Thursday, November 17, 2016

America Is Alive and Well

Democrats are in mourning.  Really?!!  COME ON - WAKE UP AND SMELL THE FREEDOM! One of your first degree* relatives didn't die. And America certainly didn't die!! To the contrary ...

America should rejoice in the fact that it just did something that we fought a bloody revolution for and two world wars to protect. We just did what billions of people around the world ENVY and dream for!

Our citizens got to judge an extremely hard, long, peaceful democratic contest. Then we got to go to the polls and make our selection, knowing that each and every vote would be counted.  Knowing that no one would discard or falsify the results. And our Electoral College process worked exactly like our brilliant and visionary Founding Fathers designed it to in our Constitution. Then we got to hear and see conciliatory speeches from the losers, and a gracious and respectful acceptance speech from the winner. Both sides' leaders pledged to reach out and work with the other in the spirit of our Nation! And, Americans have been as free to peacefully protest as they are to celebrate.  Ultimately there will be a peaceful transition to power.  WOW!

Your candidate won or lost, but America did not die. America came to life. Just as she does with each election.  America got to throw off and throw out. America also got to affirm and declare.  America got to be heard.  And America got to listen.

Senator Schumer, the proud Jewish Senator from my district in NY, became the most powerful Democrat in Washington as his colleagues unanimously backed this consummate dealmaker as their new leader. Schumer said “We are ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Republicans – working with soon-to-be President Trump on issues where we agree. But we will go toe-to-toe against the president-elect whenever our values or the progress we’ve made is under assault."

Dead?  Mourning?  Snap out of it!  Could there be a greater affirmation that our Democracy is ALIVE AND WELL?!

America's ideals did not die. To the contrary, we just just shouted for the whole world to hear that our dead soldiers did NOT DIE IN VAIN, and in Abraham Lincoln's immortal words from Gettysburg November 1863,  "This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

* Note: Judaism has a tradition of "sitting Shiva" when one of our 7 seven first degree relatives dies. Shiva (Hebrew: שבעה‎‎, literally "seven") is the week-long mourning period in Judaism for first-degree relatives: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, and spouse.

P.S. As far as the future of America, and more specifically the economy, I have laid out some predictions.  If you care to see them just click on "PREDICTIONS."