Friday, March 3, 2017

HEAR ME FRIENDS, if you please ....

Please first read the LINKED ARTICLE.

To all my friends.  Especially my Jewish friends who love the gift of Torah.  This article speaks to beliefs I hold.  In my Torah study yesterday, a deep and profound realization came to me. This article is reinforcement, and by no mere coincidence I believe.

UNITE my friends. Jews on the Left, Right, middle - there is one G-d - One Torah.  One Israel.  One America.  As George Washington said, Divine providence must have had a hand on him and the creation of this Nation. And by our Nation's will and hand the State of Israel was created.

Partisanship and egoism - our fighting OVER Trump - is not helping America.  Our lack of unity with OUR President, is what is encouraging the rise in hate crimes, NOT our President himself!  Trump is a narcissist. But he is also a mirror by which we must see our OWN egoism.

We do not need to all agree on ANY of the President's policies!!  You may want more government regulations while I want less. That is fine.  But we must embrace one another AND our NATION'S President, who by G-d IS OUR President, and work with him as he supports our people Israel. Otherwise, hate will consume our Nation.  And Nazism will rise.

There is no time. Every day is a day wasted.  Every day with hate is a day too late.  Now, in this month with Purim, G-d is both hidden and revealed. People ask me often why am I up at 2am writing.  This is why - Because i know our lack of unity is the root of evil.

I believe behind Trump's mask is a man who wants to save Israel.  I believe in his vision - to make America greater. We must be united on these things:  IF we make America more secure; IF we rebuild our infrastructure; If we build business: IF we create greater prosperity which lifts up wages and creates opportunity that must be shared in every way, including through entrepreneurial activity and philanthropy, by virtue of how a free market economy works; IF we crush the evil RADICAL Islam ideologies of ISIS and we stand up for Israel in the UN and around the world; IF we denounce not just the hate we see, but also the hate in our hearts, even if that hate is of our President, THEN we will be unstoppable against evil forces in the world.

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American Muslims Can Change the World