Tuesday, September 26, 2023


P.M. Netanyahu speaking before the U.N. 9.22.23

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the U.N. General Assembly on Friday before Yom Kippur that Israel is “at the cusp” of a historic breakthrough leading to a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia. During his speech Netanyahu announced an amazing new infrastructure project.

Netanyahu's proposed "infrastructure corridor" is brilliant. I can't wait to hear what Netanyahu calls it! 

This so called "Infrastructure Corridor" is hugely attractive to Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, India and Greece as well as Europe and other Middle-East nations. The bi-directional possible benefits are pretty incredible. They also threaten Russia, China, Iran and even Sudan and Turkey.  

Israel has massive natural gas reserves. Israel could supply a great portion of Europe's and India's energy needs. They could even convert that gas energy to electricity and do the same to supply Europe and India.   

Netanyahu touted the corridor as digital communications and electricity connection but the infrastructure corridor could include a pipeline and be a shipping lane with a high-speed AI driven truck and/or rail lines as well. India and other parts of Asia could ship physical goods that way. 

Asia would come across the Arabia Sea, then make land somewhere around Dubai, Bahrain and the UAE. From there the corridor would travel west through Saudi Arabia to Jordan before hitting Israel and the Mediterranean Sea. Israel has six major commercial marine ports and oil terminals

From there it's smooth sailing to Greece and/or Spain pretty much along the great shipping routes of the ships of Tarshish in the Book of Jonah.

Israel already has a huge pipeline project planned across the Mediterranean, called the EastMed Pipeline to get gas from there to Greece. It was nearly ready to move forward with the support of the Trump Administration.   When Biden got into office he IMMEDIATELY killed that and the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the USA. Experts say that project is still viable.  I'm certain that the moment Trump is sworn in on practically day one he is on board. I expect Trump will be announcing his support for this corridor from the campaign trail. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump show up in Saudi Arabia soon. Of course Biden will claim credit. (Both candidates claiming credit for the same project means Israel has bipartisan support either way it goes. That BB is one smart politician!!)

Israel Katz: photo by Moti Kimchi

 said in a statement issued late that Saturday night Israel time that the US approached Israel regarding "regarding the realization of this historic opportunity" and "held urgent diplomatic contacts in order to bring about today's breakthrough." In fact, the idea was first floated by former Transportation Minister Israel Katz in April 2017. Katz's original idea - which he dubbed "railways for regional peace" - was to establish a railway to connect Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. Former US President Donald Trump liked and adopted Katz's idea. 

Netanyahu must have name in mind for this Infrastructure Corridor. Something biblical I would assume. Or maybe something "futuristic" or even "Cosmic." 

I also have a sneaking suspicion that Elon Musk is going to be involved. Netanyahu did devote some time to AI. Netanyahu made an unusual trip to see Musk on his USA visit. That speaks volumes. Maybe Musk's work with high speed rail or robotics will play a part. 

Netanyahu described the start of a "new Middle-East." He practically showed us a drawing of it -- with a map and his now famous RED MARKER. He used that same marker the last time he spoke to the U.N. to highlight the "curse" of Iran!  

The date of Netanyahu's U.N. speech was Friday, September 22, 2023 / Tishrei 7, 5784 - Jewish Calendar. This was a very special date, it is the start of the Shabbat before Yom Kippur. It is called the Shabbat Shuva, the Shabbat of Returning. The name comes from the prophecy of Hoshea.

The Book of Hoshea is dated to c. 760–720 BC, it is one of the oldest books of the Tanakh, predating final recensions of the full Torah (Pentateuch). Hosea is the source of the phrase "reap the whirlwind." The Book of Hosea contains a number of prophecies of significance to both Jews and Christians. 

It is customary for the rabbi to address the people and to emphasize the severity of transgression so that the people turn their hearts toward repentance. Our Sages have said that when the wise address the people, G‑d forgives the sins of Israel. 

Now, with this biblical context in mind, have a look below at Netanyahu's actual words to the United Nstions and the world:

"Ladies and gentlemen, over three millennia ago, our great leader Moses, addressed the people of Israel as they were about to enter the promised land. He said they would find their two mountains facing one another. Mount Gerizim, the site on which a great blessing would be proclaimed, and mount Ebal, the site of a great curse.

Moses said that the people's fate would be determined by the choice they made between the blessing and the curse. That same choice has echoed down the ages, not just for the people of Israel. But for all humanity. We face such a choice today. It will determine whether we enjoy the blessings of a historic peace, of boundless prosperity and hope, or suffer the curse of a horrific war of terrorism and despair."

Netanyahu literally drew out the message of choosing between blessing and curse with a red marker!  

The "freaky part" ... Can you say Ezekiel?