Saturday, February 1, 2020


  1. the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

I admit it - I am an addict. They say the first thing an addict must do to deal with their problem is to acknowledge they have it. So here it goes.

I am addicted to reading and writing online.  They call it social media addiction, but that doesn't seem to cover it in my opinion.

I am addicted to reading about trends, religion, business, philosophy and all sorts of things. I have subscribed to dozens of websites and YouTube channels. Nearly all I do on line is free, but I do have paid subscriptions to two Torah study sites and the Daily Wire.

Most of what I read and watch is serious and intelligent. I'd even put satire into that category. Others are just hillarious.  For example I find Key & Peele skits to be brilliantly funny.

My reading material sources also include audio books. I do lots of those!  I prefer non-fiction. In addition I spend about six hours a week studying Torah and just reading the Bible.

What I do NOT do is watch much TV! Whatever Mary has on is fine in the background as long as it isn't political.  Preferably it's sports! Golf, hockey, tennis, football, baseball even the Hallmark Channel - anything but politics!  When I do watch TV it is an awesome show on Netflix that I binge on my phone or tablet with headphones.

Here is how I explain the reasons for my reading and writing addiction.

I love thinking about the world and trying to understand the big picture and what is underlying events and behavior.

I enjoy getting below the surface and developing theories and explanations for what is happening in the world.

My intense joy from religious faith is fed heavily through reading and writing.

I take pleasure in trying to offer out insights. It delights me to help others see a positive perspective which may be different than their own.

When I am on Facebook, to me it feels like I am at a giant party with almost everyone I know. I have the sence that I am socializing with my friends.  Listening to some, striking up conversations with a few, avoiding certain folks and basically enjoying one another's company.

Facebook feeds my curiosity and interests.  It also gives me a medium to test out thoughts and opinions. I am very open and trusting, but if I don't feel safe with someone I simply block them or just stop following them.

I will tolerate differences of opinion. Many of my friends are very Liberal and progressive, whereas I am a Libertarian Conservative. But I have received considerable encouragement from friends with polar opposite political views. I find that as long as people's hearts & intentions are kind, the capacity for tolerance is very high. For me personally the key is that I have no expectations that anyone will change who they are because of me.  I am responsible for me, period.

Things can get tricky, and I do draw the line at being disrespectful or hurtful.  I have had a couple of run-ins, but very few considering the time I invest and how expressive I am.  I'm not intimidated or fearful. It's just that I prefer not to waste my time.

Back to why I am addicted . . .

It feels good when I get a positive reaction. It is especially satisfying to me when I get the sense that I have helped someone else in any constructive way.

I am addicted to the endorphins that are produced for me through reading and writing.

I read and write on social media, but that isn't the only place. I write three other blogs besides Ritter's Rants & Rumblings. The other three blogs are for my business.  It is essential to my business that I build content which generates organic traffic to my websites.
  1. GoldMine Success
  2. Get a Better CRM
  3. Better Business CRM
I also write email messages that I broadcast out to thousands of businesses every month.

Occasionally I write an article for the Jewish Federation's monthly newspaper The VOICE.

Looking back in my life, writing isn't new. I wrote personal journals when I was in my teens and early twenties.

Back in the early 1990's, I enjoyed writing and delivering speeches for the Poughkeepsie Area Toastmasters Club. Evidently those weren't too bad because they chose me to be the area's Toastmaster of the Year in 1993. I am particularly proud of that even though it feels like a lifetime ago.

For 10+ years while I was an Adjunct Professor teaching Direct Response Advertising at Marist College I enjoyed writing on marketing subjects.

I tried writing a book on marketing psychology based on a theory I had worked on developing.  I did a couple of lectures on it at the time which were well received. But regrettably I never finished the book.

Back nearly 30 years ago when I was President of the Dutchess County Realtors Association, I somewhat enjoyed writing the President's speech for the annual dinner.

For two years, while I was President of Vassar Temple, I would write a column for the monthly Temple bulletin.  I wrote about 20 articles.  That was very enjoyable for me!  I also especially liked writing my Temple President speeches during the High Holy Days those two years!

I like writing for my friends on social media. Which is where my addiction has caused me the most trouble.

My friends on Facebook are people who mean a lot to me personally.  Some of them are friends I grew up with.  These are 45+:year relationships in some cases!:

I enjoy trying to stimulate my friends. I enjoy sharing with them - both ways.  I take the greatest pleasure in pleasing them. And you bring out the best in me!  Which brings me to the main reason I write.

Fortunately I don't have to write that explanation here because this article is already long enough. And because I already wrote that explanation once before. In fact, it was the subject of MY FIRST blog post nine years ago.

For all these reasons and others I am addicted.  And like anyone with an addiction, I have hurt the ones I love most of all. Therefore my addiction is hurting me.

So I'm going to seek help with my addiction.  I'm sure I can improve.

Lest you think this post is intended to be snarky, I want to be clear. I do have an addiction.  And the points in this post are sincere explanations  Regardless of whether it is justifiable or understandable, it is causing pain and anguish. So I am seriously trying to figure out how to deal with it.  It'll take some time on the couch.

Fortunately I do like gardening very much. Perhaps it is time to spend more time doing that.