Saturday, February 8, 2020


As far fetched as it may seem, there are multiple parallels between President's Lincoln and Trump.

The first created the Republican party. The later sought to restore it and expose the "Republicans in name only," so called "RINO's."

They both stood tall at over 6'3" with a very distinguishable appearance that their critics enjoyed mocking and making cartoon caricatures of.

They were both where considered interlopers by the Washington elite.

Pundits of each predicted before their start that their Presidency would be a ruiness failure. Of Lincoln a major Memphis newspaper published this statement:
“Within 90 days from the time Lincoln is inaugurated, the Republican Party will be utterly ruined and destroyed. His path is environed with so many difficulties, that even if he had the ability of Jefferson and the energy of Jackson, he would fail, but he is a weak and inexperienced man, and his administration will be doomed from the commencement.
They were both despised by D.C. insiders and posed a threat to the "Establishment."

They both had to endure endless, ruthless public and personal attacks. They both endured relentless hostility in the media.

They both never shied from going out in public despite considerable risks and challenges to ensuring their physical safety.

They both were famous for their oratory talents and possessed a charisma that commanded attention. They were both known for their sense of humor.

One is credited for making the Republican Party great and the other is credited with uniting the Republican party the most in history.

There is a credible theory that the House would have impeached President Lincoln had he not been assassinated first.

They both became forever associated with a great split in our nation.

They both had to deal with States violating Federal requirements concerning legalities over citizenship.

They both made a huge difference in the prosperity of Black lives.

They both believed that legal citizenship mattered and was worth fighting for.

They were both loathed and hated so deeply that fantasies of their assassination were not unusual.

They both had extremely close Orthodox Jewish supporters. They both made frequent strong references to their Faith in the Almighty.

Here is what was said about Abraham Lincoln:
  • The contempt for this President upon his arrival in Washington DC was so widespread, so vicious and so personal that it marked an historic low point of USA presidential prestige. 
  • On arrival to Washington his support in the nation is estimated at about 25 percent — roughly equivalent to the lowest approval ratings recorded by modern-day polling.
  • He is no more capable of becoming a statesman than a braying ass has of becoming a noble lion. 
  • Americans projected onto him everything they saw wrong with the country.
  • Critics in Eastern cities said he was inadequate to the needs of the democracy. Hostile masses elsewhere said he represented a deadly threat to the republic. 
  • His imbecile mind and disgusting manner have made the USA the laughing stock of the whole world. 
  • This man is more of an unconstitutional tyrant and a repulsive dictator.
  • The European powers will despise that this President was the best that Americans could do.
  • The press suggested that the president deserved the deepest disgrace that the crushing indignation of people can inflict. 
  • Critics said we soon would have a self-proclaimed dictator who would carry out his plans by "iron rule of the worst kind of despotism."
  • To millions this resident was a standard bearer for a vast corrupt political system.
  • One major NY Newspaper joked darkly that the President "may live a hundred years without having so good a chance to die."
  • Democrats savored the spectacle of the President's demise. Democrats announced "he will never be President again."
  • The elite were fed up with his "little jokes" [tweets]. They called him an obscene ape and vowed to depose him from Washington and the White House.  
Those remarks are virtually quotes from major publications and politicians at the time describing Abraham Lincoln during his Presidency.
It is hard to tell the difference between what the mainstream press and Democrats said about Lincoln in his day from what they say about President Trump today.

I am by no means the first to draw a comparison of Trump to Lincoln. Other's have and I'm certain more will.  Here is one example. 

It remains to be seen how history will judge Trump. But there is an increasing sense by Republicans that they are on the right side.