Friday, January 13, 2017

Just Stop It

Wrote lyrics for a song. Now I need to figure out a melody.

Title: Just Stop it

Black, white, they both know
The other don't know
Understanding can't grow
Blue, red, watch the show
Folks voting down the row
Keeping everyone in tow

You, you  ... you
You, you  ... you
That's what we
do, do ... do
Do do ... do
Just stop it, stop it.

East, west, says they're the best
The other can't pass the test
All we got is unrest
Building bombs to kill the rest
Leaving infants with no nest
Is that anyway to be blessed

You, you  ... you
You, you  ... you
That's what we
do, do ... do
Do do ... do
Just stop it, stop it.

Listen, listen, pull your fist in
Violence comes around
When everyone stands their ground
Who ever can hear the sound
Please God, not another round
Mercy in empathy must be found

You, you  ... you
You, you  ... you
That's what we
do, do ... do
Do do ... do
Just stop it, stop it.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

War On The Table


A Congressional Bill to move the US Embassy to the "eternal capital of Israel" is IN-PROGRESS, and will happen as Trump promised.  If ever there was something meant to be it is for Jerusalem to be the eternal capital of the one and only Jewish State, Israel!

If moving our Embassy to Jerusalem means there will not be peace with the Palestinians, then so be it if we must settle this with a war.  Who ever will lift a weapon against Israel for calling Jerusalem its Capital, never wanted peace in the first place.

There are dozens of Muslim countries. Countries whose existence and boundaries were created, and have far less historical basis for existence than Israel. (One exception is Egypt, whose history is as rich as Israel.) These countries have brutal Sharia Laws, that treat women and Christians and Jews harshly. Unlike Israel, where Muslims, Christians, and women live with respect and freely.  In Gaza, a place where all Jews left and is controlled by Hamas, a group whose Charter calls for the destruction of Israel, they celebrate and reward murder. The world can make room for One State of Israel.

To me Hamas is no better than Hitler's Nazi party.  And like Hitler, anyone who supports it, is Israel's sworn deadly enemy and should be dealt with as such!

As for Iran, it comes down to THREE FACTS and ONE QUESTION:
1. Their controlling clerics have pledged to destroy Israel
2. They promote and fund terrorism around the world
3. In the so called Iran deal, the United States had previously held the posture that Iran should not be allowed to enrich uranium. But we made a shift during the negotiations of the nuclear accord, which allows the Islamic Republic to enrich up to 3.67% of uranium for 15 years and only for "PEACEFUL PURPOSES." That is just enough to make a bomb.  And they keep improving and building missiles to deliver it.

1. Do we believe Iran is up to "PEACEFUL PURPOSES?"


On Jan. 15th, 3 days from today, 70 plus Nations will meet in France.  If they agree to declare the State of Palestine, with boundaries that include the old Temple and Ancient Biblical Jerusalem, that will set in motion a chain reaction that may bring a vote up in the United Nations with wording from the Paris conference, just in time before Barack Obama and Kerry leave office.  WHAT THEY DO IF SUCH A UNITED NATIONS RESOLUTION IS PUT ON THE TABLE WILL DETERMINE THE PROSPECTS OF WAR OR PEACE.


After that conference the initial reaction to the French and UN vote will be jubilation!  It will be Trump and the Bill moving through Congress to move the Embassy that will be the catalyst for turning that celebratory emotion into an angry and violent uprising. Thus, Obama will blame Trump. Obama is devilishly clever.  But if these events actually do unfold, anyone should be able to tell who the architect of this future confrontation truly was.

Days away from a very big IF!!

Previous Post - IF>THEN: You Do The Math On The Middle East

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Quick Fix For High Drug Price In America


What good is it to have the buying power that Medicare has if we don't use it?  See facts below from WSJ article.

"Medicare, the largest single U.S. payer for prescription drugs, is by law unable to negotiate pricing . . . The arrangement means Medicare is essentially forfeiting its buying power, leaving bargaining to doctors’ offices that have little negotiating heft, said Sean Sullivan, dean of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Washington.

Asked to comment on the higher prices Medicare pays compared with foreign countries, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said: “The payment rate for Medicare Part B drugs is specified in statute.”

Furthermore, Americans fund much of the global drug industry’s earnings, and its efforts to find new medicines. “The U.S. is responsible for the majority of profits for most large pharmaceutical companies,” said Richard Evans, a health-care analyst at SSR LLC and a former pricing official at drug maker Roche Holding AG .

Laws in USA which unreasonably protect drug company patents and make it ridiculously expensive, difficult, and lengthy to get new treatments approved, benefit large Pharma. Meanwhile, other countries benefit from Americas amazing drug research while Americans foot the bill.

Why are Americans getting such a bad deal? Because Congress is bought and paid for by Pharma!!!  Republicans are as or more guilty as Democrats on this for selling influence.  As Trump said, essentially, Americans are being screwed by drug lobbyists.

Their biggest recipient? Clinton. She collected $336,416 in donations, over a third of the total contributions during the 2016 presidential campaign. The next biggest recipient was Republican candidate Jeb Bush, who collected less than half the amount of Clinton. Trump received the least in donations: $1,010, enough to buy one Daraprim pill.

Obamacare was virtually written and paid for by Pharma lobbyist. The health care law is expected to boost Big Pharma's profits, possibly from $10 billion to $35 billion over the next decade.

Ultimately, Obama turned on Pharma in latter years. Just as he did with insurers. He played them. That's why insurers are dropping like flies. He was smart and wiley and Pharma can now see the writing on the wall if we get to a single payer system.  I am all for negotiating the best deal, but I oppose socialized medicine.  With Medicare we have the power of a monopoly but we dint use it to America's advantage, as described above, again because the Pharma Lobby owns congress.

Wait till Trump starts Tweeting and calling out Pharma, like he has the auto industry. Trump hates it when Americans are getting screwed while other countries benefit from our stupid politicians on the take.

Here is a simple idea that would not have a chance before Trump, but may going forward. Pass a law that drug companies can not charge more for a drug in the USA than they sell it for in other countries.

Couple this with reducing regulations and streamlining the process for approving new treatments to lower cost and speed up bringing new medicines and devices to market.

Bam!!  Watch how fast drug prices go down in the USA, AND how they go up internationally. Other countries have to start paying their fair share!!

Here is a link to a previous post - How Not To Solve Healthcare

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How Not To Solve Healthcare

It is disengenuous for Obama to say that he welcomed Republican's help with the creation of Obamacare. It sounds good but the two parties were so FAR apart in their philosophy about how to approach Healthcare that it was either the President's way or the highway. And that's the way it turned out -- with not one Republican vote.

OF course Democrats call that obstructionism. And you can say it was!  But there was just as much unwillingness on the part of the Democrats to accept the Republicans ideas on HealthCare.  Both parties stood their ground and America became divided.  Here's is a NY Times article that delves into this.

It is not that Republicans are evil and uncaring people. And lets face it, they have the same healthcare problems - they get sick, and have pre-existing conditions, and struggle with the costs just the same as Democrats!  It is just that Republicsns have philosophical differences about how to solve problems. And Republican's knew Obamacare was ultimately a Trojan Horse version of Hillary care.  And here is why ...

Republicans foresaw what the President refused to admit - and actually lied about to sell his plan! Republicans, and Libertarians, anticipated the present and looming financial failures of Obamacare in the long run and how it would discourage competition and ultimately cost considerably more to taxpayers. Republicans were right about real problems, loss of carriers, and escalating premuims.

The President knew what was coming down the pike as well.  Many believe Obama expected competition, under the ACA as designed, to fail and drop coverage. Just as he knew ultimately many would not get to keep their original plan and the premiums would skyrocket. And, that insurers would drop out, as they are, because of rising costs and limits on government  reimbursement. This begs the question of why - what good come from designing a failure?  Here's the answer ...

In the end, the President gambled that there would be a Democrat in the White House. None other than the Queen of Socialized medicine - Hillary R Clinton!  SO, when the ACA failed BY DESIGN, the goverrment could "save the day" by moving to a "single-payer system," a Monopoly, and THEN the government could mandate prices through legislation. In essence a socialist system versus a capitalist system!!  Hello Bernie Sanders.  Obama's plan B.  And maybe his best salesman!  But clearly a Socialist!

I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to give up on our Founding Fathers vision for America's economic system.  But if you are maybe you should move to France, just saying.  (Pardon my snarky humor.)

It is also misleading to ONLY point to the people that now have coverage who could not get it before, and OTHER benefits of the ACA, as the reason that Obamacare is working.  Of course there are some Pros. But the system still has to be sustainable. So to only point to the positive misses the full picture.  Nor do they mean the overall program is optimal.  Nor should Republicans be relieved of an obligation to figure out how Americans can obtain coverage who might otherwise have been shut out. There are other Pros to the ACA and Republicans will have to cope with those challenges.

Obamacare started with many lies, and today as predicted it is failing under its own weight. Obama knows it, which is why he welcomes the Republicans to propose changes.  There will be major fixes needed for it to survive.  So, it is tempting for Republicans to opt to let it come apart on its own.  Which would be an embarrasment to the President if his legacy failed by design, however, if Democrats want to play it that way, that's an option.

But that's not the way to fix our problems! It is just another way to not fix Healthcare

I have never seen a departing President lead an effort to undermine the incoming President. America is a freaking mess! And until we start working together we are not going to solve Healthcare or our other major issues.

Here is a follow-up article on a Quick Fix to Healthcare. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Why I Believe In Reincarnation

Recently I became a believer in reincarnation.  I personally witnessed evidence of it. And I am here to share it with you.

Reincarnation is the belief that an aspect of a living being goes through successive starts in a different physical body or form, called rebirths. And that "Karma," which literally means "action," is the sum of one's actions and the force that determines ones's next reincarnation.

(Before I go any further, let me be clear that what I'm about to describe does NOT FIT the classical definition of reincarnation!  It's probably not appropriate to even use the term, other than as an asociation and to serve the purpose of a headline.  But I digress and having your attention, I thank you, and can move on.)

I am a recent witness to reincarnation.  And the realization came to me as I was searching for a song I wanted to listen to called "Asher Yatzar," named after a Hebrew prayer of the same name. The song is written and performed by an artist named Dan Nichols.  It is on his album "Beautiful and Broken."  While that song relates, it was not what triggered this blog.

I came across a song by Dan Nichols called "May I Suggest To You."  As I listened and absorbed its message I actually got a bit choked up.  It is both very sad and very joyful at the same time.  The lyrics say all one needs to say about how I percieve the concept of reincarnation and Karma.

But it was not that song either that actually triggered my thoughts on reincarnation.

It was latter on the same day when I saw a Facebook post by my daughter-in-law Melissa. In her post, Melissa shared a humorous article about the "First Intensive Care Unit Opened for Men Suffering from a Cold." Naturally this invited a series of funny jibs & jabs, sexists of course, to which my son Alex who was home suffering from a cold had now recieved "insult to his injury," and had become the brunt of the humor running through this particular Facebook thread.  Alex, like a good sport, defended himself tongue in cheek, with the following response,

"Listen, this hybrid strain of bird flu crossed with swine flu that I have is a real ass kicker. Only a man could make it out of this one alive. Just be glad I've passed on these tough as nails genes onto our daughter."

I came back with,  "I'm with you son. Very frightening.  Charlotte is very fortunate. Hopefully she has your never get cavity teeth too!!"  And then, that is when it hit me!

You see, Alex has never had a cavity.  I rarely get them either. Neither did my Dad. And his Dad, Alex's great grandfather was a dentist.  There it was, Karma - the sum of one's actions!

Mary and I, and Melissa's parents, Don and Cindy, recently all became grandparents.  And when we did, it reminded me of something I said to Don years ago while at the bar when he and I were hanging together during Alex's bachelor party.  Don, I said to him as I put my arm on his shoulders, we are going to make babies together.  Creepy, yeah, but we laughed, and cried a bit too, because Don is as sentimental as I am, and I love him, and he got it!  Don lost his father at a young age to a bazarre and tragic accident.  We both understood that our children truly are our, our parents', and our parents' parents, and on, lasting legacy. And all we wish is for them to do better than we did.

Now, if you would like, listen to the song I mentioned above in this blog post, and I hope you will understand now why I said the lyrics say all one needs to say about how I percieve the concept of reincarnation and Karma. Again, the song is "May I Suggest To You" by Dan Nichols, and it was inspired by the film "Road to Eden."

If you are a grandparent, you will get it too!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The First Twitter President

So now Russia is Tweeting.  All I want to know is when will this be good for my Twitter stock?

I will also say this to Biden, and all the others criticizing Trump for using Twitter. YOU COULD NOT BE MORE WRONG!  And you are totally missing the power and the value of that medium for speaking directly to the public without having to go through mainstream media filters.  People are under estimating the benefits derived from Twitter to the news maker in their ability to control:

1. Wording, tone, and associations
2. Timing/urgency
3. The instant viral nature of a Tweet to be re-Tweeted
4. How one can either "make news" as "react" to existing news and events
5. The impact of the seeing public support for a Tweet message through the "heart"
6. The way the Twitter user can use messages to build their audience of followers
7. How Twitter can be exploited as a tease and lead-in, and link to, a longer story and other news source.

The irony is that if you don't like Trump's Tweets, then don't "Follow" him. The media feeds Obama with an audience he would not reach if they did not report on his Tweets! For those who want unfiltered and unfettered access to our President's thoughts, Twitter is a fantasic medium.

The critics have hurt themselves.  Especially the politicians who slam Trump for using Twitter. They are stupidly putting themselves in a "dammed if I do, dammed if I don't" box. Dammed if they don't develop their Twitter audience and Tweeting skills, and dammed for looking like hypocrits if they do. Meanwhile, Trump if laughing himself to the polls every time he Tweets!

For China, and other countries that do not have the free speech and free press society that we Americans enjoy, Twitter must be a nightmare.  Talk about a censorship challenge.  Leadership there must feel totally Trumped, I mean stumped.  LOL.

Eventually this has to be good for Twitter stockholders ... I keep telling myself.

Friday, January 6, 2017

IF>THEN: You Do The Math on the Middle East

To use a rather crude expression, "The shit is about to get real!"

You can call me crazy, and I would be the first to agree that my psyche is obsessed with this matter for some reason.  But it has been my sense, and I have been speaking up for months now, that we are in important and treacherous times. It would be one thing if it were all "in my head."  But it is not -- I am working off articles in legitimate news sources about actual current events. Shouldn't we all be at least as concerned about a full fledged war breaking out between Arab Nations and Israel as many people are about Russians hacking the DNC?

As we enter the month of March, just after the French Middle East Peace Conference which will no doubt condemn Israel, there is another International Conference, this time in Ireland, but it may as well be any country in Europe, with a slate of speakers that are a “Who’s Who” of radical anti-Israel activists and academics, to literally "Explore the Elimination of the State of Israel" as the conference is titled. It does not take a 5th grader to tell what their conclusions might be!

I find the timing of these two international conferences to be either profoundly coincidental or divinely prophetic.  Is there anything to the dates?  In the month of March, Jews celebrate Purim. Purim is a joyful and fun festival based on The Book of Esther to commemorate the defeat of Haman, an evil Persian who plotted the destruction of the Jews, only to meet his and his families end for doing so.

So where might things in the Middle East go from here?  
There are many moving parts, and as I perceive them, they are somewhat linear in terms of sequence. Furthermore, each part is consequential, in other words dependent on the other.  So, one leads to another.  To lay them out I will apply a boolean expression, otherwise known as an "IF > THEN STATEMENT," starting with a long set of IF's:

IF - The French Peace Conference culminates with a proclamation condemning Israel and laying out wording for a United Nations Resolution declaring a State of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza, with Jerusalem as its capital, and the Israeli settlements are required to be vacated, and IF;

IF - The United Nations supports passage before Obama and Kerry leave office, and IF;

IF - The Congress and New President pass a bill to move the USA Embassy to Jerusalem, and IF;

IF - TERRIBLE riots erupt on the Temple Mount along with Jihad in Israel and the West Bank, and IF;

IF - Jordan, which is responsible for controlling the Temple Mount, supports such revolts rather than putting them down, and IF;

IF - Israel police and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) take steps in to assertively put down that violence on the Mount and in the West Bank, and IF;

IF - Terrorist attacks breakout throughout Europe, and possibly the USA, and IF;

IF - Iran, and possibly other Nations attack Israel or otherwise become directly involved in the violence, THEN:

A war in the Middle East has broken out!

Then, sides must be chosen! And I suspect Israel's Prime Minister will make that perfectly clear in a televised speech, saying it is time for every Nation to choose between Israel and Iran.

No doubt what side America is on. My guess Britain too. On the flip side, I do not think there is any doubt about Lebanon, where Hezbollah calls the shots. Jordan, given the IFs above, we can assume takes the enemy side. There are some 100+ Nations in the UN that have already shown their enemy stance against Israel!

But what nations will join the actual fight?  Syria, given their current state of internal military challenges, can at best send over missiles.  Israel knows that, having literally JUST divulged intelligence about those advanced missiles sites, so one might expect Israel to proactively take them out.  But I am not so sure that either Syria or Russia takes the enemy side. Israel's relations with Putin Russia are actually quite good.  And, Trump's "bromance with Putin" does not look so stupid after all when you consider what is brewing here.

Did US Intelligence Services miss the potential for all of this, like they missed ISIS and Bhengazi!? Or are they just too preoccupied with election polotics and DNC hacking? I seriously doubt Israel's intelligence is behind the curve. This may explain why Bibi Netanyu said he would wait until Trump is in office before divulging intelligence to the USA President. Bibi knows better than to trust anyone in the Obama administration, and especially not Obama or Kerry themselves, let alone our UN Ambassador, who have all brought this pot to boil by orchestrating the UN resolutions 2334 which kicked off the entire series of events. Thank goodness the USA Congress has Israel's back, still bleeding from Obama and Kerry, and Bibi knows it.

But what will Egypt do?  What will Saudi Arabia do?  If it is a case of my "enemies enemy," then the question must be what do those countries perceive to be their bigger threat, Israel or Shia Muslim centered Iran?  Any guess on what side France and Italy will take?

When you work out this IF>THEN statement, what do you come up with?  I come up with War in the Middle East.  But is that a World War?  There are bound to be many millions with the eyes out for the Mesiah.

And, as you can see, there are "a whole lot of ifs!"  Besides, who am I to call for this level of destruction.

I made it very easy to follow along.  This is an unfolding situation which can be turned back at any "IF statement" along the way. The next two big events to keep an eye on are the French Middle East Peace Conference in Paris on Jan. 15th, followed by the UN response while Obama is still President.  If I am right, Kerry has foreshadowed in speeches and writing that the Obama administration is going to take two key parting shots at Israel before leaving office. Two States or Not Two States?  That is the question!

Remember the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and what came out of that - the Treaty of Versailles, the "Peace to End All Peace" which ultimately lead to the rise of Germany, Hitler and WWII.  Let's pray that what comes out of the Paris Peace Conference of January 2017 doesn't lead to WWIII.


World Warning

Change Can Make Your Head Spin

Bibi Grabs Victory from the Jaws of Defeat

It Begins

Trump Wants Biggest Trophy Ever

Russian Reset

One State of Israel