Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Part 4 - Midrash on the Story of Jonah: See My Sadness Lord

Of the four midrash that I wrote about the Story of Jonah, this is the most poetic.  The message which comes through relates to a pattern that has repeated itself throughout time. One which challenges even the faithful at times. It is a dilemma that often leads people to turn away from religion and even admonish people who believe they have any relationship with God. It could be summed up in a question that it is one for the ages:  "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

See My Sadness Lord

A Midrash by R. Jonah Ritter

I sit outside the secure walls of Nineveh,
that were to be destroyed by the Lord.

Your servant proclaimed your judgement,
Instead, my enemies are restored.

Forsaken again, I feel,
All I have is a meager ghord.

This ghord is enough for me God,
Why must you strip that too Lord.

You are a mighty just God,
So let me plead to you ...

You ask me to care --
I ask you to care!

I anger you -- 
You anger me!

You tell me to proclaim your Judgement --
then proclaim your judgement!

You give your prophet visions --
Now the future is too painful to see.

You command me to do your will --
no matter what comes of Mine!

You expect me to see your sadness Lord --
Will You not see my Mine?

Part V.