Sunday, February 2, 2020


Democrats are seeing their chances of removing Trump through impeachment slip away. The reality of having to actually beat Trump head-on in the 2020 Presidential election is becoming a more frightening reality for some.

Prospects for Trump in 2020 are extremely good.  He is going to be very hard to beat. As the probability of four more years becomes a highly likely reality, fear and anger in America will escalate.

As we come down to the last six months before the election the volume of political advertising is going to significantly ramp up. There is a ton of money itching to be put to use. That money isn't going to be used to make many of us feel good!

Fear and anger are perennial "go to" emotions in political ads. Politicians and activists stimulate and exploit fear and anger to bring out the vote. Voting is healthy.

Sadly for society, the fear and anger carries over after the election. And politicians want it to in order to achieve their agenda and because there are elections every two years.
All Along the Watchtower 

"I [We] can't get no relief." Jimi Hendrix 
Unfortunately, fear and anger also trigger negative unhealthy behaviors such as hate and aggression. Hate is a popular subject of concern today.

Fear and anger expressed as aggression is something we had all better get ready for in America.  It's going to be coming big-time to a town near you.  Perhaps even to a home near you.

For a few months now I have been saying we are going to see a rise in rage.  Rage is the most pitched form of active aggression.

You'll recognize this type of aggressive response when it happens. Active aggression is more easily spotted.  The most obvious example is a crowd of Anti-Fa protesters.

A passive aggressive response to fear and anger is more common but it is less easily spotted. Passive aggression is typically found in personal relationships such as between family members and with co-workers.

Passive aggression is quite insidious and damaging to relationships.  If you are unfamiliar with it there is considerable information available with a simple search.  Here is one example of what you might find.
7 Reasons Why People Use Passive Aggressive Behavior.  

Angry people will often justify their aggression. Some are in denial or even unaware of their own aggression.  Here is an excellent related article.
Do Passive-Aggressives Know When They are Passive Aggressive?

This is the Hebrew year 5780.  It is also an election year and as the political season revs up to full speed going into November, I think we need to know the types and signs of aggression and to guard ourselves.

Since we are as likely to have strong emotions both for and against the different candidates, we are likely to be harboring feelings of fear and anger as others do.  In other words, we can be an assailant and/or a victim.

Therefore, we have to be as conscious about how our own emotions manifest in our own behaviors as we are of others.

As for me, I prefer open communication.  I am not just an open book, I write and publish it. 😉

I also find that the more I put my faith in God, the less fearful and angry I feel.  I don't tend to have aggressive inclinations.

The negative emotion that is most familiar for me is impatience. I want to fix problems, which isn't always as beneficial as it might seem.  So I have to work on having more patience.

Last year it became apparent to me that there was much more fear and anger present in society.  I started to write more about the consequences our society may face moving forward in the toxic Partisan atmosphere we live in.

I identified 0101■2020 as a milestone. The decade of the 20's will be a period that will mark a new reality. America's is going to sleep in the bed our nation made for itself. I also envisioned the twenties as a time of transformation.

As a literary technique I coined two expressions. I made repeated use of them in order to established a theme which i carried through like a thread into many of my politically oriented social media posts:
As 2020 unfolds I think it will become increasingly apparent why I chose those particular word phrases.

Eventually the 2020 election will come & go. Unfortunately, I do not see the passing of the election bringing an end to the pattern of fear and aggression. To the contrary.  One side is apt to be more angry than ever before.