Monday, June 1, 2020


Minneapolis has a Democratic mayor and is largely governed by Democrats for decades and has a black police chief.  They both allow the restraint method that killed George Floyd, despite expert advise.

Minneapolis is one of many other cities in the USA with large black populations and Democratic leadership which are fraught with rampant poverty and crime, despite massive Federal financial support.
These cities have been governed in ways which have perpetuated poverty, drugs and households WITHOUT a father. Children are very often in a hopeless situation without positive role models and terrible future prospects.
As young teens, on the streets and looking for cash, the young men turn to crime because they are taught to be criminals by the generations of men before them. Violence is inevitable.  Women turn to pregnancy and welfare, taking on multiple partners and having multiple children to multiple fathers. They don't stop even after they don't want more babies, and Democrats have the solution for that - abortion.
Yet Democrats blame Republicans rather than acknowledging the system is broken, taking responsibility and working with Republicans for solutions.
Republicans who point out the failures are called racists. And whenever an incident such as George Floyd happens they say America is racist - and the solution is vote Democrat. Exploiting race is a primary political strategy for Democrats for 60 years. The Democratic response to what happened in Minneapolis is just another example in a very familiar pattern.
Biden meant what he said when he said "If you vote for Trump (and Conservatives) you ain't black."
Let's not lose sight of the fact that George Floyd was being arrested for the Federal crime of using counterfeit money.  He did resist and the officer was using a legal method of restraint, albeit incorrectly.  Nonetheless, when an incident like George Floyd happens the intercity population have every right and reason to protest! They should demand justice.  They should demand that their Democratic leaders stop allowing methods that has been outlawed in many other places across the USA!  
What is important, and the mainstream media and Democrats are not doing is praising the fact that JUSTICES IS BEING SERVED!  Police responsible were arrested. Others will be fired. The President and AG immediately acted and promised justice and are seeing to it that justice is quickly executed. They are also trying to deescalate the violence which hurts innocent citizens and businesses.
President Trump's response.

AG Barr's response. 

The Leftist anarchists want REVOLUTION.
Antifa, Soros and other Leftist that want to overthrow the Founder's vision of America PLAN AND WAIT for opportunities such as Minneapolis. They organize violent riots and looting. They destroy the very businesses and economy that was starting to develop in cities which offered some hope.
Signs of hope were springing up in a big way for blacks in the economic development zones that the President had launched! The Administration's economic development zones were working -- Private investment, lower tax benefits and Capitalism was working! This is a nightmare for Communist, Socialists and other Far left ideologues.
Alt Left anarchists exploit race to destroy the hopeful opportunities which a vibrant economy presents for upward mobility.
For many decades it has been a viscous cycle for poor intercity communities with large black populations. The buildings and infrastructure looks like a war zone. In many residential communities the housing is so dilapidated that it would literally be better to bulldoze the entire street and start over.
This is why President Trump ran for President by famously saying to blacks, "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE!" That same theme came center stage with Baltimore and the failures there Trump pointed out when he criticized it's Federal elected Representative Elijah Cummings.
The way a Minneapolis police officer restrained George Floyd before he died — placing his knee on Floyd's neck while the man lay on his stomach — is widely discredited by law enforcement experts because it can cause suffocation. Many cities prohibit this method but NOT Minneapolis! Wonder why??
Both the current Mayor and police chief in Minneapolis ran on a platform of change!! There have been many other incidents and complaints in the past!
It was time to give President Trump a chance. He was having a positive difference. Then covid came along. Once again, crime seemed like the only way up.
THE BIGGER PICTURE:  We are coming into a presidential election!!  There are no coincidences.
I find it disturbingly coincidental that the country which would most like to remove President Trump and replace him with CCP friendly president Biden is China.
After resisting Trump's efforts to negotiate better trade deals for over 3 years, in the exact same weeks that China is finally giving in, the virus is announced. The virus is literally spreading in China at the exact time when The final details of the China deal are being inked.
And we know there is a second phase to deal that the administration is pushing for that will put the Communist party under even greater pressure to be fair and forthright in trade with the USA. A model which no doubt other countries will push for. If Trump wins a second term China would surely be subject to much greater pressure!
With impeachment off the table, China knew that their best last hope for seeing trump removed would be the failure of the US economy which was doing so phenomenally under Trump. Solution - the Wuhan virus.
Plus, the virus was an effective means of killing the older population in China who were an unproductive burden on the CCP who were facing extreme pressure to provide better health care. With the "one child policy" presenting many problems for the CCP, maybe it was time to attack population growth from the other end of the life spectrum.
I realize this is conjecture. But I do not put anything past the draconian evil CCP.  And as we've seen with the Russian Hoax and the Ukraine Hoax and 3 years of impeachment attempts, we can't put anything past the Democratic Party and the Deep State's attempt to gain back the power and money of the White House.