Monday, November 16, 2020



Listen to the Canadian Prime Minister. You'll hear him use it. It is the slogan for the "great reset" envisioned under the United Nations and the World Economic Forum with the aid of the IMF. 

"Build Back Better" is about Global Elites controlling everyone under the guise of a "utopian society." 

"Build Back Better" is the slogan for the "One World Government" which takes away every nation's Sovereignty.  

In order for the One World Government to rise America has to fall. Removing Trump speeds up the process. 

"Build Back Better" is the opposite of "Make America Great."  It's the opposite of national sovereignty. George Washington is rolling over in his grave. "Build Back Better" is everything the Father of our country warned us about in his Farewell Letter.  

George Washington warned us about surrendering our Sovereignty and foreign entanglements. He warned us of the dangers of Partisanship and putting Party ahead of country.  But most of all he warned us about losing our morality and putting Government above God. 

There is a much darker side to a One World Government.  One which we have been warned about for years ... thousands of years. It began IN THE BEGINNING with the Serpent that seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Serpent undermines God's authority. 

Satan prefers to operate in the shadows.  He executes his deceitful ways through principalities and people who are fully unaware of his plans.  If God doesn't exist, then neither does Satan.  By eliminating the belief in God, Satin paves the way for his corruption.  Satan is called the great prosecutor.  He prosecutes his case with deception and lies. 

A One World Government starts with those seeking control in deceitful ways. And one of the first things they do is send the tax collectors.  If you know you're bible you know that's how slavery began in Pharaoh's Egypt and again with the Assyrian Greeks. Before you know it we will be strangers in the land where we are living.

I know this all sounds crazy. So just watch the video. Then simply try to imagine America's place in the world when the Globalist are done. Try to imagine your own town government's importance. Try to imagine America's wealth being redistributed not just within America but to elsewhere as the Globalists destroy American industries and competitiveness.  Try to imagine our choices for healthcare, the car we drive, how we educate our children and what they are allowed to learn. Try to imagine a world where a central government is limiting our choices.  Try to imagine a society that censors our speech and cancels everything it deems inappropriate.  

You know who imagined a world somewhat like this?  Two authors that were required reading when I was in High School in the 70's:

1 - Aldous Huxley was the first to do so in his classic dystopian novel published in 1931 called "A Brave New World." Learn about what Aldous Huxley warned about. 

2 - George Orwell did it again.  He took a different approach in his classic dystopian novel published in 1949 called "1984." Learn more about what George Orwell warned about

Of course today, warnings about Marxists and Socialist/Communist ideologies have been replaced in our schools with lessons that lead to those ideologies. Critical Race Theory has replaced education on America exceptionalism in our schools. Even training sessions for government employees amount to indoctrination in Critical Race Theory and the premise that all whites are racists. 

The parallels between A Brave New World, 1894 and a One World Government are terribly and ominously obvious.  Only someone with Trump Derangement Syndrome who is in complete denial could fail to see them. 

There are some who see what the devil is up to. One of them, Paul Harvey, recorded a classic little audio story about him in 1965. If I were the Devil.

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist."

Verbal Kint in "The Usual Suspects"

(Thanks D.M.)

Monday, November 9, 2020


 On my morning walk I recorded my thoughts about the election process. Please be patient while I express sadness for a great loss before I get to the heart of the matter.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


American's tend to root for the underdog. It is almost our nature. Perhaps it has something to do with the American Revolution. In the war for our freedom, you couldn't find a greater underdog story than the Continental Army versus England. 

Donald Trump is not someone who fits the profile of an underdog. To begin with he is a billionaire. His Apprentice show and the entire "Trump Tower" brand certainly do not fit the image of an underdog. He is always talking about "winning." Trump is more likely to be characterized as a bully than an as an underdog.  And yet many respects Trump is the greatest underdog story there ever was. 

Before I even start to list why Trump is an underdog, the fact that the first political race he ever entered for was PRESIDENT automatically makes him an underdog out of the gate.

In his Primary race nobody gave him a chance. He was mocked and laughed at by even those in his own party. People not only mocked Trump, they thought there was something wrong with anyone who thought he would win. The pollsters have never given Trump a chance - not in 2016 or 2020.  

For 4+ years Trump has faced the hostilities of Nancy Pelosi's House, Adam Shift's National Intelligence Committee, Jerry Nadler's Judiciary Committee, the entire mainstream news media, Hollywood, most every TV show, the NFL, heads of Twitter, Amazon, Facebook, the NY Times, Washington Post and every other major Newspaper, not mention Democrat governors and mayors in NY and across the USA. 

And let's not forget the CIA, Comey's FBI, the Mueller investigators and the Washington D.C. establishment who have been out destroy Trump. 

Trump has even had to fight against China and a pandemic. 

Ironically, it took the prospects of Trump losing the Presidential election for folks who never thought of him as an underdog to finally start to see what Trump is up against. 

When you consider what Trump has been up against in American Presidential politics, Trump is a HUGE underdog story!  He is even an underdog for being an underdog.

America loves an underdog! 

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Post Election Road to Hell

 What direction will America go in after the election?   



1. Mass Mail hundreds of millions of ballots to an unverified inaccurate list.

2. Have no way of preventing ballot harvesting, theft and fraudulent use of ballots.

3. Foreign adversary's with a desire to alter the outcome who have a) exceptional skills at creating "knock off" versions of the ballots. b) hacked in and stolen mailing addresses for all Americans and their Party affiliation so ballots can be targeted to benefit their desired candidate. 

4. Have no way of verifying the chain of custody of the ballots. 

5. Have some unknown number individuals with a personal preference, let alone hatred for a candidate, handle the ballot: USPS carries and sorters, household members, people with access to mailboxes. 

6. Encourage people to vote before debates and before major developments in the campaign.  Not allow those who voted early and changed their mind to change their vote.  


- An election we cannot trust

- With a Democrat Party we cannot trust

- For Democrat candidates we cannot trust 



Monday, October 19, 2020

To Obsessed Losers

To the obsessed loser(s) who can't help themselves ... I continue to take satisfaction in deleting your comments. 


To everyone else, check out "Shitt's Creek" on Netflix - great series.  Chris Elliott who plays "Roland Shitt," for whom both the town and sitcom are named after, is terrific in his part.  The entire Levy family and the rest of the cast are also wonderful.  

P.S. To sorry ass troll. Your comments are deleted before even being red.LOL  Keep them coming, the longer the better - makes the delete more pleasurable. 

Monday, September 7, 2020


Every Conservative writer has trolls who follow them.  Sometimes the troll is an Antifa fascist.  

I take minor satisfaction in pressing "delete" on the inane comments my lonely little troll vomits.  Clearly he needs to get a life.  

People with no audience for their opinions, or much else, often try to exploit another person's audience.  It gives them a sense of power that they lack in their pathetic Godless lives.  They have filled the empty hole in their life with anger. Their toxic hate consumes them. Hate needs to be expelled so trolling provides them an outlet.  

I don't begrudge their comments.  If I cared about them at all I would pity them.  

I only wish it was as easy to rid our nation of their sorry loser asses as it is to remove their comments from my blog.  God bless America, POTUS, FLOTUS and the "delete key." 

P.S. Taking continued satisfaction in deleting the losers comments.  Clearly a sick and obsessed person without a life.