Thursday, October 13, 2022


A month ago I blogged about my thinking that the Ukraine/Russia conflict was entering a new phase. You can read what I said here about "Putin's Diabolic Plan."

Whoever blew up the Nord Stream pipeline got what they wanted. On the surface, pun intended, they shut off Russian gas supplies to Europe. But if you look more deeply, pun intended, they escalated the war. 

It was a given that Russia would retaliate. It was a given that Russia would deem an attack on their infrastructure as "fair game basis" for attacking Ukraine's infrastructure, as well as whichever nation is deemed accountable. 

It was to be expected that such attacks would draw NATO and the USA more heavily into the war. The effect being more arms being supplied to Ukraine. 

We had to know that promises of such aid would cause Russia to speed up it's systemic destruction of Ukraine's infrastructure. Knowing that air defense systems and other more advanced military equipment is on the way, Russia will rush their targeting and attack efforts in order to destroy as much infrastructure as possible in advance of those new air defense systems. 

Russia can read the writing on the wall in terms of the vulnerability of their ground troops, so Russia was bound to make a tactical military to shift to using ballistic missiles and drones.  This would draw Russia closer to Iran as a supplier. It also put nuclear weapons on the table. This article in Reuters (10.13.22) documents these very events. 

With infrastructure a primary target, it is obvious all of this would result in Ukraine, let alone Europe, going into the winter without heat and shortages of electricity. A classic "siege strategy" is unfolding. Blowing up apartment buildings forces people out of their homes and making them more vulnerable to the cold. Without electricity, MUCH more ceases to function. 

What does this all suggest? Who blew up the pipeline? 

To figure out who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, there is an old legal/crime solving adage we can apply.  This method is still applied today when trying to solve a "who did it" crime. 

Cui bono is a Latin phrase that means “who benefits?”, and is used to suggest that there's a high probability that those responsible for a certain event are the ones who stand to gain from it.

If we apply this line of thought to the situation in Ukraine, it is hard to argue that Putin is benefiting. Right off the bat he lost a vital revenue stream. He also lost major leverage in negotiations since his ability to quickly turn up gas supplies to Europe was removed. 

Putin is enemy #1. He is a marked man and anyone with motivation to take putin out from within Russia would certainly gains tons of political capital, assuming they survive in the process. The Nord Stream sabatoge will make Putin more paranoid, desperate and likely to do unimaginable damage knowing he personally can't come out alive! 

As for annexing Ukraine, whatever the Ukrainian people thought of Putin's Russia before is sure to be diminished with Putin on a rampage. At this point Putin has lost any chance of winning the hearts of the Ukrainian people. In effect, Putin has already lost the war!  

If destroying Nord Stream isn't in Putin's interests, who benefits? Here are some logical assumptions:

  1. Western arms manufacturers and dealers are making a fortune supplying the latest in expensive arms to Ukraine. They are also benefiting from the fact that European nations are all beefing up their own military defenses. The "military industrial complex" is raking in the money!!
  2. Ukraine is virtually certain to be brought into NATO before everything is done. Thus the NATO alliance has greater obligations to provide for the defense of Ukraine. (Read #1 again.)
  3. Ukraine will require hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars in rebuilding projects. Major construction project contracts will be let out. Such contracts will more than likely go to huge Western multinational construction/management firms. 
  4. Corrupt actors operating in Ukraine will sift billions off all the money slushing around! 
  5. Western and Middle Eastern energy firms will have to replace Russian oligarchs and Russian energy supplies to Europe.  

Fortunes are being made off the Ukraine/Russia War. NATO gains territory. The Ukrainian people are mere pawns on the chessboard -- the innocent victims of war. The lives and futures of thousands are being devastated every day in Ukraine. 

The victors are the ones who benefit (Cui bono)! 

There is one giant body which surely has a hand in all of this. They are the one's behind the scenes running all the major corporations that will fill the needs created by the war in Ukraine.  They are the ones' profiting from the developments regarding Ukraine which I listed above. They are also the leaders of nations and the European Union. Their influence reaches all the way to the United States. In fact, the Biden campaign and this giant body use the same "Build Back Better" slogan!

This giant body is self admittedly seeking to form a "New World Order" and a "One World Government." 

This giant body seeks to do a worldwide "reset" and to "build back better." 

This gaint body also has a goal to reduce worldwide population by 25% from CURRENT levels. Wars, pandemics, starvation, abortion and destruction of the family are all effective means of achieving population reduction. 

WHO is this giant body with so much to benefit removing Putin? None other than the World Economic Forum (WEF)! 

Here is where it gets more complicated and devious. The WEF isn't a body that has any direct decision making. They aren't a country. They don't have weapons or soldiers. What they do is espouse an ideology. They promote and indoctrinate a philosophy about how the leaders of countries, banks, multinational corporations and the world's elite should think!  At the highest levels they are a cabal.  

The possibility is that the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, as well as the actions of NATO more generally, is the result of a Globalist philosophy, embedded in the mindset of a swarm of decision makers in nations like Germany, France, and Euro centric leaders coupled with Globalist of a W.E.F. like mind in the U.K. and the United States.

Approaching the question of "who benefits" (cui bono") from the Nord Stream pipeline sabatoge leads to a very complicated and intertwined set of possible assumptions.  Here is the great irony:  The Euro nations have formed a group body (Eurojust) to investigate the blasts. Is there no conflict of interest there?! 

Here is one last thought:  National Populist thinkers and leaders Trump and Putin are the greatest adversaries and existential threats to the Globalist mindset sought by the World Economic Forum and the European Union. They both stand in the way of the W.E.F. agenda. Is there a conceivable connection between the targeting of them could the crime of the "Russian Hoax" and the Nord Stream pipe sabatoge be in any way related?  Bazaar as it may seem to draw a connection, in the grand scheme, the W.E.F. has to neutralize any threats and road blocks to it's desired New World Order. They will stop at nothing!! Think about it! 

I will end on a question: Who is to say that the Nord Stream pipeline was sabatoged by ONE country?

P.S. Check out the figures that Russell Brand points our attention to in this resent post on his YT channel.