Monday, December 10, 2018



Obama used tear gas nearly 30 times at the border.  Do you remember hearing the outrage in the mainstream media?

During the Obama Administration we had terrible racial division. There were race riots and violent BLM protests which required the use of tear gas.  Did the mainstream media express outrage at the use of tear gas on American citizens?

French President Macron has been using tear gas for weeks on his own people? Where's the outrage from American mainstream press?

We heard hardly a peep about the terrible use of tear gas in all those situations.  Because it was understandable.  Some situations call for it.

When a massive group of migrants are rushing the USA border with the full intention to break US immigration laws and break into America, the Federal Homeland Security used tear gas cautiously to turn back their advance. And the AMERICAN MAINSTREAM MEDIA WENT BALLISTIC!  This is a prime example of how biased they are.  They aren't objectively reporting news in a balanced way. They are operating with an agenda and the news narrative is worked into order to serve their Leftist anti-Trump agenda.

WHEN they do that they ARE Fake News!  WHEN they violate the standards for accurate, objective, balanced reporting in order to promote a Partisan purpose they are doing what George Washington warned us about in his Farewell Letter. As such, they are the "enemy of the people."

The globalists readily admit that they want open borders.  But most MODERATE Democrats say they are NOT for open borders. Yet they all have fits of rage every time the Trump Administration does anything to enforce our immigration laws.  It is NOT odd. We have seen this sort of rage every time Conservative thinking is ascending.

From Goldwater to Reagan to Bush I & II there has been a consistent pattern of hypocrisy born out of Partisanship that is born out of the hate the Left as for Conservatives and their values.
And it is a far greater threat to America than President Trump.

Trump does bring out the worst, as well as the best. Because of his political incorrectness he  highlights, exposes and draws out the extreme Partisan attitudes people have.

But Trump isn't the cause. He is the symptom. He is the result when the Left refuses to listen or acknowledge any valid Conservative approaches to governing.  Trump is the outcome of an American government that isn't working for the American people.

Our State and Federal governments are working for themselves - the government worker's Unions, the lobbyists and special interests, rather than for the freedom and prosperity of the American people.  We have become taxpaying slaves to the entitlement system, government pensions, the military industrial complex and hundreds if not thousands of obsolete government programs.

The Political Parties aren't doing what is best for AMERICA -- They are doing what is best for their PARTY.  We need to PUT AMERICA FIRST.

Macron and the globalists throughout Europe are discovering, that President Trump was right when he spoke at the U.N. recently - every country's leadership needs to put it's people first. Then, as strong, prosperous and diverse Nations, each with their own special strengths, the Nations can work together in a spirit of cooperation to address greater problems.

Globalism has become like unhealthy codependency, and it isn't working. Sovereignty and Nationalism are healthy things. Their meaning has been distorted by Globalist and Socialist.  Globalism isn't Patriotism. It is an attempt at a world order which puts government over G-d.

The Difference Is This:
Our moral values do not come from government. And if people think it does they are sorely mistaken.  Sadly, there are too many people in this world who think they do. And many of them are globalist who believe they represent truth and morality and have the higher authority to control our lives. Many of them are uber-Left globalist who believe they represent truth and morality and have the higher authority to control our lives and have put their faith in politicians. Unfortunately, many of them are controlling the Leftist media and view their truth as the only truth and all other views unholy lies that need to be silenced. 

Government's morality comes the PEOPLE.  And where do the people get morality from? If I need to tell you, you may be part of the problem.