Sunday, February 2, 2025


Hamilton Broadway Musical
That is not a Nazi Salute either.  It's the official graphic/logo for the huge smash hit musical "Hamilton." It's been performed on international stages to near-universal acclaim.

Mary and I have seen the show four times, including in London.  We loved it so much that we got tickets for our adult children to go see it themselves. That adds up to 12 tickets!  

It wasn't just the show that I loved. It was the way it told story of the life of the real Alexander Hamilton.  Like the show's creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda, I read the book he based it on:  The 2004 biography of Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. 

Lin-Manuel and I were both in awe of the main character. Lin channeled his fascination into an amazing work of cultural entertainment.  I channeled mine into seeing his show, starting in the year it appeared on Broadway, 2015. 
The musical covers the life of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton and his involvement in the American Revolution and the political history of the early United States.

Hamilton changed the world. The show captured the world's attention. The elite loved it.  You could say the elite launched it because the concept for the show was introduced in 2009 at a "Spoken Word" poetry jam in the Obama White House to a room filled with celebrities.

Here's is Lin-Manuel performing the rap-song "Hamilton" for an adoring President Obama. 

I wonder if Obama personally related to the story.  I too see Obama in a character of the show. Ironically, it's not the character for whom the song is about, Alexander Hamilton. I see him as the character singing the song. Aaron Burr, the "damn fool who shot him." 

As a matter of fact, I think the play is in some supernatural way foreshadowing future events, from the time it was previewed in 2009 at Obama's White House, the lives of Obama and Donald Trump and what would become the history of America. I know that's a crazy thing to think or say, "But just you wait, just you."

Donald Trump would come down his famous golden Trump Tower escalator just 50 days after the Hamilton musical debuted on Broadway.  

Since Trump came down the escalator he has been non-stop!  Here's the song "Non-Stop" from the musical:

The stories and lives of these four men, Burr, Hamilton, Obama And Trump, are clearly different.  I am not saying that Lin-Manuel is a prophet!  And, their is nothing biblical about the "Spoken Word," from wence this musical was created. That being said, there are so many very curious parallels that I have noticed for the whole thing to be coincidence.

Here is the full soundtrack of Hamilton:

Some lyrics from the track song:
Alexander Hamilton
We are waiting in the weeds for you
You could never back down
You never learned to take your time
Alexander Hamilton
America Sings for you
Do they know what you overcame
Do they know you control your name
The world will never be the same,

There are dozens of details in the story of Hamilton's life as told through the lyrics of Lin-Manuel that I could use to illustrate my point. If I did, you'd be able to appreciate why I believe their is a bizarre profound connection between the lives of Hamilton and Trump and why I believe, as crazy as it sounds, there is some supernatural reason the play Hamilton came to be. 

If nothing else, it is a great show about one of America's greatest founding fathers -- The man on our TEN dollar bill.

One of the favorite characters in the Hamilton show is "The King." In this scene the King has just heard that Adam's is going to be the next President after G.W. 

The parallel to today is Trump's second term. Trump isn't a new President but he is a new man from his experiences since he ran against Hillary in 2016. The Democrats thought they could eat Trump alive.  The "Haters" and corrupt Deep State were so excited when their bogus prosecutor and judge convicted him of 34 felonies. Once everything they tried, failed, there were multiple assassination attempts, but all the rounds of bullets missed his head. 


"History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” Mark Twain