Thursday, December 15, 2022



The Moriah plant growing on Mount Moriah. It releases it's fragrance in the heat of the day. 

It says in Exodus 30:7-8 that Aaron shall burn fragrant incense; every morning when he tends to the Temple Menorah, "he shall burn the incense, and when he lights the lamps between dusk and dark, he shall burn the incense; so there shall be a perpetual burning of incense before the Lord for all your generations.”

The temple menorah is explicitly described, in two places in Exodus, chapters 25:31-38 and 37:17-24, with a stem and six branches beaten out of pure gold into one piece and adorned with 22 almond-shaped calyxes with knob and flower.

The "menorah" we light on Hanukkah is distinctly different than the menorah created in the Sinai wilderness for the Tabernacle. On Hanukkah, the Hebrew word meaning "dedication," Jews light the nine-branched candelabra called a "Hannukiah." The temple Menorah has 7 branches. 

After the Greeks desecrated the Temple, they prohibited it to make replicas of the Temple’s seven-branched menorah. That is until Juda Maccabius and his brothers fought to win our freedom, rebuild and reconsecrate the temple in Jerusalem. The story of the Books of Maccabees is remembered and told with a "new Menorah," in some sense, a new song. 

Chabad explains why there are straight branches on the New menorah? 

Hannukiot (plural) have eight branches, plus a "Shamash candle." Shamash is Hebrew and means "servant." We light the Shamash candle first and it is used to light the other candles on each of the eight nights. On the first night we light the Shamash and one candle. Each night we light the Servant candle and one additional candle so "the light increases." The candles are loaded from right to left, as you face the Hanukkia but are lit from left to right.  Link to Hanukkah Prayers

Ideally, the Hanukkiah is placed in a window that is publically visible to commemorate the victory of the Maccabees over the Selucid Greeks and the purification of the Temple in the year 165 BCE.  The Light of the Hanukkiah, symbolic of the Light of God, his Holy Word, is to go out into the world. 

Famous image of Hanukkiah displayed across from a Nazi headquarters.

On the back of the photograph above is written the following inscription: 

Chanukah 5692 (1932)
"Death to Judah"
So the flag says
"Judah will live forever"
So the light answers

There is no biblical description of the Hanukkiah, and you will find a plethora of modern interpretations in all sorts of shapes and configurations. One of the most traditional shapes looks a lot like a plant in the sage family found in the Sinai desert called the Moriah Plant. It grows on the mountain it is named after. (See photo above.)

The moriah plant is shaped like the menorah and as you can see, the center stem is taller than the four branches on each side. It is a plant releases it's fragrance in the heat of the day. Consider again what it says in Exodus 30:7-8 that Aaron shall burn fragrant incense; every morning when he tends to the Temple Menorah, "he shall burn the incense, and when he lights the lamps between dusk and dark, he shall burn the incense; so there shall be a perpetual burning of incense before the Lord for all your generations.” 

This is one of my favorite Hanukkiah. It is copper or bronze colored and stands quite tall. It can burn either oil or candles sticks. I do burn lamp oil but frankly candles look better/brighter and burn longer. You can see me taking the picture in the reflection of the window. It was a gift to me by a Hassidic Rabbi which makes it special to me. 

Christmas is always on the 25th of December, but Hanukkah begins on the 25th day of the Hebrew calendar month of Kislev. It generally falls in December but not always. This year 5783 (2022), the first day of Hanukkah begins in the evening of Sunday, December 18th and overlaps Christmas. 

Chag Hanukkah Semeach and Merry Christmas.

P.S. Spring, Passover and the true New Year are just around the corner. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022



Lake Mead was at 100% capacity in mid-1999. Today it is 28% full. Lake Powell was last full in June 1980, but is at 25% today. 

Freshwater lakes contain over 98% of the important surface water available for human use on the planet. Most other continental waters are contained in glaciers, ice sheets, and groundwater.

New York is blessed with a combination of 7,600 freshwater lakes, ponds, and reservoirs, as well of 70,000 miles of rivers and streams. Also, the northern borders of the state include two of the Great Lakes. 

Alaska is the #1 state with the most naturally formed lakes, containing 3,197 lakes and over 3 million unnamed lakes!

There is SO MUCH that has and will be said about lack of water resources in the US Mid-West, West and around the world. It is a growing crisis.  


Alaska will start to supply fresh DRINKING water to California via massive tanker ships. Pipelines will be built in Alaska to facilitate supplying water to ports to fill those ships. . 

Investment ideas flowing!

1. 15 years ago there was talk of this. Daniel Zimmer, executive director of the World Water Council in Marseille, said there was a real prospect that fleets of dedicated tankers could shuttle fresh water for essential supplies of fresh drinking water, rather than low-grade agricultural or industrial use. 

Zimmer said, “We definitely see it increasing. We expect in the future and even in the short-term, before 2050, more frequent heatwaves and dry periods which could make shipping water economically justifiable."

I wonder if some firm will snap up old decommissioned single-hull tankers on the cheap and line them for puropses of transporting fresh water? 

2. Water compression technology. Just wondering... 

3. Israel is brilliant at water conservation and desalinzation. Just wondering ...

Starting with a macro-thesis and then projecting how a trend can lead to economic opportunities is fun thinking for me.


What's key to understand is that the magnetic shield which protects our earth and all of us is weakening rapidly. This is WAY more important than CO2!

By the way, the two (water and magnetic shield) are inter-related in major ways that many will become aware of in 2023. By 2024 I dare say "awareness" will become "fear" . . .  and ultimately "panic."

Monday, December 12, 2022


Binge through this Netflix series. (Or at least watch Episodes 1 and 5.) Then what I have to say below might barely make sense. ๐Ÿคฃ   If you're skeptical of Gram Hancock, you're not alone, but not so fast. 

This fits with pole reversal theories. It fits with the theory of a Solar Micro-nova. AND, it sounds a lot like what is prophesied in Revelation.

What makes this so important is the timing. One in terms of the sudden speed by which things happen. Two, in terms of when. It can happen in OUR generation.

Ancient lost cultures built structures, pyraminds and in mountains, with deep chambers. Is it a coincidence that our government is building structures today with deep chambers for civilization, those SELECTED by the Pentagon and CIA, to go underground in the event of another global catalysm? What am I referring to? Norad and other underground structures being planned and built by the Pentagon. 

Is it a coincidence that some of the wealthiest people in the world are "preparing" for a global apocolyse. Or, that "prepping" is a significant, viral even, trend? 

The climate has always been changing. There have been periods of dramatic changes on earth. Our last Ice Age was some 12k years ago is only one example. This has been a regular 12k year event. There have also been major events in between at the 6k thousand year period, such as when the Great Flood is estimated. 

Weather is the result of our Sun and Moon and magnetism. These effect our oceans which in turn effect our weather. Our pagan ancestors prayed to gods which controlled these realms. Ironically they knew back then that our weather was in the hands of these God given creations. 

Our ancestors attributed weather dissasters to "mankinds actions" then too. The difference is the action our ancient ancestors blamed was 'Sin," rather than "CO2."  (Well, we are a Carbon Life form that depends entirely on Oxygen. Both of which are necessary for FIRE. And Laminin holds the body together.) 

Could "man-made" climate change be a distraction? Is it a convenient way for the Government and global super elites to buy time while they prepare for the global cataclysm they know is coming?  Could the sense of urgency be because we are overdue for the next 12k event?

Some are starting to effectively debunk "man-made" climate theory as the only basis for warming. 

At this same time, the archeology discussed in this Netflix series challenges the prevailing theories of human evolution. Were their intelligent beings, human or otherwise around before we were simply "hunter gatherers? Were there "survivors" from past civilizations who globally reset mankind?  Is it a coincidence that our Pentagon is just now talking about UFO's and Aliens?  

I contend that IF those "intelligent beings" were aliens, the many hyroglifics on ancient stone would depict them rather than the mazzaroth (constellations).  

If you do watch the Netfilx series, notice the narrator's repeated use of the word "magnetism." Magnatism is a universal force that literally controls the spacing and movement of the planets. Our Earth, Sun and Moon are connected by magnetism. Metaphorically speaking, Magnetism is the Laminin of the Universe. Magnatism protects our planet from destruction. It determines the location of our poles. It literally determines the way our airport runways are numbered and controls our GPS systems. Is it a coincidence that our Earth's magnetic shield has rapidly declined in the last two decades and the pace of the decline is accelerating?

The graphical animation which all the episodes of this Netflix series open with is a giant clue of what the author is hinting at! What he is hinting at is the explanation for the mystery that is the basis for the entire series. That explanation is revealed in the stars. More specifically, by our star - the Sun. 

Is it a coincidence that many of the things happening in the world correspond to the biblically foretold "End-times" events? And is it a coincidence that so much of the world is essentially returning to Paganism and the Worship of the Sun and Mother Earth?!

Eyes up!! In the Twinkle of an eye the world as we know it can change. Revelation is written in the stars.

Believe what you will. Like the title of my blog post title says, this is just a "Conspiracy (Theory)".

Thursday, December 8, 2022


You must know those tops we Jews spin on Hanukkah called "Dreidels."  There is more to the game of "dreidel." On the surface it is a simple fun gambling game involving a 4-sided top.  The side that each turn lands on determines the player's winning. It is typically played by children with chocolate coins (gelt) covered in "gold" foil.  But you can play with real stakes. Its actually a lot of fun.

Nun (50) - you get no money

Gimmel (3) - you get everything.  (Camel)

In 175 BCE, the Assyrian Greek King Antiochus Epiphanes who controlled the area including Israel, instituted harsh decrees against Jewish life. Jews were forbidden from keeping Shabbat and Jewish holidays, ordered to eat non-kosher food, expected to worship Greek idols, and were banned from teaching or studying the Torah.

Jewish teachers and parents persisted in running clandestine schools. At the time of Hanukkah, Jewish teaching was done orally and it was necessary for students and teachers to work together in person in secret schools. Getting caught would likely lead to death.

To avoid detection, students kept a gambling toy similar to a dreidel in their pockets. If Greek soldiers raided these secret schools, children would quickly take out their spinning tops and some coins and explain that they were just playing games. This trickery allowed a generation of Jewish children to continue to study Torah and live clandestine Jewish lives.

The Yiddish word "dreydl" comes from the word dreyen. Drehen in German. Dreydl and Drehen both mean "to turn."  IN Israel they call dreidels by the Hebrew word "Sivivon." It comes from the Semitic root SBB ("to turn").

The dreidels in Israel have a Peh (ืค) instead Shin (ืฉ).

A Dreidel is lettered: Nun, Gimmel, Hey, and Shin.
An acronym for: great miracle happened “there."

A Sivivon is lettered: Nun, Gimmel, Hey, and Pey.
An acronym for: great miracle happened “here."

So Jews outside Israel, in the Diaspora, say ‘A Great Miracle Happened There' - Nes Gadol Haya Sham. ' Whereas, Jews in Israel say, ‘A Great Miracle Happened Here - Nes Gadol Haya Poh’.

There is a even more subtle difference. Notice that the only difference between the word "here" and "there" is the letter "T."  Therefore, the only difference between the entire two phrases is the letter "T. " What about that letter?  

The letter "T" in the English alphabet comes from the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet as used for English. It originated as the Phoenician symbol "taw," which the Greeks adopted and adapted as tau (ฯ„) then in turn by the Romans as T.

Taw, tav, or taf is the 22nd and last letter of the Semitic (Hebrew) and Phoenician alphabet. Tฤw, Hebrew, Tav ืช‎, in ancient Hebrew the letter looked like a cross and it  signified a "mark" or "sign" or "covenant."   

The 20th letter in Hebrew is Resh. They is drawn like a head in ancient Hebrew and is symbolic of Authority.

Here is a numerical way to look at a Dreidel. In Hebrew every letter has a numeric equivalent. Gematria is a method of studying the numerical meaning associated with the letters in the Torah.

The numerical value of the Hanukkah dreidel’s letters, nun, gimmel, hey and shin, is 358. 358 is also the numerical value of the Hebrew word "Nachash." That is the Hebrew word for the serpent (snake) that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge in the book of Genesis. 358 is also numerical value of the Hebrew word Moshiach, or Messiah.

Perhaps the Sivivon also gives a clue to who the Messiah is. The gematria also equates to the Hebrew name "Menachem." This name means to console or comfort

Another symbolic (supernatural) way of looking at the dreidel’s Hebrew letters represents the divine aspects of a human being:
- Nun means Nefesh, Hebrew for “soul”;
- Gimmel means Guf, Hebrew for “body”;
- Shin is Sechel, “understanding” in Hebrew;
- Hey stands for "Hakol", which means “everything” in Hebrew, because the other three letters make up all of a person’s core qualities.

The great Chassidic scholar Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapiro (1783-1841) noted that the dreidel’s four letters correspond with four ancient kingdoms that tried and failed to destroy the Jewish people.
  • Nun represents Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian leader who destroyed the first Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Gimel stands for Gog, or Greece, which tried to eradicate the Jewish religion in the time of Hanukkah.
  • Hey stands for Haman, the wicked minister in ancient Persia who wanted to commit genocide and wipe out the Jews and whose defeat is remembered during the Jewish holiday of Purim.
  • Shin stands for Seir, or ancient Rome, which destroyed the second Temple in Jerusalem and ended Jewish rule in ancient Israel for nearly two thousand years.

Finally, the letters nun, gimmel, hey, shin are supposed to represent the four kingdoms that tried to destroy us [in ancient times]: N = Nebuchadnetzar = Babylon; H = Haman = Persia = Madai; G = Gog = Greece; and S = Seir = Rome.

Finally, there is an interesting comparative observation that's been made between the dreidel toy that we turn on Hanukkah and the "groggers" that we spin (turn) on Purim to make noise in order to drown out the name of wicked Haman when we read the Megillah Esther. Each toy carries a hefty symbolic meaning.

  • On Hanukkah, we spin dreidels from the top; our hands (symbolizing the “hand” of God) are clearly visible. You could say the revealed hand of God.
  • On Purim, however, we hold the grogger from the bottom. We can’t see our hand controlling the toy. This reflects the nature of the Purim miracle, in which the hand of God was concealed
The dreidel game originally had nothing to do with Hanukkah; it has been played by various people in various languages for many centuries.

In England and Ireland there is a game called totum or teetotum that is especially popular at Christmastime. In English, this game is first mentioned as “totum” ca. 1500-1520. The name comes from the Latin “totum,” which means “all.” By 1720, the game was called T- totum or teetotum, and by 1801 the four letters already represented four words in English: T = Take all; H = Half; P = Put down; and N = Nothing.

Our Eastern European game of dreidel (including the letters nun, gimmel, hey, shin) is directly based on the German equivalent of the totum game: N = Nichts = nothing; G = Ganz = all; H = Halb = half; and S = Stell ein = put in. In German, the spinning top was called a “torrel” or “trundl,” and in Yiddish it was called a “dreidel,” a “fargl,” a “varfl” [= something thrown], “shtel ein” [= put in], and “gor, gorin” [= all].

When Hebrew was revived as a spoken language, the dreidel was called, among other names, a sevivon, which is the one that caught on.

Thus the dreidel game represents an irony of Jewish history. In order to celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah, which celebrates our victory over cultural assimilation, we play the dreidel game, which is an excellent example of cultural assimilation! Of course, there is a world of difference between imitating non-Jewish games and worshiping idols, but the irony remains nonetheless.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022



Canaan was a Semitic-speaking civilization and region in the Ancient Near East during the late 2000's BCE. In the region of Canaan, spheres of interest of the Egyptian, Hittite, Mitanni and Assyrian Empires converged or overlapped. 

As it says in the bible, in 1400 BCE, Joshua and the Israelite Tribes crossed the Jordan River and conquered Jericho. In subsequent decades the B'Nai Israel (Sons of Israel) conquered the lands and various kingdoms in Canaan. 

Jump to the Babylonian conquest of the region and the destruction of Solomon's Temple, the 1st Temple in ~567 B.C.E. The Babylonian's took the best of the best into captivity including the prophet Daniel. 

Nehemiah, Ezra and the Jews returned from Babylon to the Land of Judah decades later in 538 BCE, due to Cyrus's decree.

The Greek's were next to conquer the region. Alexander the Great of Macedon created a vast empire. After his death the kingdom and its rule was divided. The Lands of Judah came under the rule of King Antiochus and the Seleucid Empire (the Greek Assyrians).

Judah and the Maccabees rebelled against them and regained control to the Kingdom of Judah around 156 BCE. The Maccabees purified and re-didicated (Hanukkahed) the Temple in Jerusalem. Hanukkah is Hebrew for dedicate, which is how we get the name of the holiday. 

Trivia: After the Maccabees "hanukkahed" the temple altar, they celebrated the Festival of Tabernacles, a.k.a. Succoth which lasts 8 nights including Hoshana Rabba. A celebration like you've never seen!

The Maccabees began the Hasmonian period in Israel when "Israel" enjoyed independence and great prosperity. 

For security reasons, the Maccabees made a treaty with the Roman Republic. This helped Judah fend off the Selucids, but it brought consequences. 

The Roman–Jewish Treaty was an agreement made between Judas Maccabeus and the Roman Republic according to 1 Maccabees 8:17–20 and Josephus. It took place in 161 BCE and was the first recorded contract between the Jewish people and the Romans.

Rome wasn't yet an Empire, but they were expanding. The Roman Republic became the Roman Empire in 27 BCE when Julius Caesar's adopted son, best known as Augustus, became the Emperor. 

King Herod of Judea

In 63 BCE, that fateful treaty led to the Roman recapture of Jerusalem. The Romans ruled through a local "client king" and largely allowed free religious practice in Judaea. The first such king was Herod the Great, who was also called Herod the Mad. He controlled the Herodian Kingdom in Judea. Herod expanded the Temple in Jerusalem and did several other massive building projects. 

During this period of Roman rule, in ~33 C.E. Yeshua (Jesus) was crucified,  About 40 years later the Jews launched a massive revolt against their Roman masters. This was the first of three so called Jewish-Roman Wars. 

Temple Menorah on Arch of Titus

In 70 A.D., Roman general Titus put down the revolt, captured Jerusalem and destroyed the 2nd Temple. He punished the rebellious Jewish zealots, slaughtered and enslaved thousands of Jews, and looted menorahs and other sacred objects. Thousands of Jewish slaves were brought to Rome from Judea. During a huge triumphal procession, commemorated by the Arch of Titus, Jewish prisoners were paraded through the streets and strangled at the Forum. 

In 132–136 C.E. there was the last of three major Jewish–Roman wars. Simon bar Kokhba led the Jews in Judea against the Roman Empire. The Jewish historian Josephus claimed that all together over 1 million Jews died as a result of the Roman crackdown. This was the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora, the great exile of Jews in Europe and around the world.  We wouldn't be regathered to our homeland for some 2000 years. 

In order to add insult to injury and further humiliate the Jews, the Roman emperor renamed the region Syria-Palaestina. (That was eventually shortened to Palestine.)  He also cut down the trees and salted agricultural land to make the land uninhabitable.

The area was later conquered by the Sasanian Persian Empire. That later became the Ottoman Empire which ruled Jerusalem and much of the Middle East from about 1516 to 1917. 

In 1867, Mark Twain made a visit to the Land of Israel. He described it as "a hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land."

Tourists in a cemetery outside of Jerusalem's walls, apparently outside of the Golden Gate. (Twain album 1867)

After World War I, Great Britain took over the region which became known as simply as Palestine and included Jerusalem.  Everyone living in the region, including Jews, where called Palestinians. The British controlled the city and surrounding region until after WWII when Israel became an independent state in 1948. A truly miraculous achievement which also brought back Hebrew as the official national language and the Magen (shield) of David as the national flag.

At this same time in history Lebanon (1943), Jordan (1946), Syria (1946), Iraq (1958) where all founded. Kingdom of Palestine? Never. King of Palestine? Never. 

Israel is the Land of our biblical Patriarchs. The nation was born on the Passover in Egypt and destined to go to the land that God showed and promised to Abraham. No existing other nation has a longer history than Nation of Israel. No other nation has had to do battle more times for its land and freedom. No other nation has a biblical right to its Land with its deed and borders defined in the bible. No other nation is the birthplace of Monothiasm and a basis for a legal system which modern Western legal systems are rooted in.

2000+ years after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, the Jews have been gathered back to Eretz Israel. Today, Israel is stronger and more secure than ever. Hanukkah and Christmas are celebrated in it's borders. That is the Hanukkah miracle!  It was also prophesied. Which leads to wonder, is Hanukkah part of God's plan?  

There are few things pending, such as the 3rd Temple and the Messiah. Those chapters plays out a couple possible ways. But one thing is for sure . . . 

We worship a Covenant keeping God!

P.S. Below is the true temple menorah, with 7 candles, presented to my father 32 years ago by the Jewish Federation of Dutchess County. 


BELOW: Segments of copy written by Mark Twain after his visit in 1867.  As you read this, consider what the Jews accomplished with this place since they returned. 

On Jerusalem: 

It seems to me that all the races and colors and tongues of the earth must be represented among the fourteen thousand souls that dwell in Jerusalem. Rags, wretchedness, poverty and dirt, those signs and symbols that indicate the presence of Moslem rule more surely than the crescent-flag itself, abound.

Close by is the Golden Gate, in the Temple wall--a gate that was an elegant piece of sculpture in the time of the Temple, and is even so yet. From it, in ancient times, the Jewish High Priest turned loose the scapegoat and let him flee to the wilderness and bear away his twelve-month load of the sins of the people. If they were to turn one loose now, he would not get as far as the Garden of Gethsemane, till these miserable vagabonds here would gobble him up,--sins and all. 

A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is. 

The population of Jerusalem is composed of Moslems, Jews, Greeks, Latins, Armenians, Syrians, Copts, Abyssinians, Greek Catholics, and a handful of Protestants. .... It seems to me that all the races and colors and tongues of the earth must be represented among the fourteen thousand souls.

On the land of Palestine:

Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren, they are dull of color, they are unpicturesque in shape. The valleys are unsightly deserts fringed with a feeble vegetation that has an expression about it of being sorrowful and despondent. The Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee sleep in the midst of a vast stretch of hill and plain wherein the eye rests upon no pleasant tint, no striking object, no soft picture dreaming in a purple haze or mottled with the shadows of the clouds. Every outline is harsh, every feature is distinct, there is no perspective--distance works no enchantment here. It is a hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land.

Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies. Where Sodom and Gomorrah reared their domes and towers, that solemn sea now floods the plain, in whose bitter waters no living thing exists--over whose waveless surface the blistering air hangs motionless and dead-- about whose borders nothing grows but weeds, and scattering tufts of cane, and that treacherous fruit that promises refreshment to parching lips, but turns to ashes at the touch. Nazareth is forlorn; about that ford of Jordan where the hosts of Israel entered the Promised Land with songs of rejoicing, one finds only a squalid camp of fantastic Bedouins of the desert; Jericho the accursed, lies a moldering ruin, to-day, even as Joshua's miracle left it more than three thousand years ago; Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and their humiliation, have nothing about them now to remind one that they once knew the high honor of the Saviour's presence; the hallowed spot where the shepherds watched their flocks by night, and where the angels sang Peace on earth, good will to men, is untenanted by any living creature, and unblessed by any feature that is pleasant to the eye. .... The noted Sea of Galilee, where Roman fleets once rode at anchor and the disciples of the Saviour sailed in their ships, was long ago deserted by the devotees of war and commerce, and its borders are a silent wilderness; Capernaum is a shapeless ruin; Magdala is the home of beggared Arabs; Bethsaida and Chorazin have vanished from the earth, and the "desert places" round about them where thousands of men once listened to the Saviour's voice and ate the miraculous bread, sleep in the hush of a solitude that is inhabited only by birds of prey and skulking foxes.

Sunday, November 27, 2022


The biased mainstream media missed it.  BACK when Western leaders and media were all talking about Ukraine defeating Russia, I predicted that Russia's strategy was less obvious and going more than less as Putin planned.  We in the West were failing to recognize that Russia's military tactics were setting up a siege. I described the strategy Putin was executing in a blog I posted. Here's a link to a blog I wrote. 

Putin's Diabolic Plan 

Siege warfare is terribly cruel; in part because it ostensibly targets civilians with the weakest being the most vulnerable. A humanitarian crisis is the product of a siege. That is what we have now in Ukraine. 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is becoming a battle between the will of the Ukrainians to survive and fight on, against the will of the Russian population to watch the merciless treatment of their neighbors whose ethnic blood is closely related to their own.  

Ironically, the more pain the seige causes in Ukraine the more shame the people in Russia will feel.

The American people poured billions of dollars in the terribly corrupt country of Ukraine to fight a war that EASILY could have been avoided. We know now that significant amounts of those dollars were laundered back tnto the USA to support Democrats during the mid-term elections.  


The moment, literally the same week, the mid-term elections were over I could tell the tone and focus of the Western mainstream media coverage of the status of the Ukraine-Russian conflict was changing. It is has been increasingly so since. 



I predict that the focus concerning the conflict in Ukraine will shift from military support to humanitarian support. Again, a significant amount of the Federal money directed to Ukraine will be laundered back into the USA to support Democrats. Only this time those funds will aid them in the 2024 Presidential election.

In 2023, I predict a major push by President Biden and his Administration for humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Heaven knows they need it, the Russian seige will prove to be terribly effective, just as I said it would be. 

The need for aid will be undeniable!  The American people are the most charitable on the planet. So scenes of the devastation and suffering in Ukraine will tug at American emotions. What a brilliant political strategy Ukraine has been for Democrats, globalists, the EU, NATO and the Military Industrial Complex!  Expect the U.N. to be leading the charge and call for aid and they will get their take!

Don't expect good accounting or serious accountabilty for where the billions are spent. The accusations and reports about money being lost always come out years after its too late and then seem to be forgotten. 

The only question I have is this. How much of the American aid will actually reach the citizens of Ukraine AND how much will be funneled back to the DNC and Democrat PAC'S? 

There is one thing for sure about that the ENTIRE diplomatic failure in Ukraine. It has NOT put the American people first.


Thursday, November 24, 2022



The Ancient Hebrew Zodiac

ืžַื’ִּ֤ื™ื“ ืžֵֽืจֵืืฉִׁื™ืช֙ ืַื—ֲืจִ֔ื™ืช ื•ּืžִืงֶּ֖ื“ֶื ืֲืฉֶׁ֣ืจ ืœֹื־ื ַֽืขֲืฉׂ֑ื•ּ ืֹืžֵืจ֙ ืขֲืฆָืชִ֣ื™ ืชָืง֔ื•ּื ื•ְื›ׇืœ־ื—ֶืคְืฆִ֖ื™ ืֶืขֱืฉֶֽׂื”׃

I foretell the end from the beginning, And from the start, things that had not occurred.  Isaiah 46.10

When a person finishes a chapter in their life and they are starting a new one (call this a milestone), it is customary for us to say "congratulations" and to wish them "good luck." 

Maybe you have heard the common Hebrew Jewish expression "Mazel Tov" (Hebrew/Yiddish: ืžื–ืœ ื˜ื•ื‘‎). Mazal ืžַื–ָืœ is luck or fortune. Tov ื˜ื•ื‘‎ is good.  So Mazel Tov can be translated as either good luck or good fortune. However, when Jews say the expression we mean "congratulations." In fact, the Hebrew for congratulations is also Mazel Tov. 

So in effect, mazel (or mazal) is addressing both the past and the future.  This is a curiuos concept, so you might wonder about the origin of the word Mazel or Mazal. 

They come from the Hebrew word Mazzaroth or Mazzฤrลแนฏ ืžַื–ָּืจื•ֹืช. This Biblical Hebrew word's literal translation is "constellations."

Can you lead out Mazzaroth (a constellation) in its season, Conduct the Bear with her sons? Job 38:31

The similar word mazalot (ืžַּื–ָּืœื•ֹืช) appears in 2 Kings 23:3–5. 

In pre-modern Hebrew, astrology was known as hokmat ha-mazalot (ื—ื•ื›ืžืช ื”ืžื–ืœื•ืช), "the science of the constellations." The Hebrew name for the Zodiac is the Mazzaroth. In Kabbalistic (mystical Judaism) astrology is called mazal or mazalot and the Zodiac (destiny) is a system of astrology.

What could be more timeless than the heavens. They stretch back to the beginning of time and forward to the end of time. In a sense, all of time is in the Mazzaroth. 

When I think of it this way, it makes sense that the expression "Mazel Tov" means both congratulations and good luck. 

Let's look at an example of the timeless brilliance of the mazzaroth. 

In Daniel 2:48 it says: "Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon." 

In effect, the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar elevated God's servant Daniel to the ranks of "The Great" in Babylon. He made Daniel a ruler, an official of great power over his kingdom. This promotion made Daniel the chief or lord over all the other wise men (Chakkiym in Aramaic) of Babylon. The wise men would come to be known as the "Magi" in the Christian bible. 

There is so much more that could be said about the Magi. With no distinction between astrology and astronomy at the time, the Magi used early observations of the heavens to calculate positions of celestial bodies. Their uncanny ability to predict the movement of stars and planets across the sky, using the zodiac as their map, gave them credibility and elite status, and even the ability to interpret prophecy. 

The identification of the Magi is linked to prophecies in the Hebrew Bible that describe the Messiah being worshipped by kings in Isaiah 60:3, Psalm 68:29, and Psalm 72:10, which reads, "Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations serve him."

As we finish Thanksgiving and start to look ahead to Christmas and Hanukkah, I'd like to say Mazel Tov to us all. 

Judaica (Jewish Art) Hamsa

Here is another popular Jewish expression, "Kaynahora."  The three Hebrew words Kein Ayin Hara literally translate as “no evil eye.” The origin of the phrase is the ancient superstition that talking about one’s good fortune attracts the attention of the evil eye and spoil our plans. Think of this as the Jewish version of “knock on wood.”

When the patriarch Jacob blessed his grandchildren Ephraim and Menashe, part of his blessing was that “they should multiply like fish within the land” (Genesis 48:16). In the bible "multiplying" is synonymous with "blessing." The Jewish Sages tell us that Jacob wanted them to emulate fish when it came to multiplying because fish do so underwater where they believed one is shielded from view of the evil eye

The concept of the evil eye is an ancient widespread belief around the world, and is thought to be associated with a human propensity towards envy. The destructive power of envy has lost none of it's relevance in our modern world. 

Gratitude, giving thanks, serves us well for the past, present and future! Thanksgiving is the best protection against the evil eye of envy.  

May we all learn to be thankful for what we have, happy for others, and be protected from the evil eye of envy.



With Christmas coming up, and thoughts of the birth of Salvation (Yeshua), this video is intriguing