Sunday, November 27, 2016

One Love, One State! Israel.

One Love, One State!  Israel.

The "two state solution" solves nothing.  It is time to declare one state of Israel with one Capital.  One State, from Gaza to the Golan Heights, east to west, where all peace loving people, of all faiths can live together, pray separately, and prosper in a country that guarantees their safety.

Those who want peace, and a better life for the children, it is time to recognize that dividing one of the tiniest countries on the planet, and the only Jewish State in a massive region with dozens of Muslim countries, is not a path toward peace.  The "two state solution" is a step toward destruction.

After nearly 40 years since the Camp David Peace Accords, all attempts to make a two state solution work have failed. The people of Israel - Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others - deserve a better life.  Children deserve to be raised to love the Land of Israel, to respect one another, and to build a better future together!

Contrast a diverse Israel with the precondition for peace that Abbas and Muslim neighbors have.  Watch this short 2-minute Netanyahu video to see what I mean

So on this Thanksgiving I am stepping out and declaring that I have changed my views.  For many years I believed in a fantasy.  I no longer accept myth that Arabs in the region will ever be satisfied with dividing Israel.  I am done dreaming that creating two states will ever be enough for Arab countries to acknowledge Israel's sovereign right to a peace.  Today, I believe in "One love, One State. Israel."

Since I made this blog post, I came across this article.

The following article from World Israel News illustrates the hopelessness of a two state solution.  All of Iran's agents consire with to destroy Israel.  One can not negotiate a true or lasting peace with leaders who have no peaceful intentions.

"The commander of Iran’s Basij force, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, predicted Israel will not exist in a decade.
An Iranian general has estimated that State of Israel will not exist in 10 years and will be wiped out by the Palestinians.
Addressing students on Monday, the commander of Iran’s Basij force, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, expressed his hope that the “notions, thoughts and ideology that led to Iran’s Islamic Revolution would help Palestinians get rid of Israel in the next 10 years,” Iran’s Fars news reported.
He explained his prediction and said the Palestinians would annihilate Israel by 2025 as an extension of Iran’s belligerent policies in the region. He said that the Islamic Revolution helped Iran get rid of the US over 35 years ago, rescued the country from Saddam Hussein and Iraq and helped the Lebanese to get rid of the Americans.
“Considering these developments, liberation of Palestine by the Islamic Revolution is not unlikely at all,” Naqdi said.
On several occasions, Tehran has stated its “principled policy” of supporting anti-Israel terror groups, including Hamas. Iran supports the Hamas terror organization and prefers it over the Palestinian Authority (PA), and has armed it and supplied it with funds to fight Israel. Similarly, Iran support the Lebanese Hezbollah terror organization, which threatens Israel north"