Sunday, February 5, 2017

Step Back

If you think the world has gone mad, and all the anti Trump rallies and outrage is loud now, I'm afraid we have only seen the beginning.  My heart tells me it does not end well at all.  We need to step back and tone down the rhetoric, and the Trump hate.  All the fear and hate regarding Trump and the current administration can lead to level of violence and anarchy that several generations in America have not experienced in their life time.

The anger in the bellies of Americans is fermenting. Lines are drawn, sides chosen. The kindling wood is stacked in people's attitudes. And the gasoline of emotion is soaking the pile.  The whole country, the whole world is dangerously conditioned to explode.  A spark could do it.  But a detonating cap surely would.

The catalyst for the cataclysm that I speak of won't be a supreme court justice confirmation.  It won't be a wall or fence.  It won't be another regulation discarded, or even the repeal of Obamacare.  It won't be another absurd and embarrassing remark by Trump or pictures of his son with a magnificent African animal slaughtered for his trophy room. No, all those things are the logs on the Left's bonfire pile.

The Right has a point of explosion too.  But you won't see it until it is too late.  The Right, is the "silent" movement that changed the country's course.  They won't rise up in rowdy displays when banks start to lend. They won't march when new factories open and wages rises. They won't ever desecrate a flag, or shutdown free speech, and destroy property because their taxes were lowered, or raised, or for most any reason. The Right will keep the peace until the peace is broken. The Right's response won't be highly visible until there is anarchy.  The Right will apply law to lawless, even if that law is Marshall Law.

Bring it on, did you say?  Please do not wish for this!  This would be the worst way to work out our differences.  Violence nearly always begets violence. No body is spared. And the enemy is not some stranger or foreign aggressor. The "enemy," Left or Right, is our American family. These are your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends, your church or temple members, even your family! Who could be happy to see either side bloodied?!  And, we all love the children.

We need to step back. We need to imagine where THIS leads. Neither the Left or the Right wants to live in the other's America. And we don't!  We live in OUR America. And America is stronger and better because of the other, not in spite of the other. We fought our wars together, with one devastating exception.  We built our highways together and went to the moon together.

Now, not latter, before the detonating cap is detonated, we need to come together. I tell you, I see the cap and have labeled it before.  I believe the timer is set, and it is about to be put in place. Please do not put this decision off. Please do not assume we have many tomorrows left or that it is OK to test the other side a little while longer. Please do not assume that you can put things back together or that the other side will give in, or that you will be victorious.

Make the decision to be courageous.  Go high, go first. Hold out your hand. Say, lets talk. See the good in the other!  Be open to the possibilty of their validity!  It doesn't make you weak.  It takes courage to hold out an olive branch. It is hard to step forward and away from your center, your base, where you have drawn your strength from.  But there is another place to draw all the strength and courage you need.