Monday, July 9, 2018


Prominent Democrats, including Obama before he ran for office, embraced Louis Farrakhan.  Former Democratic Party chair Keith Elison and prominent Democratic Maxine Waters still support his views. Obama prayed ritually with a radical pastor who is antisemitic. Only after running for office did he disavow him.

President Obama was the worst President in history for Israel.  His policies led to the ascendancy of Iran AND the rise of ISIS. ISIS caused the largest refugee crisis in history which in-turn resulted in giant demographic changes in Europe which they are paying a terrible price for.

Obama's handling of the United Nations permitted rampant anti-Israeli attitudes to become the norm and anti-Israel condemnations to become a regular occurrence.

Obama's handling of the Palestinian conflict emboldened Abbas to move away from direct negotiations with Israel and take a failed confrontational approach.

During the Obama years, the BDS movement grew and was legitimized.  In addition, hatred for the police became popular and race relations soured.  And openly misogynistic rappers were welcome guests in the White House.

The three major CURSES against Israel have been themselves been cursed.
1. Iran is isolated, marginalized, and weakened.
2. The United Nations is paying a heavy price for it's harsh and heavy handed treatment of Israel and virtually ignoring atrocities against Christians.
3. The "Obama Legacy" has been shredded and thrown in the garbage heap of history!

As a direct result of Trump, Israel is more secure than ever. Much of the Middle East and Arab nations are warming up and opening up to a more positive relationship with Israel. Trump has literally been a blessing to Israel. Israeli's, let alone most Arabs, know it!

There is much more to say about what has TURNED POSITIVE thanks to Trump, besides matters concerning Israel, Iran, and Middle East.

Central to being a Jew is our relationship to Eretz Israel, the Promised Land of our Hebrew ancestors. It is at the core of our relationship with Abraham and Moses, and essential to accepting the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, also known as the "Old Testament" to Christians. Israel is the world's response to the Holocaust. It is our final destiny.

G-d didn't just promise Abraham the Land Eretz Israel. He gave Abraham a three-fold promise. The same three part blessing which G-d repeated in the Torah when he spoke through Bilam regarding the Hebrew people.

One, that Abraham's people, the Jewish people would be fruitful and multiply. Second, that nobody would conquer the people. The third promise is key to the point of this post. Here is what it was ...

According to the Torah, and central to the beliefs of Christians as well as Jewish tradition, G-d proclaimed that those who cursed Abraham's followers and Israel, would be cursed. AND conversely those that blessed Israel would be blessed.

CONCLUSION: That third blessing is the context for my conclusion. NO POTUS in history was worse for Israel than Obama.  And NO POTUS has been a greater curse to Obama and a blessing to Israel than Trump. DAYENU!

And yet, Obama is still a hero to many Liberal Jews. And those same Liberal Jews despise Trump. IT BAFFLES THE MIND.

Even if the 3rd Blessing is not enough to support Trump ... there is plenty more.

Black, Hispanic, and Women employment is better than ever. Wages are finally growing. People who have been out of the workforce are re-entering and food stamp demand is plummeting. Trump is going head on against opioid usage and crime across the country. And Law enforcement is getting the respect it deserves.

It baffles the mind how so many Liberal Jews still practically worship Obama and hate Trump.  It is like they have been brainwashed!

What could have brainwashed so many intelligent people?  How could so many people be so mislead?  What could possibly produce the years of non-stop exposure, misinformation, lies, and hate to blind so many Liberal Jews to how Obama cursed Israel, as well as what a blessing Trump has been?  And for what?

What body would stand to gain so much to justify the billions of dollars spent and the billions of hours of people's time & effort? What massive groups with huge self-interests could possibly conspire to promote an agenda that could fool millions of people into thinking Obama was so good and Trump was so evil??

Do I really need to tell you it is the Democratic Party and the mainstream anti-Conservative mass media?

Fortunately, Blacks and Hispanics are waking up to the falsehoods and HYPOCRISY of Obama and Democratic leaders such as Keith Ellison, Nancy Pelosi, and shameful Schumer.  They are WALKING AWAY from the Democratic Party. The are waking up to the Party's dark past.

Blacks and Hispanics, and women too, are starting to wake up to the virtues of Conservative ideals and values;

They are waking up to the bogus promises the Democratic party made to them;

They are waking up to the sacred and essential character of the US Constitution;

They are waking up to how free markets and a vibrant economy increases freedom, raises wealth and creates opportunity for everyone. They see finally how Trump's economy is providing a ladder which lets the bottom climb out of poverty and despair.


Liberal Jews do not speak for all Jews!  I am a Jew who has been active in the Reform (Liberal) movement all my life, and I still am. But I woke up and walked away from the Democratic party years ago.  Ronald Reagan delivered my "wake-up call."

I encourage other Jews to #WALKAWAY


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Keeping Promises No Matter What

Since the election, Hillary has been blaming others for losing. And Mueller has spent a fortune trying to figure out a way to concoct a crime of Russian collusion and created a giant distraction from the enormous responsibility and time it takes to lead our Nation. Since the election, Congressional Democrats have done all they can to obstruct the filling of positions to run the country. And CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, the WaPo, and most other Leftist media have made garbage on Trump their most important focus, while ignoring the greatest political scandal in American history.

While they all have doing everything they can to undermine Trump's progress and America's success, Trump has figured out how to:
- bring unemployment to 3.9% with lowest level ever for blacks
- reach target levels on inflation, stimulate wage growth, and expand labor force participation
- bring consumer and business confidence to decades high levels
- end the Korean War
- get our NATO allies to pay their share
- crush ISIS and give the Iranian people who hate their evil regime some hope
- elevate more moderate views and reforms in Saudi Arabia
- stand up to the anti-Semitic United Nations
- develop the best relationship we have ever had with Israel and after almost 40 years of broken Presidential promises, finally move our Embassy back to Jerusalem
- virtually achieve energy independence
- restructure our tax code and repatriate huge sums of money held offshore
- renegotiate numerous major trade agreements
- and more...

The Leftist, and the Deep State have done everything they can to hurt the POTUS and our NATION in the process. They have divided our country, and turned up partisan flames of hate and disrespect. Progressive Liberals have done everything they can to undercut both the 1st & 2nd Amendments of our Constitution.

DESPITE unprecedented non-cooperation, Trump is doing everything he PROMISED to #MAGA. In the face of unfathomable obstacles by NeverTrumpers, Trump and our NATION are #WINNING!  Poles show that a growing number of Americans believe Trump's policies are working, and his approval ratings keep climbing.


Monday, December 18, 2017

National Identity: Time For A Place For A Discussion

In order to solve big problems and truly make America greater, we truly need to find our way back to having respectful discussions. 

I have shared an article* pertaining to just one of the many bones of contention that our country is grappling with, control and use of Federal lands. The article approaches this hotly debated topic in a manner we hardly see. Mainstream media is proving NOT to be the place where discussions like I wish to have are taking place. To the contrary.  Social media, which I thought offered some hope, is proving to be unfit as well.  I would have thought such conversations were taking place academically, on college & university campuses, but there are disturbing signs about what is actually taking place. Last but not least, is the Halls of Congress, the dysfunctional grand daddy of them all.

It seems as though the United States is having an identity crisis. Here is link to an intellectual paper on this notion of searching for national identity.

Perhaps there is some large phenomenon at play. For example the pattern of ~250 cycles (see blow), or some Messianic prophetic event that some believe was foretold.

Assyria 859 – 612 BC 247 years
Persia (Cyrus and descendants) 538 – 330 BC 208 years
Greece (Alexander and descendants) 331 – 100 BC 231 years
Roman Republic 260 – 27 BC 233 years
Roman Empire 27 BC – AD 180 207 years
Arab Empire 634 – 880 246 years
Marmeluke Empire 1250 – 1517 267 years
Ottoman Empire 1320 – 1570 250 years
Spain 1500 – 1750 250 years
Romanov Russia 1682 – 1916 234 years
Britain 1700 – 1950 250 years

Getting back to the point I started with, the need in America to be able to have respectful discussions.  In a sense, a country is relationship between it's citizens - to one another and to the country they each identify with.  In relationships there are tipping points - events which unfold and bring about changes to that relationship, potentially a collapse or to higher and better level. I believe active communication, empathy, and a desire to seek a greater good outcome are critical at such times. The question is, where is the place for this? And is it happening today in America?

* Article referenced in my opening paragraph.  Special Briefing: A Monumental Showdown --

Friday, December 15, 2017

Profiting From the Daily Sex Scandals

THINKING LIKE AN INVESTOR:  How to make money off of the daily sex scandals.

"Tens of thousands of years of mating instincts and behavior still exert a powerful influence on us today, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Many men still want sex and will trade money to get it, while many women still want security and will trade sex to get it."  BJ Gallagher, Huffington Post

Men and women's bodies have "natural" differences, we think and behave in some different ways, and our human experience is shaped by the different ways culture and society treat us.  One construct that is generally accepted is that "men use power & money to get sex, and women use sex to get power & money."  This characterization, along with virtually every characterization, is a broad generalization and exceptions abound.  In other words, there are women who are stronger than men. And there are men who use sex to gain power over women, and there are women who never rely on their "sex appeal."  But for purposes of discussion and the question I am about to pose, indulge me and let us assume that there is some validity to this premise.

The explosion of sexual harassment and assault cases in the news has put both genders on notice.  For each gender the consequences will play out differently. And the effects will change how we each perceive, behave, react and respond. The dynamics will impact many social, cultural, and business settings and situations.  What is acceptable for both genders will shift and adjust to the new risks and realities.  If we play this forward, you can imagine many changes in our lives.

If we come back to the original premise, that "men use power & money to get sex, and women use sex to get power & money," what changes can we anticipate if we assume this equation is no longer "acceptable?"  What do men lose?  What do women lose? What do men gain?  What do women gain?

The new dynamics will result in changes in the ways that both sexes plan and operate.  And those changes will impact people's personal and business decisions.  Right now, at this present moment we are so caught up in the scandals and shock, and politics of the day, that we have yet to consider the broader implications.

I can toss out some imaginable changes just to start the thought/brainstorm process:
- Male recruiters/bosses might be less likely to hire an "attractive" women. This could give less attractive women greater job prospects.
- Women will be more likely to report incidents of abuse, which should result in the decreased likelihood of abusive behavior.
- Sexually provocatively dress in the workplace may be perceived differently, which could also effect the fashion and apparel industry.
- Men will seek out new "safer" means of "gaining sex." E.G. Places which offer legal prostitution, pornography, and chat rooms may see increased business.
- Men and woman in relationships may look to spice it up, since excitement from flirtation in the workplace and elsewhere is more taboo and risky.

So now, how do we identify where trends are taking us and figure out how to invest in those trends to make money?  This whole subject raises the notion of "trend watching," a subject that I enjoy and have read a few books about.

Change is to entrepreneurs, what oxygen is to a flame. Social and cultural shifts create opportunities for new businesses, products and services. Investors looks for places to put their money where there is greater opportunity.  Whenever there are big changes in what is socially acceptable or desirable, there is an opportunity to profit from it. The key is to figure out where, when, and how these changes will impact consumer behaviors.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Trump Success Comes From What He Hears

Left critics of President Trump don't support ANYTHING he does, so it is not very shocking that they would go bonkers over his Embassy decision. They say it will hurt the "Peace Process."  What peace process?  For years Abbas has refused to negotiate and has only sought to undermine Israel in the U.N., which as a body has focused on passing one terrible condemnation after another of Israel while ignoring a multitude of crimes and violations by others.

The Left says the President's decision will "destabilize the Middle East and result in violence."  Somehow I failed to notice how stable and peaceful the Middle East has been these past 60 years.

The Left has taken away the wrong message from President's courageous action.  Here is what they seem to be missing:

“. . . for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye.” Zechariah 2:12,

“I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.” Genesis 12:3:

Here is the thing.  The Left fails to appreciate that President Trump is not just speaking. Even before he speaks, he listens. Trump is a receiver. He listened to America, and America elected him.  And I believe he is listening still when it comes to the Middle East and Israel. The message that Trump delivers to us, is the message he hears.  The Left has repeatedly underestimated Trump's voice because they completely discount that he listens.

We can relate the President's action with respect to his decision to move our embassy back to Jerusalem to Numbers 13, in which Joshua and Caleb urged the people to enter the Land of Israel without fear of their enemies. Trump heard this message echoing from the past.

President Trump's action does not hurt or weaken Israel. It protects and sustains it.  Nor does it hurt the chances for peace and a safe and secure home for Palestinians.  People of all cultures and faiths can prosper and practice their faith in Israel.  The only thing stopping them is their hatred.

The President's action confronts the closed mind set of hate.  The President's action squares the position of the USA with reality, and forces Palestinians to choose between peace and violence, between love and hate, between prosperity and suffering, between a brighter and a darker future.

President Trump's declaration on December 6, 2017 presents the Palestinians with a choice to make. A choice to see freshly the opportunities that are before them for peace and prosperity, or to see only darkness and vengeance ahead.  Their situation is akin to this passage from Deuteronomy, verse 19:  "This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live"

Sunday, December 10, 2017


Finally, we are getting the kind of economic strength that will "reach into the corners," as I will put it.

Now that Trump is president we are seeing his promise for robust growth and prosperity being delivered.  Gone is the slowest recovery in history from a deep recession. This isn't even a regular recovery any more. The "Trump Effect" is like the difference between your regular house cleaning, and those times when you do a really deep cleaning and get into all the corners!

The Millennials, X-generation, and even Baby Boomers in the workforce today are too young to know what it is like to have an economy running above 4% GDP growth, let alone touching as high as the 5-6% Trump promises.

Keep in mind that USA businesses have spent the last 8 years cutting costs and increasing efficiency to get through the Great Recession and tepid growth while trying to maintain margins despite revenue declines.  So as growth comes and productivity increases along with capacity utilization, operating/profit margins are going to expand dramatically. Couple this with the soon to be passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and that means we will see historic leaps in earnings retained AFTER taxes, in my opinion.

The implications to all of this is enormous and profound. We can experience effects that we simply have not seen in most folks' lifetime.  Here is a PARTIAL LIST OF BENEFITS:

1. INCREASE IN WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION - There are early signs already, even with 3% GDP growth, of the labour market tightening. The unemployment rate of those at least 25 years old without a high school diploma fell to 5.2% last month, down from 7.9% a year earlier. That was the lowest rate recorded to date, US Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said.

Chronically under & unemployed will be drawn into the workforce by employers desperate for labor and willing to take greater hiring risks to fill needed positions. Offers of training and apprenticeships for low/no skill people will give people who really need a chance a great opportunity to get on the ladder.  Couple this anticipated welfare reforms, those who have exploited our system will be forced off the public taxpayers' teat.

The benefit to our economy is two fold and compound. People moving off of tax payer assistance and into the workforce go from being an unproductive drain on our economy and contributors to our national deficit, to productive members of society and contributors to the economy and tax revenue.

2. PHILANTHROPY - Greater profits, greater dividends, greater stock prices, greater bonuses and greater wages will all lead to greater reasons for greater GIVING. I expect we will see increases in philanthropy.  Gifts will find their way into all sorts of causes including the arts, science, education, medicine, poverty, hunger, and non-profits of all types.

3. THE GOOD LIFE - As folks feel good about their household wealth, income and job security, they have more desire and means for the finer/funner things in life.  This translates into greater expenditures on everything from decorating to travel, from dining out to kitchen renovations with upscale appliances, from jewelry to plastic surgery. As consumers feel better about their household wealth/income they open their wallets and seek ways to express their wealth.  Money may not buy happiness but people have not stopped trying!  And since the consumer represents 70% of the economy, those efforts create a positive head wind for the economy - which produces spiraling growth with success feeding on success.

4. GENERATIONAL WEALTH TRANSFER - America is experiencing the greatest transfer of wealth in history.  Socialists like Bernie Sanders would have been happy to see the government confiscate nearly all of that money through taxes. Thanks to Trump and Republicans that money gets to mostly stay in the families of those who earned and created the wealth. So that money can continue to do what it has always done - ADD TO THE GROWTH OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR WHO PAY THE GREATEST PORTION OF TAXES ALREADY, CREATE THE MOST JOBS, AND DONATE THE MOST MONEY TO GREAT CAUSES. Rather than expanding the size and waste of the government.

5. MONEY FOR THE IMPORTANT AND NEGLECTED STUFF - With money rolling into state and local governments as a result of leaps in revenue, wages, sales taxes, etc, our local needs can be better met.  That could a new fire truck, a bridge renovation, modernization of waste and water systems, or any number of overdue and valid improvements that got put off during the great recession and slow recovery.  Hopefully our local representatives have learned to be more efficient and smart with our tax dollars these past 9 years. (I'd really  like to hear the POTUS announce an increase to the gasoline tax with all revenues applied to infrastructure.)

6. HOUSEHOLD FORMATION AND EXPANSION - When people feel good about the future they take risks. Three of the biggest risks a person or couple can make are to get married, have a baby, buy a home.  I am talking big increases in household formation - the core trend for an expansionary economy.

Like any deep cleaning, the place can look and feel great afterward.  This new robust economy can produce the deep cleaning America has needed.  It can truly "Make America great again!"

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Belief In What You Can't See, and Seeing What You Can't Explain


Before you read my post, to set the context, have a look at this video about the Great Pyramids.

Today 12/6/17, something happened that we don't understand. So many people are convinced they understand President Trump and what is happening. They can not even imagine an alternative possibility -- that there is anything otherwise or greater at play. When will people figure it out?

The builders of the great pyramids of Egypt designed and created structures that mystify us even today. How is that even possible?!  Sophisticated modern architects or builders, with today's modern technology, equipment and means, are humbled by even the sight, let alone the specifics of the accomplishments of those who made those amazing structures. Even today, experts about the pyramids acknowledge with as much as they know, still don't understand how they accomplished what they did.

Trump is also hard to understand . .
  • Never in the history of our country had a person of his senior been elected President of the United States.
  • Never in history has a person without any political experience or military service been elected.
  • Never has a person so "unpopular" without the support of major elements of the body politic roundly defeated such a large field of the establishment. 
  • Never has a person married not once, but twice to first generation immigrant women, governed with the active involvement of such a large nuclear family.  
  • Never has a U.S. President's two closest and most trusted advisers been Orthodox Jews.
  • Trump has done things in just 11 months that no President has been able to do in 20x as much time. Transforming our tax code, recognizing Jerusalem and announcing our Embassy move, are extraordinary feats that presidents with the highest political accomplishments could not achieve during even two terms as president.   
  • Never has a President taken such bold courageous stances for Israel and the Jewish State. 
Trump defies great odds. His wins are historic.  He shows no fear. He is not intimidated by the mass media, all the world's leaders, the FBI, and a relentless assault to take down his presidency.  For many years he was pursued to run for the Presidency, but he turned away.  But something made him turn.  And his first destination was the Middle East to announce that THE TERROR HAD TO STOP and that IT IS TIME TO MAKE PEACE with one another and Israel.

I am reminded of Jonah.  At first Jonah would not go.  But, when Jonah turned, and went to Nineveh to declare judgment was coming to the warring and lustful Assyrians, he defied all the odds. But they listened.  Because Jonah listened, and what he heard removed his fear.

Trump did not risk the peace because for thousands of years, peace has not existed in the Middle East. For thousands of years the Jewish people in that land have been under assault. Jews living there today, not to mention a large Arab and Christian population, do so with the constant repeated threats of Muslim nations to destroy their country and kill them.

For thousands of years, long before Christianity let alone Islam even existed, that place has been the heart and center of the Jewish people. To this day, Jews still gather and pray at remnants of the Temple that stood, fell, stood, and fell again and spread Jews to all corners of the world. And from that day, Jews, as well as many Christians  have prayed for the day when we could stand again to make the declaration which President Trump just trumpeted for the entire world to hear.

Today, leaders from all the nations around the world are speaking out against the one President of the only Nation specifically because he proudly and confidently declared Jerusalem the eternal capital of the State of Israel.

Israel's enemies pledge war for what Trump did in the name of peace.  Trump is showing us a new path to peace, because for over 60 years other paths have failed.  It is a path which recognizes and respects the claims of the three faiths' of Abraham. Trump pledged that Israel will be a place that guards all people's right to one universal G-d at the birthplace of the Jewish people who brought the world the founding message of the One G-d.

What is happening right before our eyes?  What does it take to see it?  Could it be that which is not possible, like the great pyramids of Egypt, from Mose's time, is happening right before our eyes and we still don't see it?


“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, until her vindication shines like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication” (Isaiah 62:1)