Wednesday, October 19, 2022

IN 40 DAYS . . .


What is Putin's endgame? Surely he can't be foolish enough to think he can govern Ukraine. 

No booty can recover his losses. Putin has weakened Russia's military and drained his national supply of ammunitions. He has substituted high paying European customers for his oil & gas with bottom dollar paying Chinese. 

The Western international community will never be willing to respect or trust Putin again on the world stage, not even at the U.N. He has ruined his reputation. 

Putin has caused a international and domestic mark to be put on his head. He has backed himself into a terrible position with no way out. The only way for Russia to come back from the isolated position that it is in with the West is for Russia to deliver Putin's head on a platter. Putin has to know that!  

Putin is a smart and highly strategic man. So what is Putin's endgame?


Putin is on a devine mission. For Putin, the conflict in Ukraine is of biblical importance AND SCOPE! For Putin this is a Holy War. 

Putin isn't only buying drones and missiles from Iran, they are aligned against the "Great Satan." Soon Israel will be drawn into the conflict. That will make the prophetic character of the situation even more pronounced!

The probability is that the USA sabatoged the Nord Stream pipeline. The USA is already spending tens of billions on weapons being used in Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers. Therefore, in Putin's mind he is already at war with the USA. Effectively, the USA and Russia are in an undeclared war. 

Putin isn't only willing to escalate this war to a nuclear confrontation, as he has stated, he is anticipating it. That means he is far more apt to push the button.  Putin's warning about using nuclear weapons has been matched by Biden's unveiled threats. 

Both Putin and Biden perceive the moral course of the world to be at stake. Both have their fingers on the nuclear button. In my opinion, the world is far closer to a nuclear confrontation than it was during the Cuban missile crisis. In takes only 8 minutes for these two judgment impaired ideologically obsessed men who are late in their natural lives and seem to want to prove their vitality, to launch enough nuclear missiles to end most life on this planet.  

The psychological inertia of the war is taking us down the path to mutual nuclear destruction. It must be stopped or by November 28th it may be too late.


Why in THE WORLD do both Putin and Biden seem so inclined to talk as though a nuclear Armageddon is nearly a forgone conclusion?  Have you noticed how there is almost a fatalistic tone to Putin's and Biden’s rhetoric? How come they seem so accepting to the possibility that nuclear weapons are on the table?  Is their posturing strategic? Are they playing a game of chicken?  Is this a battle of their personal ego's?  Is Putin "Corn Pop?"  

Why aren't leaders diligently pursuing a diplomatic resolution?  And if we are, why are leaders not offering the public reassurance that efforts are progressing? It is almost as though world leaders are testing how far they can go before the public begins to panic about the end of the world.

Last but not least. Why are so many people apathetic? Why aren't there MASSIVE public protests in Europe, United States, Israel and elsewhere DEMANDING a stop?!!  Why is the public putting trust in Biden and Putin, let one Zelensky, to arrest the military conflict??

The whole situation is odd. Not just the way Putin and Biden are talking. But the WHOLE SITUATION.  

It is said that WWII began at WWI. I personally don't believe today's situation began when Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine.  It began long long before that. It began before Biden was elected or even when Trump won the Presidential election. It began before Obama called ISIS the "JV Team" and caused the largest migration in history of Muslims into Europe. It may have begun on 9/11/2001 or 4/8/1966 or even 9/1/1859.  

Why should we care about when it began? If we understand how it began, In Beginning, we might understand the ending.  The greatest historians' books about major historical events are typically extremely long. That is because historians draw the important connections between a multitude of people and hundreds of events over long periods of time. 

Something is "off" with Ukraine, with Covid, with climate change and a lot of things. World leaders are not telling us what they know.  They are not telling us what they are planning.   

On 10/17/2022 (22 Tishrei 5783) I had a revelation. Maybe it was a bizarre fantasy.  It was a conspiracy theory I have never heard before. Regardless of how I classify my thoughts, they explained a lot to me. This blog post doesn't explain it to you. Rather, it answered for me all the questions I raised in this blog post. Ukraine, Covid, Climate change, the rise in UFO sitings, plus even the Kennedy assassination, the rise in Cetacean strandings and the prepping trend are all connected.  

Eyes to see and ears to hear. No fear!

🙏PSALM 91🙏