Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Time For the Gallows?

PM Netanyahu has laid out his argument against Iran like a prosecutor.  This recent article and video seems like his summary argument.

The question is not whether Iran is guilty or innocent. It is an open and shut case.  The question is the penalty that Israel will seek.  What action? When?

Israel has laid much ground work to take back the support that Obama damaged through his eight years of support for anti-Zionist. Bibi lead the charge on diplomatic and economic fronts, in the media, face-to-face, on the phone, directly and through others. Bibi has traveled the world speaking one-on-one and to our house of congress.

As a result, Israel has strengthened relations with Sunni Arab nations such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Bibi has built trust and cooperation with Russia.  Israel as realigned positive support for it's place in the world with countries such as Singapore, Australia, France, and England. And last but certainly not least, with enormous and historic help from President Trump and his administration, Israel and the United States stand as inseparable allies to discredit and dismantle the United Nations body for it's abysmal treatment of Israel. Together, Trump and Netanyahu have neutered Abbas and set his strategic efforts to do an end-run against Israel to the diplomatic graveyard.

Now, as we approach Purim, in a month that bodes well for Israeli action against Iran, Hamas, and Hezbolla, the question is this:  Will Israel and the IDF send Haman to the gallows, metaphorically speaking, by lifting swords against the threats they pose to Israel's destruction.