Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Trump Should Thank Obama

Matt Brooks, Executive Director of the JTA - “There’s a professional complaining class in the Jewish community that will criticize and attack Donald Trump no matter what he says." Brooks added, "People who genuinely have an open mind, individuals and organizations, see he is following through on commitments he made on campaign, he is repositioning in a positive way the U.S.-Israel relationship.”

Obama sold Israel out to anti-Semites at the UN and emboldened Abbas.  He returned hundreds of millions to Iran that will help them sponsor terrorism and put Iran on a path to having a nuclear bomb.  During Obama, the BDS movement blossomed and Abbas undermined Israel around the world.

Today, and in less than 2 months since becoming President, Trump has repaired relations with Israel, put Iran on notice in a way that is scaring the crap out of Iran's leaders.  At the recent 38th Anniversary of the revolutions, leaders discouraged the burning USA flags. Unheard of!  Key world leaders in Britain, France, Australia, and elsewhere, including even in the middle east, have begun to make more positive remarks about Israel. Trump called out NATO over the lack of fair financial participation by every country except the USA and Britain, and as a result several key nations have positively responded and pledged to step up their contributions!

These are huge improvements in less than 60 days. And the uber left is making an issue of things like Trump not attending the stupid Correspondents Dinner, which is so partisan it would make me vomit my meal.

Media like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, the culture of Hollywood turn everything into a negative story about Trump. The blow his words out of proportion before any actions are actually taken.  In the process the relentless 24x7 criticism has become so tiresome and one side that it is helping Trump's ratings, not hurting him. Trump knows it so he plays the Left like a fiddle by baiting them with remarks.

So when Jimmi Kimmel Tweets Trump from center stage during the Oscars he is giving Trump publicity he could not buy!  Why does Kimmel, and others do it?  Because it has become so fashionable to bash Trump in the Hollywood culture who are so obsessed with their themselves that they can't resist playing to themselves. Progressive Liberals are so fixated on bashing Trump that it is creating hysteria - people going out in the streets to March dressed up as vaginas. The excessive pounding on the POTUS is benefiting Republicans, and psychologists. I bet there isn't a therapist is Chappaqua with an opening in their calendar.  Meanwhile, Trump is winning over VETs, Unions, and starting to penetrate strongholds in the Democratic party like blacks, who are beginning to rethink who is going to really help the inner cities with jobs and greater economic prosperity.

Trump has made it clear that he views the liberal press as biased and unfair - having coined the phrase "fake news" to describe those that have taken their one sided coverage too far.  Trump is as entitled to free speech as anyone - and he is free to charactrise the opposition as the opposition, if he sees it that way.  He is by NO means alone!

The more endlessly uber Liberals talk about the sky falling and a fascist dictator in the upping, because God forbid the President wants to enforce actual immigration laws and demands our borders mean something, supports the 2nd Ammendment, and calls for an end to RADICAL Islamic ideology attack on the West and Israel, the more uber Liberals embolden white supremist.

I have been saying since Trump announced his Presidency that discounting him and discrediting his agenda was only helping him and dividing our country.  And that is what is happening. While Trump talks about uniting America, downsizing the waste and beauracracy in Washington, doing more to keep America safe and supporting Israel, the uber Liberals talk about bringing down the President and the Republican party - dividing America.  Is it any wonder that recent polls are saying more Americans trust Trump more than the media and that Nancy Pelosi is the most hated politician in America.

So I post till I am blue in the face that Democrats have got to take a new tact for their sake and the sake of the country.  America loses the more uber Liberals go in the direction they are going.  Obama divided our country because he swung the political pendulum all the way to the left!  The reason we have a wacko like Trump is BECAUSE of Obama!!  Don't you see? Trump would not even have run for President, or run as hard as he did, let alone won, if Obama and the left media hadn't discredited Trump and his agenda.

The answer is to start working together.  One can either hold out a hand or hold up a fist. Holding up a fist only divides America further and leads to less attractive totally partisan solutions that do not work. Like Obamacare which is failing by its design and would have already failed if taxpayers were not making up for insurance company losses.

By contrast today, Trump has business leaders, many of whom are staunch Democrats, sitting down together and influencing him in CONSTRUCTIVE WAYS.  They have the good sense to know that working together to counsel Trump and help his presidency succeed is more effective at moderating policy decisions in order to get better results for our Nation. On the other hand, are politicians like Schumer and Pelosi, and media like the NYT, that hold up their fists, and get shut out of the process, and the room, and only embolden far right decisions making.

In the Broadway show Hamilton, there is a scene, "In the Room Where It Happens," which portrays a key moment in political history when George Washington told Hamilton to sit down with his opposition and work it out. Out of that quintessential bi-partisan meeting the Central Banking System moved ahead and NYC became the center of banking and finance FOR THE WORLD and on the flip side of the deal the Capital of the United States moved south near the Potomac - a WIN-WIN.

America does not win when half of it loses!  And that is what uber the left and the uber right do.  For them it is all about picking winners and making losers. When you work from two far sides, it takes a longer bridge!  When you start in the middle, where there is common ground, you can take any issue, even a difficult one like abortion, and work from the middle and work it out!

George Washington warned America in his farewell letter that the greatest threat to our Nation was to allow our partisan differences to turn into the vengeful politics we have today. Then he went home to sit quietly ...