Saturday, April 29, 2017

First 100 Days

In ONLY 100 days ...

- Moscow is ready to cooperate with the United States on settling the Syrian crisis, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday, Russian news agencies reported.

- China is cooperating and putting the screws on North Korea.

- The UN Secretary and Euro countries are getting UN Ambassador Haley and Trumps message loud and clear about unfair treatment of Israel. And relations with Israel have never been better!

- The glory days of Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS are OVER!  And Israel and USA security are much better for it.  Europe has gotten the message on the costs of radical Islam in their midst - and the world has started to realize that the only way to solve the refugee crisis is for the refugees to be able to go home to start rebuilding their countries!

- NATO countries have agreed they need to step up to their fair share on defense.

- Unfair trade deals and treaties are being renegotiated. And American manufacturing is coming back.

- Our absurd tax rates and structure is being overhauled. We will go from being one of the least competitive countries to one of the more.

- The unsustainable giant entitlement ACA is near repeal, while better designs for lowering health care costs are being re imagined.

- Plans to raise our failing infrastructure are around the corner.

- The gigantic volume of over regulation which was put in place over the last eight years is being evaluated and unraveled, causing historic leaps in business and consumer confidence and markets.  Big increases in business investment and GDP are inevitable.

- Rather than damaging our energy self-sufficiency options and potential, America is on it's way toward greater energy self-sufficiency and massive export revenues, and the benefits of national security that comes with greater energy independence!

- Trump has welcomed many international leaders to the Whitehouse with positive results.

- We are starting to see wage growth and less UNDER employment.

- We are going to stop forcing people who have a moral or religious belief against abortion to contribute their Federal tax dollars to fund them.

More is to come, and I could go on with the progress in the first 100 day, but it won't matter TO THE LEFT!  Because to the haters, Trump has done nothing or worse, and no matter what he does they will hate him for it. Fortunately, both Houses and the majority of governors know why they were elected, and it surely was not the agenda of the past 8 years!

Obama promised hope and change. Trump is delivering on his promises, and as a result we are getting LONG overdue changes to be hopeful about.

The Left answers with Russian conspiracy theories, obsession with Trump's tax return even after one year's illegally leaked release showed Trump paid more than most Presidents, and violent efforts to restrain free speech and united obstruction in Congress.

While Trump IS making America greater, the Left is looking for him to fail.  The Left would rather for America to be in a disastrous situation than for Trump to succeed. Their mantra is as UN-American as it can get -> "Not My President."

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Real Inconvenient Truth

What if Obama and the scientists got it wrong? Is it possible that the best thing that could have happened for CO2 emissions and handling climate change is for Trump to have replaced Obama?

In his presidential nomination victory speech, Obama said:

"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow ..." 

Based on the facts, Obama's prediction did not work out. I give him credit for trying - but only because it certainly proved to be an effective campaign strategy.  Unfortunately, if anything, according to the data, sea levels are rising faster in this past decade.

Science was right about CO2 emissions, they are definitely on the rise, accelerating rapidly during President Obama's term:

How could it be that we are better off with Trump?  Here are a few possibilities:

1.  During Obama, regulations have inhibited the construction of pipelines.  Oil and gas has to be distributed, so a greater percentage is going by truck and rails. That is despite the fact the pipelines are proven to be safer and more efficient.

In addition, building new natural gas pipelines will help electric plants and manufacturers convert away from less clean fossil fuels. Plus, as America begins to export more of our plentiful natural gas, other countries can rely less on dirty coal, and America will yield giant financial benefits to boot!

2. Nuclear power is 8000 times more efficient than oil.

Nuclear power can be produced more safely and efficiently than ever. Yet, as the chart below shows, our usage has dramatically flattened off because it is nearly impossible to bring newer and safer nuclear plants into production. So we continue to rely on less safe plants built 40+ years ago. If we want to see a dramatic reduction in fossil fuel use we might want to be more open to the benefits of more modern nuclear plants.  Unlike Obama who picked winners and losers, with Trump, all energy options are on the table.

3. The problem is consumption. Americans are energy pigs!  We drive more, shower more, live in bigger houses, and consume more than other countries. We are voracious users of electricity.

We need to conserve!  Everyone can do their part. I have changed all my lights to LED, installed a solar system, and replaced my older less efficient oil furnace to the highest efficiency German made unit on the market. I keep my house cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer. I recycle my entire garbage stream. And I carpool 3 days a week. (Even though Mary wishes she could drive alone so she didn't have to listen to my politics.)

The problem is that no matter how much America conserves, we can not solve the problem of CO2 alone.

America is a big part of the CO2 problem. But, as we have lost manufacturing jobs to other countries like China, because of their cheaper labor and more lax regulations, those countries are becoming bigger producers of CO2.  Bringing manufacturing back to the USA, as Trump seeks to do, is better for American jobs and better for the planet, because America is a cleaner producer.

4. America will use less fossil fuels if we improve our infrastructure. Sitting in traffic and on runways costs Americans billions of dollars in lost productivity and wastes enormous amounts of energy, and produces more CO2!  President Trump seeks to cut through the regulations that make building new roads, wider and safer bridges, better airports, and faster rail possible. Coupled with Trump's proposal to invest a trillion dollars on such infrastructure, Trump wants to be the best thing to happen to USA infrastructure, using USA steel!

One of the best things America can to do is overhaul our energy grid to make it safer from terrorist and hacker threats and more efficient.  A better grid can save America 10% or much more in energy.  Expect biggly announcements regarding our electricity distribution network during the Trump term.

5. Remember "Peak Oil?" Yeah, that prevalent miscalculation was undone by innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and free markets. These forces have a long history of solving big problems. LED bulbs versus incandescent. Advances in solar, wind, and wave energy efficiency, Smart grids, Carbon capture, and other rapidly emerging technologies can change the equation. Countries like Israel and Japan have tapped the greatest source of energy - the human mind.  The best potential for dealing with climate challenges is to unleash human innovation.

The real "Inconvenient Truth" is not what most people are talking about!  Here is the larger issue and why I believe the critical problem we are going to need to deal with is NOT the one we are focused on today.

Emerging countries such as India and China are going to grow and increase CO2 production FAR FAR more than any amount America can save!  Plus, deforestation is the second largest cause of CO2.

Trump haters would rather talk about his tax returns, a fake Russian conspiracy, or Federal funding for abortion than either of these two realities.

The real inconvenient truth is that we are not going to be able to reverse climate change and the rise of our oceans in time!  The multitude of reasons that are causing warming and rising oceans are so complex and outside America's control that humans are not going to solve them in time to save large population centers from the ravages of flooding without ginormous investment in sea walls, levies, dikes, drainage, elevation, and some cases relocation. Coastal erosion and flooding is going to increase dramatically over the coming decades whether we like it or not. To deal with droughts we need to invest in desalinization.

There are many other highly costly infrastructure measures countries will have to take in order to cope with a planet that is changing, perhaps because of man, perhaps in spite of man, or even perhaps to spite man.

What happened in New Orleans and with Hurricane Sandy in the Mid-Atlantic that devastated the East, is only a foreshadowing of what is to come.  And not just here!  Vast population centers on the world's coasts are in peril.

So unless we start to solve our infrastructure problems, a lot of cities and towns in America and elsewhere are fucked.  So maybe science is wrong about Trump.  He may be the best chance America has for dealing with climate change, man made or otherwise.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Faith is a Funny Bunny Thing

My thoughts this early Easter morning, at the tail-end of Passover.

In a great sense, people are slaves to their sins - controlled by addictions, behaviors, and attitudes. We have free will, and too often we fail to choose wisely.  As humans, we can easily become slaves to our ways, our poor choices. It is said that we have Pharaoh's in our life.

Help to overcome the sins, and Pharaoh, in our personal life can come faith.  The two holidays, Easter and Passover which are profoundly and eternally linked to one another, are also deeply rooted in the same meaning, both offer us an the opportunity for freedom.

Both Moses and Jesus lead people out of bondage and to Freedom, be that freedom in the Promised Land or freedom from sin. A Higher Power freed us from Pharaoh thousands of years ago, and gave us the Torah at Mount Sinai. The same Power freed us from our sins and gave us the Gospel as a result of what happened on Calvary.

G-d works through Man.  In one case Moses and in the other Jesus.  Jews wait for our Messiah, putting out a cup of wine for Elijah and opening the door on Passover as a symbolic invitation. Jesus lifted a cup at Passover as symbolic expression that he was offering himself as the Messiah. 

From both Passover and Easter we can take away that there is a code of conduct for how to live our life in service to a higher spiritual purpose.  

Of course this requires FAITH. And some of you reading my post may be thinking you do not have faith.  So let me say this one thing about faith ...

Faith is a funny thing.  To explain it I will tell you a story about how I became "Toastmaster of the Year" in 1983 for the Poughkeepsie Area Chapter of Toastmasters International. True story.  An old friend from High School, Jim Brady, suggested I join this club to become a confident speaker because he told me it would help me with my career.  I was afraid to go.  But as I considered it further, and how right he was, the following paradigm shift became clear.  "You don't get confidence to speak, you speak to get confidence." So it is with Faith. You might say you "fake it till you make it."

Happy Easter and Chag Semeach Peseach friends and family!

Here is another thing the spring holiday's have in common.  The Secret Jewish History of Peeps.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

This May Make the Arab Spring Look Like Nothing

In a resolution being put forward by Arab states before UNESCO for vote in May would contest Israeli sovereignty over ALL of Jerusalem. It would declare that "any action taken by Israel, the Occupying Power, to impose its laws, jurisdiction, and administration on the City of Jerusalem, are illegal and therefore null and void and have no validity whatsoever."
This resolution is the first time the Arab states have asked a UNESCO board to reject Israeli sovereignty over Western Jerusalem. It plunges the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural body (UNESCO) even further into the highly emotional and contested Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The resolution was submitted by Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, and Sudan. It was drafted just as President Trump is going to make a decision on the move of the USA Embassy back to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. (Refer to the following excerpts from a recent article in The Atlantic on this.)
It is as though the nation's that make up UNESCO are trying to create even greater conflict, even promote war. A military conflict is imminent. Between Israel's Iron Dome, and Arrow system, and it's the newly received and tested F35, and other modern systems that the Israeli possess, Israel should be able to deal with air threats. I just wonder how it handles the insurgency uprising we can expect in the West Bank, and whether Hamas forces would attempt a suicidal crossing out of Gaza. Attacks would be mounted out of Lebanon, but will they be limited to rockets and missiles? Iran is sure to be involved through it's proxies, but direct military action is not out of the question. Jordan's King is wild card too, though much of their population hates Israel with a passion and would love nothing more than to raise arms.
For a long time I have said that when the USA moves our Embassy, the shit will hit the fan. I say Trump will NOT renew the waiver which keeps our embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel and the USA are choosing a site and will have an announcement soon.
In 1995, when Bill Clinton was President, Congress passed a bill requiring that the USA move it's embassy back to Jerusalem. The only exception is an option for the President to sign a 6 month waiver, which needs to be signed every 6 months by the President, otherwise the embassy must be moved. Every President has done so since then. Obama signed in 8 times, the last time being in Dec 2016. President Trump campaigned on the promise to NOT SIGN the waiver! Other Presidents BROKE THEIR CAMPAIGN PLEDGE. I say Trump WILL KEEP HIS PROMISE. And i believe members of UNESCO KNOW IT. And, UNESCO motion seems to me to be a preparation for Trump's decision to relocate the embassy.
Moving our Embassy to Jerusalem will be treated as a declaration of war by a VERY large segment of the Muslim/Arab world! And the impact will not be limited to Israel. Let us keep in mind that under NATO, an attack, or declaration of war on one country is a declaration on all the NATO allies. Violent uprisings and Jihad can be expected in France, the UK, and Germany. Not to sound apocalyptic, but this waiver issue is much larger than most people are aware of.
One thing is for sure, the potential effects of the US embassy move to Jerusalem are NOT priced in to the stock market or the bond and gold markets either. Although the increased volume of gold trading activity since January is pretty incredible, the question is whether that is sign of a fear of inflation or a fear of Trump, or a fear of what? Gold has stayed in a range of around 1200 to 1250 for 4 months, which could well go on for longer. But my guess is that it when it breaks out of that range one way or the other, we will have the answer to that question. And we may have that answer, like it or not, when Trump keeps his campaign promise. The last Embassy Waiver expires in June!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Out of the Ashes of Health Care

How ironic, that Republicans had successfully voted numerous times to repeal Obamacare, only to have the President veto the bill to do so.  And YET NOW that Republicans are more in charge and have the Presidency, they fail to pass a repeal.  WHY?  Democrats didn't hand Trump a defeat, CONSERVATIVES did because Trumpcare was in some ways as flawed as Obamacare.  A straight repeal would have made conservatives happy.

The Democrats may have been right about the merits of Obamacare, and the havoc that would have been wrought by “Trumpcare”.

Bob Shrum, a Democratic consultant and politics professor at the University of Southern California, said: “The truth is it might have been worse for him had it passed because he would have faced a potentially devastating midterm election."  It is being said that Friday’s debacle may yet be a blessing in disguise for the president. I still contend that Trump "walked away from the deal" and gained an advantage down the road.

Now the question I haven't answered for myself is how WE AS A NATION move forward with health care, since it surely appears that Obamacare will continue to fall apart without congress to rescue it.  We are likely to see many areas in USA where there is NO coverage.   So you will have people and businesses paying mandates and penalties and getting NO health care to show for it!  How much does that suck?

Maybe their won't be a comprehensive plan, such the ACA.  Perhaps health care is too complicated, controversial, and politically charged to be fixed in a big ACT of legislation.

Maybe we just get a series of new smaller bills and more minor legislation and regulatory changes, each of which addresses some issue with health care.  It is not as grand and conspicuous as some large bill, but maybe a new approach will emerge.  Perhaps it makes better sense to fix one piece at a time?  I am open to that for a variety of reasons.  Especially if it allows for greater bipartisan cooperation.

We might not like the fact that we need two systems.  One that is like Japan's non-profit system which regulates prices and limits coverage but costs 1/10 of the USA, AND covers 100% of their population. PLUS a second free market system that allows people to purchase added coverage if they can afford it.

And nothing will work if we don't drive down costs, speed up drug and device approval, change how we deal with end of life care,  reduce liabilities that raise insurance rates that are passed onto consumers, provide for new delivery systems such as pharmacy testing and vaccines, AND hold citizens to greater accountability for their own health!!

We need to recognize how external factors and trends such as marriage failures, poor wage growth and poverty, opioid usage, alcohol, cigarettes, etc effect health care costs.  Fixing our economy and robust wage growth will help!  Legalizing marijuana as an alternative to alcohol for recreational relaxation will help too.  Promoting a healthy life style and educating children on better health practices will help.  Many of the nations with lower mortality rates than America also have lower obesity rates!

Fair to say that Obamacare and the American Health Care Act are both going to be ashes by the time Congress is through. The question is whether a phoenix will rise from the mess that is American Health Care today.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

This Time Is Different - Judgement Will Be Served

"The U.S. Has One Message For ISIS In Mosul: You Will All Die."

Did you know that Mosul is the city which was once historical Niniveh?  Biblically speaking, the last person to declare judgment and the end to everyone in that city was Jonah.

ISIS destroyed the Tomb of Jonah.  Yup, this Jonah is glad to see judgment delivered today!  And something tells me that ISIS will NOT repent, and judgment will be done.

The United States is calling for the complete and utter annihilation of ISIS in Mosul. Every last jihadist holdout must die.

At a press conference in Baghdad on Sunday, Brett McGurk, the Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition To Counter ISIS, delivered a major update on the U.S.-backed coalition’s offensives against IS-held Mosul. Following a meeting with Iraqi and Kurdish leaders, McGurk confirmed that ISIS is on the brink of defeat, with the group’s fighters falling like flies on the battlefield.

Coalition forces are “committed to not just defeating them in Mosul, but making sure these guys cannot escape,” he emphasized.

I am perfectly comfortable with this message. I even consider it politically correct. Finally, America is getting it's foreign policy act together. Thank goodness Obama's days are over!

Meanwhile, back at the International seed bed for anti-semitic and anti-Israel actions, the United Nation, Rex Tillerson is getting it Done! Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that he urges the UN Human Rights Council to reform, or else possibly face U.S. withdrawal. Tillerson reiterated the USA's "strong principled objection to the Human Rights Council’s biased agenda against Israel.”

In related sense, the recent visit by Saudi Prince Mohammed to the White House to meet with President “put things on the right track, and marked a significant shift in relations, across all political, military, security and economic fields," according to a senior Saudi adviser.

“This meeting is considered a historical turning point in relations between both countries which had passed through a period of divergence of views on many issues,” the adviser said in a statement on Wednesday. Trump said he believes revived relations and new administration policy can lead to 200bln dollars in Saudi investment in the USA.

Trump middle east policy is in sharp contrast to Obama.  Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states believe the 2015 nuclear deal Tehran signed with the US and other world powers emboldened Iran, which they accuse of fuelling conflicts in the Middle East and meddling in Arab states, including Syria, Iraq and Yemen. A major screw up by Team Obama.

So go ahead Dems, you worry about Russian conspiracies costing you the election,  Obama's tax returns, the world being destroyed by fewer regulations, and the possibility of a women who waited 7 months losing her option to abort a developed child. Half of America has a different view, and that half won and earned the right to lead this country.

The month of Adar is proving to be a good month.   The world has waited too long for justice to be served on ISIS. Hezbollah and Hamas are next.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Less Eyes On Washinton

Trump is cutting the enormous Federal Government JUST LIKE HE campaigned on.  His expected budget proposal calls for:

  • 25% cut to the EPA
  • 14% cut to HUD
  • 18% cut to the Commerce Dept

According to the Washington Post, and economic analysis by Mark Zandi, Chief Economist for Moody's Analytics, the cuts would result in a reduction of employment in the Washington region by 1.8% and a personal income decline of 3.5%.  Robert Reischauer, a former director of the Congressional budget office said, "These Cuts would require a wholesale triage of a vast array of federal activities."

  • At the same time, Trump is pushing to strengthen defense and security, another promise. He will propose major investment in our needy infrastructure, as he also said he would.  Tax reform, regulation reduction, and repeal of the failing ACA are all in progress too. Expect to see jumps in business investment and consumer spending to follow. 

Like it or not, Washington is finally getting things done and you know who likes it and is showing it??  Businesses and markets across the country!  The uptick in hires, wages, stocks, and Fed rates are huge signs of approval.

Unlike the Obama years of painfully slow growth that mostly benefited the wealthy with invested assets, and actually hurt the middle class and poor, the growth ahead will benefit wage earners and people who want to return to the workforce.

While some skeptics think the market is set up for a crash, there are serious market watchers who say otherwise. There are experts who say Trump's pro growth action will usher in a new era of economic expansion that will result in doubling of the stock market over the next 5 years.

All Democrats can see are the horrible headlines. The assumption is that every regulation cut equates to terrible egregious actions by those the regulation was written to prevent. That lack any faith in free markets and the value of animal and entrepreneurial spirits.

Creative destruction brings temporary pain for some, and prosperity for others.  But telephone switchboard operators eventually found new jobs.  Change never comes easy. Mistakes, set backs, adjustments, and fixes will be needed along the way. Health care is a perfect example!  The optimal approach will takes years to work out. And aspects take time in order for markets forces and feedback loops to kick in.

It is important to see the big picture.  Our country is finally going in the right direction - the direction that Republican and Democrats alike have been looking for.  Trump is reducing the size of the Washington DC economy and increasing the American economy.  Rather than lining Washington's pockets, the focus is on filling our own bank accounts. Rather than all eyes being on Washington, eyes can turn to how well we run our states, our towns, our schools, our business, and our own household, and even our own personal health.