Monday, February 6, 2017

Out Of The Mainsteam

As the expression goes, you only see the tip of the iceberg.  And some very important things are happening that you do not see in mainstream media regarding the Middle East, Israeli security and relations between Israel, Russia, and the USA.

When you do see something in our mainstream media it overlooks greater implications or underlying reasoning.  One such example is the remarks by Trump just before the Superbowl about his "respect for Putin" and "are we so innocent?" Trump is willing to take extreme criticism for such unpopular remarks.  And conventional reasoning about why he says such controversial statements is missing possible explanations.

I say this is leading up to something big which Trump foreshadowed time & again during his campaign - a promise he will keep, unlike four Presidents before him.  Every six months the President MUST SIGN A WAIVER TO DELAY A CONGRESSIONAL DECISION PASSED DECADES AGO TO MOVE THE US EMBASSY BACK TO JERUSALEM. Obama signed the last waiver about 2 months ago. The next waiver against moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem needs to be signed by President Trump in about 4 months.  I say Trump will announce his decision, around the end of March, NOT TO SIGN THAT WAIVER.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has been rather withdrawn from the media most recently.  Trump has gone "radio silent" regarding his campaign promise to move the US Embassy.   Both Trump and Netanyahu are readying for what will come if/when Trump follows through on his promise.

Simultaneously, the Administration has put Iran "on notice" and warned them that the USA will not tolerate their defiance of U.N. orders regarding ballistic missile tests, or threatening maneuvers against our navy or airforce any longer. But, true to his campaign, Trump will not speak to questions about possible military actions to deal with Iran. Trump has always been highly critical of the way Obama would give advance notice to the enemy.

Iran's leaders are taunting Trump verbally, and it is only a matter of time before they test him like did Obama many times by drawing threateningly close to our armed forces. We know General Mattis and Trump will handle future provocations in a very different manner!  Watch movements of the US Navy!

Iran's leaders have called moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem a declaration of war. To protect Americans here in the USA, Trump tried to take security precautions regarding the seven nations identified by the Obama Administration as supporting terror, which also are aligned with Iran. But the Trump Administration will need to provide classified information to judges who blocked those actions in order to clear their way.

In January, Israel conducted a preemptive strike against Syria's weapons, greatly reducing their threat in the event Israel takes actions against Hezbollah in Lebanon, or a strike against Iran's missile or nuclear capabilities.  This past week, Israel increased preparations and readiness against threats by Hamas in Gaza.  (See article below.)  They are also strengthening defenses around settlements, such as Hebron.

I believe both Trump and Netanyahu are making obvious efforts to warm relations with Russia, in order to neutralize any negative Russian response to Israeli security actions in response to Arab uprisings in Israel, Gaza, or the West Bank, as well as a military event with Iran.  Trump's and Nentanyahu's efforts to strengthen relations with Russia are so exceptional that they are willing to trigger considerable political and public criticism both at home and abroad.

Moscow greatly praised Israel’s abstention when the UN voted on sanctions against Russia. According to publications monitoring the Middle East, "On the last day of 2016, the final night of Hanukkah, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Russian President Vladimir Putin. In their second phone conversation of the week, the two leaders discussed developments in the Middle East with a special focus on the Palestinian-Israeli peace process and continued security coordination in Syria."

"Russia looks at Israel as a true partner, not only in politics, but also in economics, especially in high-tech cooperation. There are at least three Russian-speaking ministers (defense, immigration and environmental protection) in Israel’s government that see a strengthening of Russian-Israeli relations as a means to strengthen their own political power."

For his part, Trump is sending very strong signals regarding his willingness to lift sanctions.  Watch for repeated direct conversations between Trump and Putin beginning now that Rex Tillerson's appointment has been cleared. Trumps selection of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State his sends a huge message to Putin!

The Middle East is a powder keg.  I think the detonating cap will be President Trump's decision TO NOT SIGN THE WAIVER which will set up the final stages for moving the US Embassy. Palestinian leader Abbas said that moving the Embassy to Jerusalem "would open the gates of hell."  Trump and Netanyahu are preparing to show him the door.

Previous Blog Posts:

Step Back

No Wonder There Is Confusion

Radical Departure From Radical Islam

Text from article regarding Israel preparations:
"The IDF’s Gaza Division of the Southern Command completed its largest annual training exercise near the Gaza Strip on Friday.

According to the army, hundreds of soldiers, including reservists, participated in the five-day drill, which simulated among other things a massive infiltration by Hamas commando units into communities in southern Israel.

In the simulation, which was planned as part of the 2017 training programs, large numbers of Hamas commandos managed to infiltrate Israeli communities via tunnels, by para-gliders and from the sea.

During Operation Protective Edge in 2014, five Hamas naval commandos tried to infiltrate Kibbutz Zikim before they were killed by the IDF.

Israel’s defense establishment has warned that the IDF must pay special attention to the strengthening of Hamas’s naval commando unit, which is reported to have more divers than before the conflict two years ago.

IDF special forces units, as well as infantry and armored brigades, navy, air force and Home Front Command took part in the exercise.

According to Gaza Division commander Brig.-Gen. Yehuda Fuchs, “The Gaza Division exercise was an excellent opportunity to strengthen the preparedness of both active duty and reserve battalions.”"