Wednesday, November 16, 2022


Donald J Trump declaring he is running for President a 3rd time

Today feels a bit like "Ground Hog Day." Only instead of the movie we are watching the 2024 Presidential Campaign. 

In the movie Groundhog Day, Phil Connors played by Bill Murray, was trapped in a time-loop. The time-loop symbolizes the closed-mindedness of how people go through life. We make the same decisions and mistakes again and again - albeit not as obvious as in the movie. To escape Groundhog Day, Phil Connors had to truly changed something about his attitude to life and the people around him. 

For the next two years we will watch Joe Biden implode. 

For the next two years we will watch attendance exploding at Trump rallies. 

For the next two years we will watch the DNC/FBI/DOJ plotting more wild ways to go after Trump while refusing to address the obvious partisanship and corruption in their own ranks. Don't put anything past the kabal (the Swamp Washington establishment and media) out to get Trump. 

For the next two years will watch TDS divide our nation. 


The answer is our attitude about what we are watching.  Whether we are Republican or Democrat we need to see and understand what is happening in other ways. We need to see things in ways that help us to solve problems and most all stop the hate. 

People who harbor TDS are waking up to have powerful emotions triggered again. The emotional symptoms of TDS is exceptionally high levels of hatred, partly fear based, which generates loathing and anger every time they see or hear Trump. The most acute haters will wish the man dead. 

This hateful attitude of disgust and contempt for Trump is released on anyone associated with Trump. Sadly and tragically, this can result in fights, assaults, nasty unsocial behaviors and the destruction of relationships.  

Is their a similar problem with Republicans?  The hatred of Hillary, Obama and Pelosi mirrors the hate that Democrats have for Trump. The net result of what political leaders, Democrats and Republicans and the media are all doing is "Groundhog Day." 

The media has to accept responsibility for promoting and feeding many of the attitudes that divide our nation. They bring their own biases and hatred into the studio and broadcast it out to us. 

Democrats and Republicans who love America must try to temper, rather than fan hate. We must demand and promote new understanding and attitudes. We must expect better of our government and elect individuals who do the same. Otherwise our nation will sink to a dark place none of us should want it to go. 


The Bible teaches us not to hate. It also warns us what to do in a crisis. At the end of his life, Moses warned the Israelites in the last chapters of Deuteronomy what we would face in the Promise Land hundreds of years into the future. 

Similarly, after leading the Patriots to victory in establishing this covenant American nation, George Washington warned us in his farewell letter, “Friends and Citizens,” for just such a time as we are in.  

I urge you to read both farewell addresses and take the blessings & curses they each spoke of seriously. I'd also encourage you to read George Washington's first Inauguration Address. It speaks about what it takes to make a great nation.

In the July 2018 issue of the Philadelphia Trumpet there was an article titled "A Warning to America From Our Past Presidents." The author speaks to the inspiring example of Washington and Lincoln and the key to our National survival in crisis times when our nation is torn. 

🙏 for calm. 🙏 for Brotherly love. 🙏 for peace.



Here are some useful reference sites about Washington’s Farewell Address:

  1. Histoty Channel 
  2. Mount Vernon Site 
  3. National Constitution Center

It is hard to tell the difference between Lincoln and Trump. What? Seriously? You might be surprised.