But I am not ready to publish it.