Monday, October 24, 2022



Revelation is in the stars. The universe IS incredibly mathematical and there are patterns everywhere. Micro-novas follow patterns too and occur about every 12K years. What evidence is there of this on earth?  There is plenty if you do just go looking for it. 

First the science part . . . 

Space weather effects us here on earth!  This article on the National Academy of Science website explains some of the effects.  As the title of this article on the MIT Technology Review says, "Space weather affects your daily life. It is time to start paying attention."

The impact of space weather is a greater concern and warrants greater focus in these times because the Earth's magnetic field, which shields us, is weakening much more rapidly than scientists anticipated. What was expected to take place over hundreds or thousands of years is now happening in DECADES.

The result is that we are more vulnerable to "space weather." At the same time the galactic sheet is effecting the Sun and increasing the potential for more significant space weather. 

"[Electron fallout] from the Earth's radiation belt plays an important role in mesospheric ozone loss as a connection between space weather and the climate system." Quote Source

In the news: A massive 'proton aurora' blasted a 250-mile-wide hole in Earth's ozone layer. 

The Earth's magnetic field is crucial for protecting us from Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun’s corona that come our way, as well as background solar wind and other interplanetary space weather.  

An explosive CME release produces a solar flare and the accompanying acceleration of plasma away from the Sun travels outward from at mind bending speeds. If a release is pointed in Earth's direction, the energy can reach our planet in as little as 15-18 hours. Visual rays can hit earth in as little as 8 minutes. That's the warning we get!

Between the much weaker magnetic field around Earth to protect us AND our enormous dependence on electronics, civilization is extremely vulnerable to this electromagnetic energy.  We have a uniquely modern situation which would present a modern disaster!  

The odds are very high of a larger solar flare, like the one which hit earth in 1859, known as "The Carrington Event" and another one that nearly hit us in 2012. There have other recent close calls. An actual strike is practically inevitably.  NASA and many scientists agree on this. 

Auroras blasted a 250-mile-wide hole in Earth's ozone layer

There is another and FAR more significant solar event called a "micro-nova" which we are also due for. This is far more cataclysmic than regular occurring CME's. A micro-nova would undoubtedly provide the magnetic forces to flip Earth's poles, again. Do a little "googling" and you will find that there is more recent scientific thought of this subject than you may want to know because it is potentially terrifying.   

In addition to our magnetic field weakening, or perhaps for related reasons, in recent years scientists noticed the unusual accelerated shift in the location of Earth's magnetic North Pole. It is said to be "galloping across the Northern Hemisphere." The South Pole is doing likewise. 

The World Magnetic Model (WMM) is the mathematical system that lays the foundations for navigation, from cell phones and ships to commercial airlines. Scientists from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) were forced to release an early update to the WMM when it was found that the movement of the north magnetic pole was accelerating.  The possibility of a full magnetic pole reversal is in the geological record, but has not occurred during the human epoch. If this happens we are looking at events on earth like what you see in sci-fi movies such as "The Day After Tomorrow," "2012" and "Don't Look Up."

There is all sorts of talk about UFO's and asteroids, but the government APPEARS to be overtly NOT calling public attention to FAR MORE PREVALENT risks of Geomagnetic events. WHY? 

Now for the crazy talk part . . . 

Is it possible that leaders in government, the Pentagon, the CIA don't want to cause fear or even panic? Is it possible they have had much greater awareness and concerns for decades, ever since the space exploration and lunar mission that President Kennedy launched? Is it possible that they have been making secret preparations for certain people and Pentagon personnel to survive underground to ride out an anticipated pole reversal and/or micro-nova? Would they tell us if that has been their plan since NORAD was built into Pikes Peak during the Kennedy Administration? That is also where the new Space Force is located. 

If there is increasing evidence of the risks of solar and geomagnetic activity in the coming years, it will be hard for our government and climate scientists to blame global warming on just man-made causes! People will demand better answers!!


Could it be that Man has given "Mankind" too much credit for global warming? The woke FB censors routinely do so every time they stamp their "climate science" alerts on social media posts.

There is a strong case for "Space Weather" being a cause of climate change. Man-made climate change may be a theory built on a foundation that will soon crumble.  Then what?

Our Star, the Sun, may soon point in a huge way to what the major cause of warming truly is. And when it does we may discover why COOLING could be a much more deadly challenge we face in our lifetime. Then we may wake up to the fact that the Book of Revelation has been is written in the Heavens since before the Word was written on parchment. 

"Before the world began, there was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made through him." John 1.1


Epilogue: I am reminded of a blog article I posted a year ago entitled:  "End of Times is Trending

The LORD said to me, “Faithless Israel is more righteous than unfaithful Judah." Jeremiah 3.11 

At least Israel repented, albeit to idols. 

Americans need to read and listen to the Book of Jeremiah. With eyes that see and ears that hear!

“Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them." Jeremiah 10:1-2

Earth’s magnetic field supports biblical stories of destruction of ancient cities. 

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In 40 Days

Testing, testing . . . Mankind