Tuesday, August 8, 2023



Hundreds of millions worldwide know him his as "Creepy Joe," "Sleepy Joe," "Stumbling Joe," "Bumbling Biden" and other pejoratives. Joe Biden and his campaign promoters have dubbed him "Dark Brandon." 

On the one hand, I think Biden’s tough guy title is the stupidest, most ridiculous, LAME attempt by his campaign/marketing team to brand stumbling bumbling Biden ever conceived! The man can barely go up or down stairs. He is lost on stage. Did you see the sad images of him on the beach recently? Come'on man! 

On the other hand, "Dark Brandon" is a perfect fit for the evil and corrupt, lying, hair-sniffing, war-mongering individual he is to millions of Americans. 

The graphic images that are associated with the "Dark Brandon" campaign portray Biden as having a deeper, darker and more sinister nature.  It suggests to me a person who sees himself as able to take the law into his own hands. He certainly did that with the prosecutor in Ukraine who was investigating corruption with Hunter Biden and Burisma. 

The origin of the name "Brandon" is not a mystery. It clearly comes from the time on the NASCAR race track when the crowd was chanting "f##k Joe Biden" but the reporter claims they were saying "Let's go Brandon." 

By embracing that name Brandon and it's association, Biden is endorsing a falsehood. He is also taking pride in the animous others have toward him. In other words, Biden seems proud that nearly half of America abhor him.  To flaunt  that is a disgusting show of Presidential leadership  that, let alone to even privately think that way! 

This is NOT what a person would do IF he were truly trying to "unite America" like he campaigned on in 2019. A multitude of Joe Biden's actions reveal the true Joe Biden as man who embraces hate and fosters division. 

Joe Biden himself appears to be embracing this image of "darkness." The question I have is, where does "Dark Brandon" believe he draws his untouchable power from? Is it the "Deep State?" Why does the mainstream media and big tech enable him to get away with so many obvious failures and lies? 

For some folks, those with faith in God, "Dark Brandon" is emblematic of a supernatural satanic evil.

I will leave it here:

"A song of ascents. I lift my eyes to the mountains-from where will my help come? My help will come from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth." 

Psalm 121:1-2