Saturday, February 4, 2017


There are many reasons folks travel to and from America!  A) tourism, b) business, c) temporary work, d) visiting family, e) for a medical procedure, f) to immigrate, g) asylum , h) military, i) diplomatic, j) criminal, and k) other basic purposes.

It is our government's obligation to maintain control of the entire realm of issues associated with ensuring America's safety with regard to everyone crossing our borders and entering our country.  The government carries the awesome burden of addressing a myriad of factors. 1) accounting for who, how many, where.  2) legalities - following proper procedure and permission. 3) illegalities - foods or items that are banned such as drugs, weapons, plants or species. 4) societal risks - communicable diseases, terrorist intentions, smuggling, sex trafficking, etc.

Then there are the different logistics and challenges associated with each means of entry:
- air (private, commercial)
- highway
- boat (cruise ship, freight ship, private vessel, etc.)
- by foot

It is daunting to imagine the complexities of managing all this when you consider the possible combinations of the lettered scenarios in the top list with the numbered obligations in my middle list, and the bullet list of entries.

In addition, the risk factors differ, change, and fluctuate depending on: Country, geopolitical events such as wars and uprisings, and economic conditions.   Even weather, natural disasters, and time of year can effect the flow of travel, reasons for travel, and the makeup of travelers.

Last but not least is the matter of the government's capacity to manage all of this.  They have got workforce factors such as staffing levels, documentation and tracking requirements, training, quality and productivity, background checks, use of technology, etc.

What's more you have got questions such as our political and domestic agenda. For example the desires of our politicians an what's best from a social, demographic, or economic perspective for our nation. The answers differ between our Nation as a whole and between particular regions. They even differ in terms of the impact to certain business sectors and specific types of companies.


Our President has made it abundantly obvious that he going to make major changes in how he is going to deal with treats from Iran and radical Islam. He has made it abundantly obvious that he is going change our diplomatic approach with Israel, China, Russia, Syria, Mexico, the European Union, and others on matters of trade, security, and with regard to various tensions, problems, and crisis that we have in the world.


Plus the President needs time to meet and/or speak to dozens of leaders from these countries one-on-one to develop rapport, let alone to show respect.

What's more, the President and our government need to transition from Obama's team to Trump's team, for lack of a better expression.  From the cabinet, to heads of departments, to literally thousands of appointed positions, there are offices getting cleared out and new people that have to deal with moving into a new job, with much to learn and new relations to form. Each one is an individual dealing with both the professional and personal details associated with big life changes!!

And all the while government has to continue to function!!

IT IS NO WONDER THAT THERE IS CONFUSION!  Even the meanings of the words immigrant, refugee, visa holder, and green card get conflated. And circumstances associated with one class get mixed up with another class.

SO, if the President says we need a few months to deal with all this with regard to the risks associated with seven countries classified previously as having a higher risk to our national security, I AM WILLING TO GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT.

I recognize that ANY DELAY, EVEN POTENTIALLY JUST ONE DAY can place a terrible hardship on a refugee, let alone an ordinary traveler.  I recognize that the pain, suffering, and struggle borne by the vast vast vast majority of the refugees who are innocent victims is unimaginable. My heart is not hardened and my political views do not define my sense of compassion or dictate my ethics.

Trusting that the President and many dozens of our congress men & women have our American best interest in heart does not make one a racist or an Islamophobe!

Sharing videos and articles which depict legitimate insights into the cultures we are dealing with, and other people's valid points of view does not make one a racist or an Islamophobe

Expressing opinions about the hypocrisy that exists with regard to how Jews and Israel have been mistreated in order to present some relative perspective is fair and understandable, and does not make one a racist or an Islamophobe!

What makes one a racists is what is in their heart!!  What promotes Islamophobia more than anything in my opinion, is three things: 1. the actions of Muslims, 2. Not allowing for and curtailing an open and respectful discussion, 3. Calling others Islamophobes over legitimate concerns and ethical desires which happen to disagree with your own!