Monday, June 8, 2020


Have you noticed how some media are constantly reporting politcal polls showing that Biden is leading over Trump in popularity?  Why do they care so much about polls?  

Polls are important for rational logical people. They are "scientific." They are based on empirical data, rather that just theory.  So they carry weight when trying to win an argument or prove a point.  The polls are key to the narrative the Left needs to convince voters of.  Polls provide the social proof that adds psycholgical influence to their case to defeat Trump. 

For Trump haters, polls are very meaningful in another way. They are reassuring. They help to quell their fears. 

Hate is very often rooted in fear. Trump haters are terribly afraid of Trump winning a second term. The thought of a Trump/Pence victory and 4 more years is frightful.  Stations such as MSNBC and CNN, which cater to the Left, are invested in that fear. They promote it. And they know that their audience needs reassurance.  

The news media plays to fear.  They have a great formula which they leverage time & again.  The news business exploits fear to get viewers to tune in and keep watching: Fear, suspense and relief. Repeat and amplify.  

The major stations, the so called mainstream media (a.k.a. Fake News) aren't simply reporting the news objectively.  They are biased and they have a political agenda to defeat Trump.  They work overtime to achieve that objective.  

By overtime I really mean all the time: Morning, noon and night, weekdays and weekends. The mainstream media fosters a state of perpetual hate and fear. Without the relief which the polls provide their audience would have a considerably more difficult time coping with the fear the media has instilled. 

The mainstream media stokes and fan the flames of hate. That leads to fear. Viola, their audience tunes in for validation of their hate and comfort from their fear. But the dynamic runs deeper than that. Deep down this is about mankind's relationship to God.

By definition, Secularist don't believe in God and reject religion. They believe "God" has no place in the affairs of the State or education.  I see the situation a bit different.  I think secularist have a "new" god.  They have put their faith in a political Party.  They have built idols and false gods. Mans' Law is all that matters, which is why the Supreme Court is everything. 

Trump hating secularists who have put their faith in the Democrat political party value the polls as proof of the righteous superiority. 

At the crux of why the polls matter so much to secularist on the Left is the need they have for proof that their "new god" is right and more powerful.

There's more than a few problems with this secular belief system. To begin with, America is a Nation rooted in the belief of God.  The USA owes it's very existence as a nation to the power of God's glory.  "In God we trust."  If we don't trust in God and we lose God's approval, it is over for America.  Don't believe me, look at your money. It's worthless if our nation stops believing in God. 

Trump supporters mock the polls.  One reason is that we all remember what happened in 2016. There is evidence that the polls can't be trusted.  This is very unsettling for Trump haters! 

The main reason why many Trump supporters don't particularly care what the polls say is quickly dismissed by secularist. It ties to the point made in the title of this post.  GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT POLLS. 

God doesn't care about the "odds." Polls are meaningless to God.  God's Will be done. Faithful Trump supporters see it from a Biblical perspective:  

Proverbs 3: 5-6 
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Perhaps the best Bible Story which speaks to why Trump supporters put their faith in God rather than poll numbers is the history of the Battle of Gideon at Gideon's Well.  

If you are unfamiliar with the story, in a nutshell, it is about how God selected just 300 faithful soldiers, out of 32k of Israel's soldiers to go into battle against an army of 135k of their enemies comprised of Midianites, Amalekites and others from the east.  300 defeat 135,000.

Gideon is known as the greatest judge of Israel. But when we first meet him in the Old Testament we find a timid man hiding from his enemies.  He comes from the least of Tribes and is called by God to defeat a huge group of people who are depleting the Nation's supplies.

Here is a brief and entertaining video that shows you Gideon's well today and tells the story.

It is key to understand what follows after God calls Gideon to lead the Israelite's into battle.  God selects Gideon's army in a fascinating way.  Gideon and God's faithful are victorious even though they are out numbered 450 to 1.  

When the battle starts, as instructed by God, Gideon's 300 man army sounds their Trumpets and smashes jars as they charge the massive enemy camp.  The enemy is so rattled and afraid that they become confused and start killing one another.  

Those who believe we are living in special times and that this Presidential battle is in God's hands, are not fearful. Nor do the believers pay much mind to the polls.  They are focused on faith. 

By the way, just because one goes to temple or church does NOT mean they have faith.  There is a great chasm between practicing a religion and walking in faith.  God is well aware of what is in our heart, be it faith or be it hate. 

I notice another similarity between today and the Story of Gideon.  Like Gideon, Trump selects only the faithful and fearless to go into battle. Any who are lacking faith are sent away.  Trump is well know for creating fear and confusion in his enemies camp when he and his supporters sound their trumpets

As much as Trump haters don't want to admit it, the polls don't comfort them like they used to.  After Trump came from the least expected place, defied the polls and virtually every expert to defeat the huge Clinton army in the 2016 election, the polls are not as trusted by anyone.