Saturday, March 13, 2021


NY Senators join mounting calls for Cuomo to resign. 

Now all of us can see the hubris, gigantic ego and incredible narcissism of Cuomo.  He thinks he is more important and powerful that EVERYONE combined. 

Cuomo puts himself above what is best for the entire State of NY. He actually believes he can survive what no other politician in America or the Western world could! 

Through his resistance to do what any normal politician would do, Cuomo is only proving what a horrendous person he is. He is a MONSTER!!

Justice is coming for Andrew Cuomo. He is going to spend out his years as a political pariah - an outcast from the Democrat party - in the prison of his mind.

I suspect there will be serious attempts to rename the Tapanzee Bridge back again. 

The ultimate irony is that Andrew has permanently stained the "Cuomo name." His brother Chris will also have to live with that. Andrew Cuomo hasn't just brought shame to himself, he has shamed his entire family.  He will have to face his father, Mario, in his private thoughts.

I wonder .... at some point in the pit of despair after MUCH soul searching, will Cuomo turn back to his faith and genuinely repent and seek forgiveness?  If so, he won't only have to do so for the woman he abused and the thousands of families whose parents were killed as a result of his nursing home policies. Cuomo will have to face the fact that he put through the most horrible grotesque abortion laws in America. 

Can this man with the most massive ego do what he must do to find peace? Will he be able to humble himself before his fellow and God?  Will the monster Andrew Cuomo find peace or will he spend the eternity of his day's on earth in a private hell of his own making?  

With Passover and Pentecost just weeks away, Andrew Cuomo would be wise to put his faith to the test. 

Deuteronomy 32:35 tells us:

Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.’

Proverbs 20:22 teaches us: 

Do not say, “I will repay evil”; wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you.

Sunday, March 7, 2021


The history of Jews in the "Americas" began at the same time as the history of America -- with Columbus.  Consider the history of the Jewish community in San Salvador.  


- Columbus brought a Hebrew/Aramaic translator along on his voyage in 1492 but not a priest.  

- Many of the crew were "Converso's" (Jews forced to convert to Catholicism during the Spanish Inquisition).  

- Columbus set sail in 1492, the year of the Spanish Inquisition ordering the brutal conversion and murder of all Jews in Spain.

- Colombus postponed his planned departure by one day so as not to set sail on the cursed Jewish day of Tish B'Av.

- Linguistic traits in his writings indicate that Columbus was raised learning Ladino, a hybrid form of Castilian Spanish, comparable to Yiddish, which was spoken by Spain’s Sephardic Jewish community. 

- On all but one of Columbus’s letters to his son, Diego he ended with a traditional Hebrew blessing. He never did so to letters outside his family.

- Columbus’ voyage was not, as is commonly believed, funded by the deep pockets of Queen Isabella, but rather by two Jewish Conversos and another prominent Jew. Louis de Santangel and Gabriel Sanchez advanced an interest free loan of 17,000 ducats from their own pockets to help pay for the voyage, as did Don Isaac Abarbanel, rabbi and Jewish statesman.

- Columbus’s first announcement of his voyage’s discoveries went to the treasurer of Aragon, the former Jew, de Santangel.

In Spain in Columbus's time it was fatal to admit being a Jew, so it stands to reason that his true ethnic origin is murky. There is no physical historical evidence of Columbus’s roots. He may be the ultimate Marrano - A secret Jew.

By the same token, Columbus was on a mission to convert the people in the land he was destined for to Christianity.  So you could say that America's Judeo Christian roots trace back to Columbus.

On second thought, perhaps that is another reason Godless Leftist Progressive Socialists are so determined to wipe Columbus from our true American history and replace him with Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project.

TRIVIA:  The flag of Israel can trace it's roots back to a Colombus Day parade in Boston 1891. 

If the subject of Columbus's Jewish roots interests you further.