Sunday, May 22, 2022


This post came as the result of watching this movie trailer.  So please take a moment to watch it too and then come back for my thoughts. 

The Nazi's systematically robbed the Jew. First of our jobs and businesses -- our means to provide for ourselves and families.  

Then the Nazi's stole our homes and property when they moved us into the ghettos.

After that they stole our relationships and identity. To do so they rounded Jews up and shipped us to death camps like we were pigs. That is when the Nazi's seperated us, stripped off our clothing, hair and assigned us a number.  

There was one more thing to steal before they took our lives -- our humanity. The Nazi's wanted to turn Jews into the vermin that their propoganda claimed us to be. This way in their Nazi minds they were exterminating vermon, not murdering human beings. 

The will to survive in the death camps forced people to make choices and do things that no human should be faced with. It echoes pharaoh's edict for the Israelites to make bricks without straw and what that brought out in his slaves to survive. 

One of the few things I hate today is when people call someone a Nazi for political expediency and impact.  No body who isn't ACTUALLY a NAZI is a Nazi.  It takes a person who is deeply and uniquely evil to be so utterly and completely cruel.  The worst of them took pleasure in it!

There was a much deeper agenda at play in the Nazi "Final Solution." It is the hidden driving force behind Anti-Semitism, the oldest and longest hate.

Ultimately, what the Nazi's were seeking was to eliminate God. The purpose of the "Final Solution" was to wipe out Jewish DNA in order to get rid of God.  

"If we had killed 10.3 million Jews (referring to the entire Jewish population of Europe on the eve of the Holocaust) I would say with satisfaction ‘Good, we destroyed an enemy.’ Then we would have fulfilled our mission. And thus, to my regret, it was not to be,'” 

Adolf Eichmann, key architect of Nazi Germany’s Final Solution. 

A film was recently released about the trial of Adolph Eichmann who went into hiding after the war and was snatched from Argentina by Israeli intelligence in May 1960 to be put on trial in Jerusalem. Israel executed the top Nazi official by hanging in 1962. The film title, The Devil's Confession, perfectly represents the "supernatural" evil behind anti-semitism since God made his Covenant with Abraham. 

At the core of Anti-Semitism is a supernatural driving evil effort to remove what Abraham started. (The Real Reason for Jew Hatred.)

"The Jews put two scares on humanity - conscious on the soul and circumcision on the body, and both are inventions of the Jew." Adoloh Hitler

One of the best proofs that Hilter was trying to wipe out the God of Israel is the last seven words of the Hitler youth song that all German children were taught to sing from 1933 to 1945. Here they are:

"We are the joyous Hitler youth. We don't need any Christian virtue. Our leader is our saviour (A.H.). The pope and rabbi shall be gone. We want to be Pagans once again."

Sadly, while the Nazi's failed at wiping out Jewish DNA, they did succeed partly at robbing many too many Jews of their belief and faith in God. Therein is the greatest irony in the history of Judaism

P.S. Hitler hated Christians too. The church would have been next. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022


As bad as 8.5% inflation is that number doesn't tell the full story. From March 2021 to March 2022, fuel oil rose 70%, gasoline increased 48%, electricity went up 11% and natural gas shot up over 21%. (I think those reported figures are even low.)
There's no sign of slowing inflation. Producer prices at the wholesale level rose 11% over the past year. If inflation continues to build on itself the shit will eventually hit the fan!
Rising prices have caused many Americans to feel suddenly cash-strapped and more dependent on credit cards to make ends meet. With the increase in household borrowing, household debt rose to a record $15.84 trillion at the beginning of the year. So on top of inflation and more debt, the consumer is being hit with much higher credit card and mortgage rates!
The next wave to come is the effects of declining wealth. The Liberal Left loves to criticize the validity of "trickle-down economics." But watch how fast the massive drop in the value of equities and bonds trickles down on the middle-class.
The economy is a train wreck - with the cars just beginning to pile up into and top of one another. We benefited from coming out of Covid, but that bounce back was inevitable, especially because the economy was incredibly strong going into the pandemic. The positive trends that the Biden Administration inherited are going in reverse.
Wait till the panic button is pressed. That is when bad goes to much worse!!
This is all a setup for the "Great Reset." We are not in "crisis" mode yet -- but we will be. The upcoming crisis will be systemic and international. It will be a crisis that no country alone can fix. It will require Central Banks around the world to completely restructure the debt of countries and move to full fledged Modern Monetary Theory.
Central Banks, Treasuries and the Government leaders are preparing to issue Central Bank Digital Currencies to replace "cash" (money) as we have known it for centuries. When they do the conversion is when they will reformulate the debt of countries around the world.
Everyone will have a new digital identity to which all money in accounts is assigned. The money will be programable, which is to say the money can be controlled by the government in ways that money could not previously be manipulated. This way, if governments, globalists and the super elite want consumers and businesses to spend less or more on something, they will have financial tools to alter behavior and consumption.
When will this all happen? I predict that within ~6 months the panic botton on the economy is pressed. The inability to carry our Federal Debt will be the major focus. Then it will take another 6-12 months for the "Great Reset" design to be finalized.
America won't be alone in this. Europe, Japan, China and other countries will all be caught up in this crisis. This will be a crisis of the magnitude that rivals the Great Depression.
Is there a world leader who will save the day? One the world will trust who steps up to stem the fall and restore prosperity? If history repeats itself, the solutions they offer may be even more frightful than the crisis!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


The paradox of abortion is that at the time in history when we are most capable ever of addressing this issue we seem to be the most divided and hateful towards the other over it.

Does society at large have any right to control our individual rights? The simple answer is yes.

An unborn child is not a "body part." It's DNA, blood type, nervous system, brain, organs and gender are it's own. It's future and potential are it's own. Even it's AGE is it's own! 

From ancient times a mother was "with" child. 

The only reason there is even such a contentious legal debate over abortion is because there is another life at stake. A life that is protected by the womb.  The womb is the property of the mother. But that does not change the reality of the purpose of the womb to nurture and protect the life inside it, WITHOUT EVEN the conscious effort of the mother. In fact, the womb even protects that life FROM the mother!

At what point is all this so?? I know this -- it is before God designed an unborn child to leave the safety of the mother's womb to establish it's place in the world. 

The womb has only one God given purpose - which is to produce a NEW and separate life. 

Does society have the right to place ANY standards on us and what we do with our bodies? Can society have laws that limit our rights to drugs we put into our body or even to wear a seatbelt? Can it write laws against taking our life? Does a society have the right to pass laws which protect the weak against more powerful people, even from a parent? YES TO ALL. 

What is reasonable to expect of a woman? At what point is it appropriate for the law to require a woman to make a decision by about destroying the life with all it's potential that she is carrying?  Furthermore, it is reasonable for there to be variations or exceptions - such as to save the life of the mother. 

We factor into our laws the recognition that people can make the choice to violate the law.  That is an important point which seems absent from the debate about abortion. If a women or physician does violate an abortion law, what is a reasonable punishment? Could the punishment even be as simple as the knowledge that they have violated the law?? 

We can work this problem out as a society! it won't be to everyone's satisfaction. There are reasonable ways to approach the issue of terminating a pregnancy.  We can only meet someplace in the middle of the extremes!

Science and medical technology has never made is more possible to balance the ethical challenges of unwanted pregnancy!! We do not need to tear society apart over this issue.  

Monday, May 2, 2022


The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. 
H.L. Mencken

THE YEAR IS 1984. In his novel "1984," George Orwell gave us a frightening glimpse into a dystopian account of a totalitarian state. Advances in technology and data collection make an Orwellian slippery slope even more slippery.

Let's get real . . . 

The Federal Reserve and Central Banks around the world are developing plans to launch Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). This is the future of "money." 

This isn't your ordinary credit card and it is not Bitcoin. 

Transactions will amount to a transfer of Digital Currency from the buyer's digital wallet account to the seller's.

Will "money" exist in a non-digital form like "cash" does today?  The expectation is that CBDC will replace "cash," which is why there is talk that we are going to a "cashless society." 

In a way today, most money and transactions are already digital. People use credit/debit cards. We pay our bills with ACH and Electronic Transfers. Checks too simply are a means of moving money from one account to another. But there will be distinct differences in the new world monetary system with CBDC. 

The new digital currency will know who it's owner is.  A transfer amounts to the money having a new owner. And since the money is created by Central Banks, the Central banks know the owner of every CBDC "dollar." Injecting money into the economy is a matter of creating more CBDC and assigning ownership. 

In addition to CBDC knowing it's owner, the money will know what what it is being used for. It is kind of like your credit card knowing it is buying gasoline versus a dinner or shoes. Again, Central Banks will know all that too. 

Keep in mind that Central Banks get their authority from the government. They also work in tandem with the Treasury which handles the government's tax reciepts and expenditures.  

As part of President Biden's very recent Executive Order, the Federal government directed the USA Treasury and Federal Reserve to develop plans for implimenting CBDC. One requirement they were given was to make the money "programable."  

The conversion to CBDC brings with it profound societal and personal implications. Some good, some not so good. 

Programable CBDC allows the Government to control the "use" of the money - that means the government can ultimately control "who from, who to and what for" of every CBDC dollar. This allows government to sanction or cut off money going to something, be it a country a company, or a person or a thing (such as diesel fuel). 

Getting nervous yet?  

Where it gets alarming is when government combines all this with the concept of a "social scoring system" such as China has done and other governments are considering. 

Programable CBDC introduces a means by which governments can control spending down to the individual.  Therefore, if the Federal government decides that individuals should only be allowed to buy 1000 gallons of gasoline a year, when one reaches that level, your digital wallet will not permit you to buy more, even if you have the money in your account. 

"Because the horror of Communism, Stalinism, is not that bad people do bad things — they always do. It's that good people do horrible things thinking they are doing something great."  Slavoj Žižek

It is that last element, "programable," which gets scarey.  The announcement of a programable CBDC is not some wild conspiracy theory or some far off concept. In March 2022 the Biden White House issued an Executive Order directing the Treasury and Federal Reserve to develop plans for "responsible digital currency." The order called for the "highest urgency!"


"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Rahm Emanuel

The conversion to a new form of money along with the massive conversion process that such a change over must entail, presents a unique opportunity for governments and economies around the world to restructure their debt. 

Now that it is plain to see that America can neither afford to carry or pay off it's staggering debt, and with higher interest rates that debt threatens to cause another financial crisis worse than the last, the government needs a new plan. The change over to CBDC will provide Treasuries and Central Banks around the world, including the USA Federal Reserve, the opportunity they need to recast (write-down) tens of trillions in Debt. 

We are slaves to debt. We must work to pay credit card debt, student debt and other loans.  It was our choice -- we sold ourselves into slavery. Americans are slaves to nearly 200 trillion dollars in unfunded Federal debt and liabilities.  Our "Master" is the government. 

The "Great Reset," including CBDC, will give the Government much greater control over the people and behavior at the expense of individual freedom. But not to worry -- It is all for the good, Right?  Come'on Man!!

1984 is sooner than we think. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022



 There are various explanations and interpretations for the symbolic "Z" popping up on Russian military equipment and across Russia.  Some think it represents a "Za pobedy" for victory. Others say it stands for targeting Zapad (West) or even President Zelinsky who is aligned with the West.

The "Z" means what Putin wants it to mean.  It will come to stand for Putin's justification for attacking Ukraine - his primary ambition.  

The "Z" is Putin's swastika. Hitler used the swastika as an emblem to represent unifying the "Aryan race." The "Z" may well be Putin's goal for mother Russia to defeat the West and reunite the lands he believes belong in Russia's orbit.  

Thus the "Z" is symbolic of all three - The Russian race's Victory over the West.

Why now? Because the One World Order is using the pandemic to do a "Global Reset."  Also, the One World Order has the USA President it wanted AND SO DOES Putin! 

The "West" has crossed a line. The western biological weapons labs are too close for Putin's comfort.  The added threat of Western missiles in Ukraine is the last straw. Plus, who is to say that Ukraine doesn't build larger nuclear plants to supply Europe with electricity that can replace Europe's need for Russian oil & gas.  

Putin is on a mission. Putin aims to push back the "One World Order" that Klaus Schwab, Soros and the global elite are seeking. Putin's' mission is his devine spiritual destiny to reclaim Russia. 

BTW, speaking of Hilter and the Aryan race, the name Iran, which was Persia until it declared independence, is derived from "the land of Aryans." The Iranian ayatollah's supported Hitler's efforts to wipe out the Jews in Europe. During WWII, Russia lost 24 million fighting Hiltler's "Ayran race" which too sought to take over Europe.  

The Nazi's dominated Germany, Austria and France during WWII times. Today, Anti-Semitism is on the rise throughout Europe at the same that Germany and France dominate the European Union.  Major new world proponent George Soros certainly has his hooks into Zelinsky who is uber pro-Euro!  Soros has a very controversial past with the Nazis! With Ukraine and the European Union strengthening their relationship, could this be the "Nazification" that Putin is ultimately referring to? 

By the same token, Russia is also part of Asia. Like Russia, China is seeking to overthrow the West's hegemony. No country is watching the battle in Ukraine closer than China!

All the complicated inter-relationships, history and interests are partly why the situation in Ukraine can easily become a world war. In many respects it already is.

No coincedences!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


USA Trucker Convoy Heading to Washington

Russian Military Convoy heading to Kyiv Ukraine


This 3.1.22 morning there are two convoys heading to Nation's capitals. The "truckers" to Washington D.C. and the Russian military to Kyiv, Ukraine. 

THEY HAVE MORE IN COMMON THAN MEETS THE EYE. Of course they are both convoys of large vehicles. And they both have a message for a nation's leaders. 


Firstly, they both speak to the failure of American leadership. 

The second thing they have in common is much less obvious and much more profound. BOTH convoys carry forgeign "weapons" of destruction. The Russian convoy carries soldiers. The USA Trucker convoy "symbollically" carries weapons that are destroying our nation in an entirely different, but much better planned way. Let me explain. 

Trucks carry goods & products - shipments from manufacturers. American manufacturing has been decimated by China. The Chinese Communist Party is determined to replace the USA as the world's hegemomy and dominate the world economically!

Both communist China and communist Russia want the West to be DEPENDENT on them economically in ways that are essential to our population. Both China and Russia are succeeding and they will continue to do so if the West allows them like we have been for the last few decades!! 

Foreign dependence leads to the types of entanglements that George Washington warned us about in his "Farewell Letter."  All the pitfalls that Washington warned of in his letter are present today in a big wsy!  

George Washington did NOT write his Farewell letter for the 1790's. He wrote for 250 years into the future -- he wrote it for us today!

Empires do fall -- Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Roman, even the England is a fallen empire that America replaced as the last great world Super Power. We have begun our decent. China is rising.  



“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."   
Lincoln quoted the Bible!

Monday, February 7, 2022


What's one difference between the N-Word and the F-Word? Whites can say the F-Word. 


I think most folks recognize that it is culturally acceptable for Blacks to use the N-Word, while it is NOT for non-Blacks. Have you wondered why?  Consider the following other derogatory terms:

  • Jews don't use the K-Word the way blacks use the N-word. 
  • Italians don't use the W-Word the way blacks use the N-word. 
  • Chinese don't use the C-Word the way blacks use the N-word. 

If Jews, Italians and Chinese used their derogatory slur to describe themselves as freely as Blacks use the N-Word do you think those terms would be as "off limits" as the N-Word is?

I suspect that if Jews called each other "kikes" as freely as Blacks use the N-Word, it would be FAR more acceptable for gentiles to say "Kike."  

If all those slurs were used more freely, like Blacks used the N-Word, they would still have a certain degree of hate associated with them, however society would no longer be able measure the level of racist HATE merely by the use of the word.  One would have to evaluate whether the user INTENDED to express hate!!  One would have to consider the CONTEXT!!  For example, a Jew can display a swastika in the context of an article about the Holocaust. 

Blacks can use the N-Word in brotherly and humorous ways.  They can use in hateful ways too.  The point is that Blacks have largely converted the N-Word into a multipurpose word that can mean many things when Blacks themselves use the term.

I can assure you that Jews have NOT done so with the expression "Kike." I don't think Chinese have done that with the term "Chinc" either. 

So why don't we apply comparable criteria with the N-Word? Why is the exception made when it comes to intent and context as it relates to when it is acceptable to use the N-Word?

Whether you approve of it or not, the N-Word has been redined by Blacks. Plus it is fair to say that there is a double standard when it comes to the N-Word. Why is that?  

I think one reason ties in with Critical Race Theory and the notion that Blacks can NOT be racist and ALL Whites are racist. I don't buy it!!  But many Blacks do which is why the N-Word is still deemed off-limits for anyone who isn't Black.

Furthermore, I see a cultural battle taking place between those who want to retain that double standard and those that recognize it is unfair and inappropriate. Besides, isn't that how culture shifts? I'm pretty sure Elvis Presley would be shocked at the dance moves in today's Superbowl Half-time shows!  (There are some of us who still are disgusted at how woman are objectified. Pardon me for believing in God. But that's a double standard for another debate.)

In AVENUE Q, the Tony winner for "Best Broadway musical," there is a hit song that nails it. The title is:

"Everyone is a little bit racist, sometimes."

The key is sensitivity. The other key is to recognize that one may use a so called "racist" word without true hateful intent. Therefore, when judging a person for the use of such a term CONTEXT has to be taken into consideration.

I will conclude with a little Etymology Trivia regarding the term "Kike." 

We are mostly all aware that "Kike" is an ethnic slur for a Jewish person. But why - where did it come from? Here is an interesting popular theory on how it emerged. 

One popular theory is that it is derived from the Yiddish word for a 0 (circle) “kikel.”  It is a reference to how some Jewish immigrants at Ellis Island signed their entry forms with an "O" (a circle) as opposed to an X, which Jews associated with the cross of Christianity. Immigration officers described those who signed forms with a circle as “kikel,” eventually being shortened to “kike.” 

X's and O's are not hateful letters. They aren't loving letters either even though they can mean "hugs and kisses." Context is everything!