Friday, February 14, 2025


"If you cannot write well, you cannot think well; if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking for you." --- Oscar Wilde

Knowing that God loves you can feel like having a very special Valentine. Valentine's Day has it's origins in early Christianity. Today it is a secular holiday. Coincidently, Valentine's day falls in the Hebrew month of Elul. In Jewish history, Elul is a month of Love. Elul is known as the Month of the Bride and is a time of special closeness between God and Israel. 

Exodus 34.6 -- And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,

Knowing that God loves you can feel like having a super power.  The creators of the original superhero, Superman, were Jews in the 1930's, during the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany taking over Europe. The two young American Jewish comic book writers who developed "Superman" were aware of the horrific things happening to Jews in Europe. They created the concept of a "man" who came to earth from another planet who could leap over buildings and was stronger than a locomotive.  (Coincidentally, I just heard a locomotive. A sound neither I or my wife have ever heard before from where I am writing  this.) 

Superman was emblematic of Jews in need of a Messiah.  I blogged about this a few years ago in a post titled Superman As sAVIOR. The Messiah didn't come to rescue them from Hitler, but Jews did get to go back to Israel after 2000 years. 

Have you ever seen little kids talking about picking a "super power?" They might even debate which super power is the best: Super strength versus super speed; The ability to be invisible or see through walls or to fly. 

For some reason, the major superheroes in the children's cartoons I grew up with, kept their super power a secret. Many of them had a costume they wore when they had to use their super power. Once they were done using their powers they would change back into their "street clothes." Then even their friends and others wouldn't know. Why did it matter that they kept their super power a secret? 

I wondered about that last night and I was inspired to write about it early this morning. The super power that I picked was "knowing that God loves me."  

The love of God is considered so profound and personal that it feels like a secret shared only between you and God. There is an intimate quality to being unconditionally loved by One who knows your most private thoughts, fears and vulnerabilities.

Knowing God loves you can feel deeply personal and hidden. It is a special knowledge not everyone fully understands or experiences. Yet, in some mysterious way it provides a sense of comfort and security. 

Knowing that God loves you can provide a profound sense of peace and reassurance. Faith in this "knowing" can bring joy and strength to one's life that transcends external circumstances, offering stability and calm in times of turmoil.

Nahum 1.7 (NIV) -- The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.

Being loved by a parent or spouse is wonderful and so so important!  The love of grandparents and other family members is valuable too. However, the love of a person doesn't provide the same sense of assurance as feeling loved by God. When a child or adult has to face the world on their own, God's love provides a sense that another human being is simply not capable of giving.  Also, feeling materially secure is very different than spiritual security.  

Psalm 23:7 -- Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Life is filled with ups and let-downs, however studies have shown over & over that a spiritual relationship with God can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

The belief in God's love can inspire you to live with purpose and integrity. It can guide your actions and decisions, helping you navigate life's complexities.

The sense that God loves you is a reminder that you are cherished and valued beyond measure.  One can draw from that in dark times or as an inspiration to love another. 

A True Personal Story

When my daughter was just a little girl, I would make up bedtime stories to tell her. She knew that each story would come down to me having to choose between her and someone else. No matter what my made-up story was, it would always end on these words -- "I would pick you." I wanted her to know she would always have her father's love. 

That Was Then

Now, my children are adults with young children. Telling my grandchildren bedtime stories is their parent's beautiful privilege.  I often tell my grandchildren I love them and make time to visit them often.  

One day a year or two ago, I don't remember when, I was saying goodbye to one of my grandchildren, I can't remember which, and I had this unexpected urge to whisper this secret in their ear, "God loves you." Since that first time, I have done so many times, at bedtime and when I say goodbye.

I do not know my children's actual spiritual beliefs. My children, my grandchildren's parents, don't seem to have any appreciation of or use for religion. I'm not a fan of "organized religion" per say, but I do appreciate the opportunity a house of worship provides for learning the bible and fellowshipping with others.  

My "secret" is not a substitute for the way they are raising their children. I am very proud of their parenting and believe they are tremendous parents.  

Telling my grandchildren a secret, that "God loves them" is a way to give my grandchildren a gift that I believe is valuable gift.  It is about giving them a super power that will last them through life, after I have passed way.  

This secret is not between them and me. It is a secret between them and God. It is a small voice inside of them, that I hope they hear.


There is one particular bible passage that nearly everyone knows. Chances are you have read it at least a half-dozen times, if you've gone to that many funerals. But did you ever believe it? If so, you know a secret. You have a super power.  I put the passage in my epilogue.  

Granddaughter's braid
Perfect Timing

Coincidentally, I am writing this on Valentine's Day, when people go around wishing other's "Happy Valentines." We give sweet little candies that dissolve and cards that get thrown away. Perhaps Jewelry or flowers. The next day feelings begin to fade away and soon the flowers die. Nonetheless, Valentine's Day can be a precious experience for children.

My wife and I have never been fans of feeling required to give each other gifts or saying I love you because it is February 14th. It has always been more important that we knew it, like it is something inside and personal.  But I do love the Valentine's gift my grandchildren gave me this morning!

Happy Valentine's Day ... I hope you feel loved.  May the Force and Power of Love be with you. 


Psalm 23:

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

P.S. There is reason I chose to quote Oscar Wilde at the beginning.  He has many interesting quotes about God.  Clearly he has given the subject a great deal of thought.