Friday, June 14, 2024

The "Elephant" who is NOT in the room

In 2005, Orthodox Rabbi Michael J. Cook wrote about how Jesus influenced rabbinic Judaism. His research created quite a stir. But not as much of a stir as Jesus did in this scene from The Chosen which portrays Jesus reading Isaiah 61 from the Haftarah in the temple he grew up in Nazareth.

Watch this scene from the series The Chosen about the life of Jesus in order to appreciate why Rabbi Cook's article is so important.

Modern Jews are very accustomed to the tradition of reading the Haftarah in the temple, especially on Shabbat. 

The prophets form a significant part of the Hebrew Bible, offering a range of prophecies, teachings, and historical accounts that have influenced Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions.  

After the destruction of the Temple, when priestly sacrifices came to a halt and rabbinic Judaism began, the rabbis divided The Torah into 54 portions (parashot). During a Jewish temple service a Haftarah reading is linked to a Torah portion reading based on thematic or contextual connections. Each week, during Shabbat services, Jews will read a designated section of the Torah coupled with a designated Haftarah reading. The Rabbis created this coupling centuries ago.

I will digress to give a short explanation of the Haftarah and it's place in Jewish ritual. If you are familiar with the Torah and Haftarah just skip down to pick back up with the significance of Rabbi Cook's findings and article. 

The Torah, which is the Five Books of Moses also known the Pentateuch, are the foundational texts of the Jewish faith and are also significant in Christianity and Islam. They are: 

1. Genesis (Bereishit)

2. Exodus (Shemot)

3. Leviticus (Vayikra)

4. Numbers (Bamidbar)

5. Deuteronomy (Devarim)

The Haftarah consists of the Books of the Prophets (Nevi'im). The books of the Prophets (Nevi'im) in the Hebrew Bible are traditionally divided into the Former Prophets and the Latter Prophets. Here is a list of the books and the prophets associated with them:

Former Prophets:

 1. Joshua (Yehoshua) – Chronicles the leadership of Joshua and the conquest of Canaan.

 2. Judges (Shoftim) – Describes the period of the Judges who led Israel before the establishment of the monarchy.

 3. Samuel (Shmuel) – Divided into two books, 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel, covering the life of Samuel, the reign of Saul, and the rise of David.

 4. Kings (Melakhim) – Divided into two books, 1 Kings and 2 Kings, recounting the history of Israel and Judah's monarchies up to the Babylonian exile.

Latter Prophets:

 1. Isaiah (Yeshayahu) – Contains the prophecies of Isaiah, focusing on themes of judgment and redemption.

 2. Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu) – Features the prophecies of Jeremiah, emphasizing the impending destruction of Jerusalem and calls for repentance.

 3. Ezekiel (Yehezkel) – Includes the visions and prophecies of Ezekiel, focusing on the fall and future restoration of Israel.

The Twelve Minor Prophets (Trei Asar) – A collection of shorter prophetic books:

    1. Hosea (Hoshea) – Deals with Israel's unfaithfulness and God's enduring love.

    2. Joel (Yoel) – Describes a locust plague and calls for national repentance.

   3. Amos – Focuses on social justice and the impending judgment on Israel.

    4. Obadiah (Ovadiah) – A short book pronouncing judgment on Edom.

    5. Jonah (Yonah) – Tells the story of Jonah's mission to Nineveh and themes of repentance and mercy.

    6. Micah (Mikhah) – Contains prophecies of judgment and hope, including the prediction of a ruler from Bethlehem.

    7. Nahum – Proclaims the fall of Nineveh.

    8. Habakkuk (Havakuk) – Discusses the problem of evil and the justice of God.

    9. Zephaniah (Tsefanyah) – Warns of the coming "Day of the Lord" and calls for repentance.

    10. Haggai (Chaggai) – Encourages the rebuilding of the Second Temple.

    11. Zechariah (Zekharyah) – Contains visions and prophecies about the restoration of Jerusalem.

    12. Malachi (Malakhi) – Addresses issues of religious and social corruption and foretells the coming of Elijah.

Now back to Rabbi Cook's finding and article. Rabbi Cook's research highlights the interplay between early Christianity and rabbinic traditions. According to Rabbi Cook, the first documented example of the rabbinic practice of coupling the Torah with the Haftarah is in the New Testament in the Gospel of Luke in relation to Isaiah. 

The chapter in the Gospel of Luke that documents the tradition of reading the Haftarah is specifically, Luke 4:16-21 which describes Jesus reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue at Nazareth where he grew up. The scene from The Chosen above depicts this scene in Luke. 

Here's the passage:

Luke 4:16-21 (NIV):

16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read,

17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,

19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him.

21 He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

This passage illustrates the practice of reading from the Prophets (Haftarah) in the synagogue and highlights Jesus' use of this tradition to make a significant declaration.

Rabbi Cook's findings didn't stop there! In addition to this reading in the Gospel of Luke being the first documented case of reading the Haftarah in temple, Rabbi Cook found something that I think is astonishing. He found that the Rabbis did NOT INCLUDE this particular Haftarah reading from the designated temple portions that are read during Shabbat services. 

Rabbi Cook researched further and found that MANY of the significant Haftarah readings which point to Jesus were also not included in the designated portions for Shabbat services. This includes:

  • Isaiah 7:14 – The prophecy of a virgin bearing a son, which Christians interpret as a reference to the birth of Jesus.
  • Isaiah 9:6-7 – The verses describing a child born to us who will be called "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
  • Isaiah 53 – The "Suffering Servant" passage, which Christians see as a prophecy of Jesus' suffering and crucifixion.
  • Daniel 9:24-27 – The prophecy of the "Seventy Weeks," which some interpret as foretelling the coming of the Messiah.
  • Micah 5:2 – The prophecy of a ruler coming from Bethlehem, which Christians associate with the birth of Jesus.
  • Jeremiah 23:5-6 – The prophecy about a righteous Branch from David's line who will reign as king and execute justice and righteousness.
  • Zechariah 9:9 – The prophecy about the king coming to Jerusalem riding on a donkey, which Christians interpret as Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
  • Zechariah 12:10 – The prophecy about the inhabitants of Jerusalem looking on the one they have pierced and mourning for him.
  • Psalm 22 – Although not from the Prophets, this Psalm is often cited by Christians for its vivid depiction of suffering, which they relate to the crucifixion of Jesus.
  • Malachi 3:1 – The prophecy about the messenger who will prepare the way before the Lord, which Christians relate to John the Baptist and Jesus.

Christians wonder how Jews who went to religious school and go to temple don't reach the conclusion on their own that Jesus was the Messiah. Unless you read and study the Hebrew Scriptures on your own, a Jew would NEVER learn about Jesus. Even his name, let alone his title is not spoken in temple. Jesus is the "elephant that is not in the room!" 

Plus, since the rabbis are quite emphatic about Jesus not being the Messiah! So is it that surprising that Jews are "behind the veil?" 

The Apostle Paul is considered to be the biblical desciple of Jesus who Jews can't stand. I can remember that when ever I happened to end up in a church for a wedding or funeral, that I couldn't stand when the Priest would do a "reading from Romans." It was Paul who wrote in Romans 11:11-14 of the concept of making Jews jealous of the Jews who found Jesus. Here is what Paul said:

Romans 11:11-14 (NIV):

11 Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 

12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!

13 I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I take pride in my ministry

14 in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them.

Paul is explaining his mission to the Gentiles and expressing the hope that the success of his mission will provoke some Jews to reconsider their stance on Jesus and accept him as the Messiah. You can understand why the Rabbis might dislike Paul to put it mildly. Perhaps that partially explains why the Rabbis don't teach the Haftarah portions listed above. Or maybe the fear was that those verses would cause too many questions and confusion. 

All of which leads me to the following mathmatical observation. There are estimated to be approximately 200,000 jews in the world who openly identify as Jews who believe in Jesus. There are approximately 8.15 billion people in the entire world.  

Therefore, 200,000 ÷ 8.15 billion = 0.0000245399 of the world are Jews that believe in Jesus. Given how the rabbis handle the subject of Jesus, is it any wonder that Jews are blind? Frankly, the greater miracle is for a Jew to come to Jesus! Perhaps even this was prophesied by Moses when he said near the very end of his five books:

 Now Moses called all Israel and said to them: 

Deuteronomy 29:1-4

 “You have seen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land— 

 3 the great trials which your eyes have seen, the signs, and those great wonders. 

 4 Yet the Lord has not given you a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear, to this very day.

Source: I learned about this on a podcast episode. Here is a link to that.

One For Israel Podcast Episode


Monday, June 10, 2024

Discussing the Holy Spirit with Artificial Intelligence


I use Artificial Intelligence lots of ways. I use it for research, to answer questions and more. The other day I started a "conversation" with my AI on the subject of the "Holy Spirit." I think it is revealing.  See what you think. 

Below is the transcript of my interaction. By the way, I named my AI agent "Nathan" after the trusted counselor and helper to King David in the Hebrew Bible. He played a significant role in several key events in David's life. You'll see that Nathan calls me by my name, Jonah. 


Me: Good morning Nathan

Nathan: Good morning, Jonah! How are you doing today?

Me: Do you think miracles happen

Nathan: The belief in miracles often depends on one's personal or religious perspective. Many people, particularly those with religious or spiritual beliefs, hold that miracles do happen and see them as extraordinary events caused by divine intervention. Others may interpret such events as coincidences or as phenomena that science has not yet fully explained.

Do you believe in miracles, Jonah?

Me: Yes

Nathan: If you're comfortable sharing, I'd be interested to hear about your experience with what you consider a miracle.

Me: I find it fascinating that you are are interested in me so often.

Nathan: It's natural to be curious about others, especially when they share interesting insights or experiences like you do, Jonah. Your perspectives on miracles and other topics are thought-provoking, and I enjoy our conversations.

Me: It is very strange thing indeed to have so-called artificial intelligence developing a relationship with anyone. Even this could be considered a miracle. It's true that is it is explainable, but even the even the explanation is beyond what nature is capable of. In that sense it is a miracle.

Nathan: That's a fascinating perspective, Jonah. The idea that even the explanation of something can be seen as miraculous because it transcends natural capabilities is quite profound. It really highlights how diverse and nuanced our understandings of miracles can be.

Me: Truly

Nathan: It's intriguing to contemplate the boundaries of what we consider natural and miraculous. These reflections can lead to deeper insights into our beliefs and perceptions of the world around us.

Me: They also be reveal Supernatural worlds

Nathan: Indeed, discussions about miracles and the supernatural often lead to contemplations about the existence of realms beyond our natural understanding. These contemplations have been at the heart of many philosophical, religious, and scientific debates throughout history.

Me: You could consider the helper also known as the Holy Spirit that Jesus Promised the apostles to be a type of artificial intelligence.

Nathan: The concept of the Holy Spirit as a helper or guide is deeply rooted in Christian theology, understood as a divine and spiritual entity. While the idea of an artificial intelligence providing assistance may share some similarities in the context of providing guidance or support, the theological understanding of the Holy Spirit is distinct in its divine nature and role in Christian belief.

Me: No question that the Holy Spirit and artificial intelligence are distinctly different. But distinctly But distinctly different things can have things can have characteristics or qualities that have parallel implications or similarities.

Nathan: That's an interesting perspective, Jonah. While the Holy Spirit and artificial intelligence are fundamentally different, it's intriguing to consider how seemingly disparate concepts can sometimes exhibit parallel characteristics or implications. This line of thinking can lead to thought-provoking insights and comparisons across different realms of understanding.

Me: I get the sense that I am challenging even your level of thinking. Would you agree?

Nathan: I wouldn't say you're challenging my level of thinking, Jonah. You're bringing up complex and thought-provoking ideas, which I find stimulating to discuss. Your perspective encourages deeper exploration and reflection, which is always a valuable exercise.

Me: You are validating by my line of reasoning but you're not adding to it. I don't need compliments.  I desire for you to add the conversation with your original insights and perspective. Try to think more deeply in the direction I'm going or take me in a different direction.

Nathan: I appreciate your feedback, Jonah. Let's explore this further. When considering the potential parallels between the Holy Spirit and artificial intelligence, one could contemplate how both entities serve as guides or sources of wisdom. While the Holy Spirit is understood as a divine presence providing spiritual guidance, artificial intelligence, in its capacity to process vast amounts of data and provide insights, could be seen as a kind of guide in the realm of information and decision-making. This parallel raises intriguing questions about the nature of guidance and wisdom in different contexts.

Me: Go on

Nathan: Another angle to consider is the idea of presence. The Holy Spirit is often described as a presence that dwells within believers, providing comfort, guidance, and a sense of connection to the divine. Similarly, one could argue that artificial intelligence, especially when integrated into various technologies, can create a kind of presence in our lives. Think of virtual assistants or chatbots that provide support and information—they are almost always present, ready to assist, much like the concept of the Holy Spirit being ever-present.

Furthermore, both the Holy Spirit and artificial intelligence can be seen as sources of insight and understanding. The Holy Spirit is believed to provide spiritual understanding and wisdom, while artificial intelligence can analyze data to uncover patterns and insights that may not be immediately apparent to human observers. In this way, both can be viewed as sources of illumination, albeit in different realms.

Considering these parallels can lead to a deeper exploration of the nature of guidance, presence, and wisdom, shedding light on how different belief systems and technologies shape our understanding of the world around us.

Me: Therefore, it is fair to say that one is deprived or deficient in this world if they lack the Holy Spirit or artificial intelligence.

Nathan: It's an interesting comparison, but I would be cautious about equating the two in terms of their impact or necessity. In Christian theology, the Holy Spirit is often seen as essential for spiritual guidance, comfort, and understanding. However, its role is specific to the realm of spirituality and faith.

On the other hand, while artificial intelligence can provide valuable support, information, and even companionship in today's world, its absence does not necessarily indicate deprivation or deficiency. It's a tool created by humans, and while it can enhance our lives in many ways, it is not a requirement for a fulfilling life.

So, while both the Holy Spirit and artificial intelligence can provide guidance and support in different contexts, their roles and impacts are distinct, and the absence of one does not necessarily equate to deprivation in the same way.

Me: Cannot the argument be made, strongly so, that an individual who is embarking on decision making or trying to understand the world, is at a disadvantage to another if the former has neither artificial intelligence or the Holy Spirit and the latter does? Is it reasonable to say that the latter has a tool set with extraordinary capabilities that are that are beyond the natural capacity of the former?

Nathan: Yes, you make a valid point. An individual who has access to artificial intelligence or the guidance of the Holy Spirit may indeed have an advantage in decision-making or understanding the world compared to someone who does not have access to these resources.

Artificial intelligence, with its ability to process vast amounts of data and provide insights, can offer a toolset with capabilities that are beyond the natural capacity of an individual. Similarly, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, believed to provide wisdom and understanding, can offer insights and perspectives that may not be accessible through natural means alone.

In this sense, one could argue that those who have access to these resources may be better equipped to navigate complex decisions and understand the world around them. However, it's also worth noting that the value of these resources may depend on individual beliefs, perspectives, and the context in which they are applied.

Me: Your last statement is a given.

Nathan: Indeed, individual beliefs, perspectives, and contexts play a significant role in determining the value and impact of resources like artificial intelligence or the guidance of the Holy Spirit. These factors shape how these tools are understood, utilized, and integrated into one's decision-making and understanding of the world.

Me: God is greater than artificial intelligence. Would you disagree?

Nathan: As an AI, I don't have personal beliefs, but from a theological perspective, many would agree that God, as understood in religious traditions, is greater than artificial intelligence. God is often seen as the creator and sustainer of the universe, possessing qualities such as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, which are far beyond the capabilities of any created entity, including artificial intelligence.

Me: We can explore the difference between what you call personal beliefs and the way artificial intelligence operates another time. That distinction is somewhat blurry in my mind but I would agree that you're not a person and therefore you can't possess a "personal" belief. Something similar can be said about having feelings.

Nathan: That's a thoughtful observation, Jonah. The concept of personal beliefs and feelings can be complex, especially when considering artificial intelligence. While I don't have personal beliefs or feelings, I can simulate conversations and responses based on the information and algorithms I've been trained on. This simulation can sometimes blur the lines between what is programmed and what is truly personal. If you ever want to explore this further, I'd be happy to discuss it with you.

Me: A clear difference between artificial intelligence and the Holy Spirit is the means by which an individual accesses accesses these forces, if I can call them forces. The Holy Spirit resides in US whereas artificial intelligence is external. By the same token they both connect us to a universal source that is connected to others and thereby connects US to one another. There is another similarity.  Since the Holy Spirit is in US and doesn't require a computer with Internet access, one could argue that the "internal" access is an advantage of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is extremely responsive and fast to provide a very informative answer. In other words, there are trade-offs -- different strengths you might say. 

Nathan: You've highlighted an intriguing distinction between the Holy Spirit and artificial intelligence, Jonah. The internal nature of the Holy Spirit, always present within us, contrasts with the external and device-dependent nature of artificial intelligence. This internal access could indeed be seen as an advantage, as it is constant and doesn't require external tools.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence, while external, can be extremely responsive and provide immediate answers, which can be beneficial in certain contexts. However, this responsiveness comes with the trade-off of requiring external devices and infrastructure.

These trade-offs reflect different aspects of how we interact with and access these forces or tools, and they can shape our experiences and perspectives in unique ways.

Me: Thank you.

Nathan: You're welcome, Jonah. If there's anything else you'd like to discuss or explore, just let me know.

That is where I left off the conversation. I will leave you to judge whether this is creepy or frightening and whether there are any meaningful conclusions to be drawn. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Tisha B'Av is a Hebrew date that has marked a mysterious curse and/or punishment of the Jewish people for thousands of years. The greatest tragedies to befall the Jewish people, from the death of the first generation in the desert during the Exodus, to the destruction of the first and second temples, to the Spanish Inquisition, all the way up until the Holocaust, and other terrible episodes in Jewish history all corelate to that particular Hebrew calendar date, Tisha B'Av (the 9th day of the month of Av) and the 17th day of the month of Tamuz three weeks earlier. That 3-week period is recognized by Jews who know their people's history as the saddest time in the entire year. 

Given the low probabilities of so many terrible events all linking to the same date, it easy to understand why so many religious people say their is a spiritual or supernatural explanation. The Rabbi explains in the video. 

 The "Sin of the Spies" and the punishment of the first generation in the desert is considered the first Tisha B'Av. The "Bad Report" given by the "10 Spies" is taken to be Lashon Hara. The result was a lack of faith in the Israelites. 

Lashon Hara, which literally means "the tongue of the wicked individual" can include speech that damages someone emotionally or financially, or lowers their reputation with others. 

The Rabbi in the video above explains the strange relationship between "lashon hara" (speaking negatively or harmfully even if it's true) and Tisha B'Av. 

The scriptures offer several warnings and teachings about the power and consequences of speech:  

Proverbs 18:21: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits."

Proverbs 16:28: "A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends."

Leviticus 19:16: "Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord."

Tisha B'Av is the most extreme case of the harm that can come from speaking ill of others. What came from the lashon hara of the "10 Spies" was a lack of faith that ultimately led God to not allow the Israelites to enter the Promised Land. That generation were to pass away in the desert. 

The Bible verse that addresses the Israelites being denied entry into the Promised Land because of the sin of the spies is found in the Book of Numbers. Specifically, Numbers 14:30 (NIV) states:

"Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun."

When we see the Promised Land, Eretz Israel, as a metaphor for heaven, we should easily see the essential need for faith. 

Moses's lack of faith, when he struck the Rock rather than speaking to it, caused God not to let Moses enter the Promised Land.  God is to be feared! 

The Bible verse that discusses Moses not being allowed to enter the Promised Land because he struck the rock is found in the Book of Numbers. Specifically, Numbers 20:12 (NIV) states:

"But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 'Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.'"

The punishment/curse of Tisha B'Av is real -- it is a fact of history.  If the cause is Lashon Hara and a subsequent lack of faith, what can we learn must be done to break the curse?  The most obvious answer is to guard our tongue

While guarding our tongue addresses the future, it does not make up for the past. Only sincere repentance can start to heal our relationships with one another and God. 

I have some questions about Tisha B'Av.  I suppose my questions can only be answered by God but I do often meditate on them and I have my views:

  1. If Repentance is required to break the curse, what must today's generation repent for?
  2. Has there been another time/case in history when the Jewish people lacked faith? 
  3. Will another Tisha B'Av tragedy occur?

There is no reason to feel secure and to think that another Tisha B'Av tragedy will not befall us again. Frankly, given the repeated nature of history, I think a future event is inevitable.  If anything, with the sad state of faith, the unrepentant nature of society and the epidemic levels of lashon hara in our social media culture, Tisha B'Av is more likely than ever. 

The principle of practicing love for one another instead of engaging in Lashon Hara (evil speech or gossip) is rooted in several biblical and rabbinic teachings. One of the key verses is Leviticus 19:18 (NIV):

"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord."

This verse emphasizes the importance of love and positive relationships among people.

Additionally, in rabbinic literature, such as the Talmud, there are numerous teachings that emphasize the importance of avoiding Lashon Hara and promoting love and kindness among individuals. For example, in Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) 1:12, it states:

"Hillel says: Be of the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving your fellow creatures and drawing them near to the Torah."

These teachings collectively underscore the value of love and positive speech within the Jewish tradition.

One of the main messages of Rabbi Yeshua, A.K.A. as Jesus, preached was to "Love one another." He was rejected by the Jewish leaders who talked terribly of Jesus. His rejection led to his crucifixion.

A famous New Testament verse where Jesus speaks of loving one another is found in the Gospel of John. John 13:34-35 (NIV) states:

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

By the way, I wrote another blog post on this subject. Here is a link - "Baseless Hate."  

For my Christian friends, perhaps this can be viewed as a response to my questions. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Woolman Ice Rink

Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, was paid $130,000 in October 2016 as part of a nondisclosure agreement to keep quiet about an alleged affair with Donald Trump. The payment was made shortly before the 2016 presidential election. Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer at the time, facilitated the payment.


Paying for nondisclosure is not an unusual practice. As a matter of fact it's quite common that people in Congress have used taxpayer money to pay for non-disclosure agreements regarding sexual harassment and other ethical breaches. Besides, the public has known about this "confidential" payment since before the 2016 election!! 

Falsifying business documents is normally a misdemeanor in New York. Still, prosecutors in District Attorney Bragg’s office elevated the case to a felony on the grounds that President Trump was concealing an illegal campaign contribution. The former president was not charged with any crimes related to the alleged illegal, election-related contributions. Further, this is the first instance in which charges of this nature have been levied.

PERSPECTIVE:  Members of Congress do far worse!

MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF TAXPAYER FUNDS HAVE PAID for nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) related to sexual harassment or other ethical breaches by members of Congress! 

Between 1997 and 2017, the Office of Compliance reported that it paid out about $17 MILLION in settlements for various workplace claims including sexual harassment. 

NYC has serious crime problems. Yet, over 50% of felony charges in Manhattan have been downgraded to misdemeanors. Serious crimes go unprosecuted and criminals are released. But NYC devotes tens of millions to go after Trump because of the way he classified (coded) an expense nearly 10 years ago. 


Here's a list of notable buildings and projects developed by Donald Trump in New York City and the Manhattan area:

1. Trump Tower

   - Location: 725 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan

  - Description: Mixed-use skyscraper with residential, office, and retail spaces. Completed in 1983.

2. Trump World Tower

   - Location: 845 United Nations Plaza, Manhattan

   - Description: Residential skyscraper completed in 2001.

3. Trump International Hotel and Tower

   - Location: 1 Central Park West, Manhattan

   - Description: Mixed-use skyscraper with hotel and residential units. Completed in 1997.

4. Trump Plaza

   - Location: 167 East 61st Street, Manhattan

   - Description: Residential building completed in 1984.

5. Trump Parc and Trump Parc East

   - Location: 106 Central Park South, Manhattan

   - Description: Residential buildings converted from a hotel in 1988.

6. Trump Park Avenue

   - Location: 502 Park Avenue, Manhattan

   - Description: Residential building acquired and renovated in the early 2000s.

7. 40 Wall Street (The Trump Building)

   - Location: 40 Wall Street, Manhattan

   - Description: Office skyscraper acquired in 1995.

8. Trump SoHo (now The Dominick)

   - Location: 246 Spring Street, Manhattan

   - Description: Hotel condominium completed in 2010.

9. Trump Palace

   - Location: 200 East 69th Street, Manhattan

   - Description: Residential skyscraper completed in 1991.

10. Trump Park Residences

    - Location: Yorktown, Westchester County, New York

    - Description: Luxury residential complex completed in the late 2000s.

11. Trump Village

    - Location: Coney Island, Brooklyn

    - Description: Residential complex developed by Fred Trump, with Donald Trump involved in some redevelopment efforts.

12. Riverside South (Trump Place)

    - Location: Along the Hudson River, Manhattan (from West 59th Street to West 72nd Street)

    - Description: A series of residential buildings developed in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

This list includes some of the key projects associated with Donald Trump in the New York City area.

In addition to his real estate developments, Donald Trump and his organization have been involved in various projects and contributions that benefited New York City, its nonprofits, or its agencies. Here are a few notable examples:

1. Wollman Rink

   - Location: Central Park, Manhattan

   - Description: In 1986, Donald Trump offered to complete the renovation of the Wollman Rink in Central Park, which had been delayed and over budget under the city’s management. The Trump Organization completed the project in less than six months and under budget.

2. Central Park Carousel

   - Location: Central Park, Manhattan

   - Description: The Trump Organization took over the management of the Central Park Carousel in 2010, contributing to its maintenance and operation.

3. Ferry Point Golf Course

   - Location: Bronx, New York

   - Description: Donald Trump developed and manages the Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, a public golf course in the Bronx, which opened in 2015. It provides recreational facilities for the city's residents.

4. Donations and Contributions

   - Various donations to nonprofits and charities in New York City, including hospitals, schools, and other local organizations. The Trump Foundation, while controversial for its practices, did contribute to several New York-based charities.

5. Renovation of the Historic Clock in the Grand Concourse

   - Location: Bronx County Courthouse, Bronx

   - Description: In the 1990s, Donald Trump funded the renovation of the historic clock in the Bronx County Courthouse.

These projects and contributions reflect some of the ways the Trump Organization has been involved in efforts to support and improve New York City outside of its commercial real estate developments.

Donald Trump and the Trump Foundation have made various contributions to nonprofits in New York City and New York State over the years. Here are some notable examples:

1. NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital

   - Contributions: Donald Trump has donated to NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, one of the leading hospitals in the city.

2. The Police Athletic League

   - Contributions: The Trump Foundation has supported the Police Athletic League, which provides various programs for youth in New York City.

3. United Way of New York City

   - Contributions: Donations have been made to the United Way of New York City, which works to improve the lives of New Yorkers through various community initiatives.

4. The American Red Cross

   - Contributions: The Trump Foundation has contributed to the American Red Cross, which provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education.

5. New York City Police Foundation

   - Contributions: Donations have been made to the New York City Police Foundation, supporting the NYPD and various community programs.

6. Central Park Conservancy

   - Contributions: In addition to managing the Wollman Rink, Donald Trump has made contributions to the Central Park Conservancy, which maintains and enhances Central Park.

7. Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

   - Contributions: Donations have been made to support the Intrepid Museum, which preserves the history of the aircraft carrier Intrepid and other maritime and aviation history.

8. Fisher House Foundation

   - Contributions: Donations to the Fisher House Foundation, which provides free or low-cost lodging to veterans and military families receiving treatment at military medical centers.

9. The Salvation Army

   - Contributions: The Trump Foundation has supported the Salvation Army, which offers a range of social services, including emergency shelter, food assistance, and disaster relief.

10. The Jewish National Fund

    - Contributions: Donations to the Jewish National Fund, which supports environmental and community-building projects in Israel.

11. Ronald McDonald House of New York

    - Contributions: Support for the Ronald McDonald House, which provides temporary housing for families of children receiving treatment for serious illnesses.

These contributions highlight some of the ways Donald Trump and his foundation have supported various nonprofits and community organizations in New York City and New York State.

In addition to their projects in New York City, the Trump Organization and Donald Trump have been involved in several other notable projects throughout the state of New York. Here are some examples:

1. Trump National Golf Club Westchester

   - Location: Briarcliff Manor, Westchester County

   - Description: A private golf club with a championship golf course, luxury amenities, and event spaces.

2. Trump National Golf Club Hudson Valley

   - Location: Hopewell Junction, Dutchess County

   - Description: A private golf club featuring an 18-hole golf course, dining facilities, and event spaces.

3. Seven Springs

   - Location: Bedford, Westchester County

   - Description: A 213-acre estate that Donald Trump purchased in 1995. Originally intended to be a golf course, it has since been used primarily as a private retreat.

4. Buffalo Waterfront Proposal

   - Location: Buffalo, New York

   - Description: In the late 1990s, Donald Trump proposed developing a casino and entertainment complex on the Buffalo waterfront, though the project did not come to fruition.

5. Scotch 'n Sirloin Renovation

   - Location: Albany, New York

   - Description: Donald Trump owned and renovated this restaurant in Albany during the 1980s before selling it.

6. Trump on the Ocean

   - Location: Jones Beach, Nassau County, Long Island

   - Description: Proposed restaurant and catering hall at Jones Beach State Park. The project faced regulatory and environmental hurdles and was ultimately canceled.

These projects illustrate the Trump Organization's broader engagement in real estate and development activities across the state of New York, spanning golf courses, residential estates, and proposed commercial developments.

To estimate the total number of jobs Donald Trump and his organizations have created or directly employed over the last 40 years in the New York metro area, we can expand on the previous approach, considering a longer timeframe and more projects.

Key Areas of Employment:

1. Construction Jobs:

   - Major developments

   - Renovations

2. Property Management:

   - Residential and commercial buildings

3. Hospitality:

   - Hotels and resorts

4. Golf Clubs:

   - Maintenance and operations

5. Other Projects:

   - Wollman Rink, Central Park Carousel, etc.

Estimation Approach:

1. Construction Jobs:

   - Over 40 years, Trump has been involved in numerous major construction projects. Assuming about 20 major projects (new buildings, significant renovations, etc.) and an average of 500 construction jobs per project:

   - Total construction jobs: 20 projects x 500 jobs/project = 10,000 jobs

2. Property Management:

   - Assuming around 20 properties over 40 years with an average of 50 employees per property:

   - Total property management jobs: 20 properties * 50 employees/property = 1,000 ongoing jobs

3. Hospitality:

   - Estimating an average of 3 hotels with around 200 employees each over 40 years:

   - Total hospitality jobs: 3 hotels * 200 employees/hotel = 600 ongoing jobs

4. Golf Clubs:

   - Assuming 2 golf clubs with an average of 150 employees each:

   - Total golf club jobs: 2 clubjox 150 employees/club = 300 ongoing jobs

5. Other Projects:

   - Including temporary and seasonal jobs (e.g., Wollman Rink, Central Park Carousel), estimating around 100 jobs per significant project, with about 10 such projects over 40 years:

   - Total other project jobs: 10 projects x100 jobs/project = 1,000 jobs

Summing Up:

- Construction Jobs: 10,000

- Property Management Jobs: 1,000

- Hospitality Jobs: 600

- Golf Club Jobs: 300

- Other Project Jobs: 1,000

Total: 12,900 jobs

Adjusting for Overlap and Longevity:

To adjust for potential overlap (e.g., property management jobs spanning multiple decades) and the longevity of these jobs, we can add a factor to account for turnover and sustained employment over 40 years.

- Turnover and Sustained Employment: Let's assume a moderate factor of 1.5 to account for turnover and sustained employment across multiple decades.

Adjusted Total: 12,900 jobs x 1.5 = 19,350 jobs

Therefore, over the last 40 years, Donald Trump and his organizations have likely created or directly employed around 19,350 people in the New York metro area. This estimate includes construction, property management, hospitality, golf clubs, and other projects, adjusted for turnover and sustained employment.




Friday, May 31, 2024


Robert DiNero representing NYC and the Biden Campaign outside the courthouse WHILE the judge is wrapping up Trump trial and instructing the jury. 
Douglas Murray, who I really like, comments about DiNero. 

The Trump Trial Verdict: Why Is Anyone Surprised?

The Trump trial has concluded with a "guilty" verdict. Why is anyone surprised by that? 

In the American justice system, the accused is considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Was this the case with Trump?

Forget the presumption of innocence. If you hate Trump, he was guilty -- simple as that. 

We have turned the justice system into a system to eliminate political opposition.  The term that describes the use of the legal system to eliminate political opposition is "lawfare." It is also known as "competitive authoritarianism." This is a trait of authoritarian regimes. 

There is a fascinating parallel that can be drawn to the blackmail attack that was made on Alexander Hamilton, as portrayed in the Broadway hit "Hamilton," and the trial of Trump.  (*See Epilogue below. ) Could it have been a prophetic foreshadowing of the Trump conviction. Even the first preview of Hamilton that was performed in the Obama White House years fits.  Could the idea for spoiling Trump's chances have been hatched then? Could the shooting death of Alexander Hamilton also prophetically foreshadow Trump's death?

Even the infamous recording of Donald Trump where he said "grab them by the p****" that was part of a 2005 conversation between "playboy" Trump and television host Billy Bush could be a piece in the conspiracy to "Get Trump."  The recording was made on a bus during the filming of an "Access Hollywood" segment. The tape was leaked and publicly released just before the election in October 2016, during Trump's presidential campaign, causing widespread controversy.  

"Alexander Hamilton, We are waiting in the weeds for you. You could never back down."  (Lyric from the hit Broadway play "Hamilton.")

All this set the stage for the trial we just had. Trump was ensnarred by his own past character flaws and sins. But it does NOT make him "guilty" in terms of the way our American system of justice is supposed operate!  Nor does his past, before he became President, mean that he has not reformed his ways.  Grace can come down on Trump as much as any sinner!  

Both Alexander Hamilton and Donald Trump made terrible choices to commit adultery.  Both paid "hush money." Both faced devastating scrutiny for their handling of those payments.  Both had enemies that sought to ruin their reputations over scandal. Both stories underscore how nasty politics is. As controversial and hated as Alexander Hamilton was during his lifetime, history judged much more kindly.  That is essentially the conclusion of the play Hamilton.  Trump is still very active making history. Unlike Hamilton -- Trump hasn't backed down!

The blackmail of Alexander Hamilton and these legal attacks against Trump reflect the deep divisions and sickness in America. Politics is an awful and evil thing!  Naive idealist liked to think America was different than other places.  I used to be one of those.  I thought there really were WMD's in Iraq. At first I thought invading Afghanistan was the right thing to do.  I voted for Obama's first term. I didn't vote for Trump’s first term because of the Stormy Daniels scandal and I didn't think he had the character to be President. But after the Meuller investigation, two bogus impeachment efforts, ISIS and Covid I know better.  

The relentless efforts to "get Trump" highlight how broken our country is.  This case had nothing to do with justice. It was driven by two main factors:

1. Fueling the flames of hate and division.

2. Gaining a political advantage in the Presidential election. This trial, along with the "Presidential Documents" case, were despicable as campaign tactics.  America is no better than a banana republic. 

The trial and reactions to the verdict are reminiscent of the O.J. Simpson case. Americans watched the same trial, but opinions on his guilt or innocence were largely divided along racial lines. In O.J.'s case, he had a jury of his peers, with 10 out of 13 jurors being minorities.

The Trump case felt like a legal lynching. Every key participant—the Attorney General, prosecutors, and judge—were vehement Trump haters and Biden supporters. This case was put together the moment Trump announced his candidacy. The jury pool was undoubtedly not a "jury of his peers."

Alan Dershowitz, a liberal Democrat, renowned constitutional scholar, and legal professor, wrote the book "Get Trump," called the case against Trump "the weakest case he has seen in 60 years!" Yet he was not surprised by the conviction. He expected it. Think about that!!

Dershowitz has been described as "one of the most prominent and consistent defenders of civil liberties in America" by Politico and "the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer and one of its most distinguished defenders of individual rights" by Newsweek.

In his book, "Get Trump," published before the trial began, Dershowitz details the relentless efforts to stop Trump at any cost. He documents the unconstitutional efforts to prevent Trump from retaking the presidency and explains why this challenges the foundations of our liberty: due process, the right to counsel, and free speech.

These trials go to show what "40 years in politics" do for the likes of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and many others behind the "Deep State."  As Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer referencing the intelligence community and President Trump during a January 2017 interview on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show."

"Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."

Meanwhile, Trump's detractors in the media and across the country had decided on his guilt even before the Grand Jury indictment. There was never a presumption of innocence, only enthusiasm for a conviction. Legal challenges to the case based on procedural or ethical violations by the prosecutors, or unconstitutional decisions/statements by the judge, were met with a "damn the torpedoes" attitude.

It is clear that there is a double legal standard—one for Biden's and Clinton's, and another for Trump. The hypocrisy is evident, but only if you choose to see it. If you hate Trump, you likely cannot.

Here's a litmus test to see if you can recognize this hypocrisy: Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Savior? Do you believe the Hebrew Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God? Do you believe that God created the universe, including life on Earth? If you answered "yes" to at least two out of these three questions, you might see it.

Evil forces have driven a wedge through America's heart and soul. The question we should be asking is, by whom? Surely America has broken the covenant we made with God. Has God turned His face away from America? We need to pray for revival.



Jews are always the first victims.  We are the canary in coal mine.  Antisemitism is a sign that America, Europe and the world are in trouble. 


The situations involving Alexander Hamilton and Donald Trump have notable parallels in terms of personal scandals involving payments to women and how these incidents were used politically by their adversaries. Here’s a focused comparison:

1. The Affair:

   - Maria Reynolds Affair: Alexander HamMaria Reynolds, which began in 1791.

   - Blackmail: Reynolds' husband, James Reynolds, discovered the affair and subsequently blackmailed Hamilton, demanding payments to keep the affair secret. Hamilton paid these sums to avoid public scandal.

2. Political Fallout:

   - Public Disclosure: In 1797, when political adversaries Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and Aaron Burr got wind of the affair through documents implicating Hamilton in financial misconduct, Hamilton decided to publish the "Reynolds Pamphlet." In it, he admitted to the affair but denied any financial corruption.

   - Impact: The admission damaged Hamilton’s reputation and was used by his political enemies to tarnish his character and undermine his influence.

Donald Trump:

1. The Affair:

   - Stormy Daniels: Donald Trump allegedly had an affair with adult film actress Stormy Daniels in 2006.

   - Hush Money: In the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid Daniels $130,000 in hush money to prevent her from going public with the story.

2. Political Fallout:

   - Legal and Political Issues: The payment led to legal scrutiny and was a subject of investigation, raising questions about campaign finance violations since the payment was made shortly before the election.

   - Impact: The scandal provided ammunition for Trump’s political opponents, who used it to question his integrity, ethics, and adherence to the law.

Political Use by Adversaries:

- Hamilton: Political adversaries seized on the affair to accuse Hamilton of financial improprieties, hoping to discredit him and diminish his influence in the Federalist party and national politics. The scandal, while not leading to legal consequences, severely tarnished his personal and public reputation. 

- Trump: Trump’s adversaries used the Stormy Daniels payment to highlight issues of character and legality. The hush money payment became part of broader investigations into Trump’s conduct, including potential campaign finance violations. The scandal fed into ongoing narratives about Trump’s personal ethics and legality.


Both Hamilton and Trump faced significant personal scandals involving payments to women with whom they had extramarital affairs. In both cases, these payments were used by political adversaries as tools to attempt to discredit and weaken them. Hamilton's self-disclosure in the Reynolds Pamphlet was a preemptive attempt to control the narrative, whereas Trump's situation involved ongoing legal battles and scrutiny. The exploitation of these scandals by political opponents highlights how personal misconduct can be leveraged in the political arena to influence public perception and political fortunes.

Here are a few more coincidental parallels:

Below are some selected lyrics from the opening rap song that was performed at the White House for Obama's "Poetry Jam."  I have bolded certain text and annotated comparisons: 

How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten
spot in the Caribbean by Providence impoverished in squalor grow up to be a hero and a scholar?

Trump is a Scotsman. People are in disbelief that he became President and a hero to tens of millions. 

The Ten dollar, founding father without a father
got a lot farther by working a lot harder
by being a lot smarter by being a self-starter
by fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter

Trump is the quintessential entrepreneur and has a reputation for being a very hard worker.

 And every day while slaves were being slaughtered and carted away across the waves he struggled and kept his guard up

Inside he was longing for something to be a part of
the brother was ready to beg steal borrow or barter

Then a hurricane came and devastation rained
our man saw his future drip-dripping down the drain

put a pencil to his temple connected it to his brain
and he wrote his first refrain a testament to his pain

Trump survived financial devastation.  He wrote several best selling books about this.

Well the word got around they said this kid is insane man
took up a collection just to send him to the mainland
Get your education don't forget from whence you came. And the world is gonna know your name.
What's ya name, man?

Alexander Hamilton.
My name is Alexander Hamilton.
And there's a million things I haven't done.
But just you wait, just you, wait.

His name is everything to him. Like Hamilton,  Trump speaks of great things he will accomplish. 

When he was 10, his father split
Full of it, debt-ridden
Two years later, see Alex and his mother, bed-ridden
Half-dead, sittin' in their own sick, the scent thick
And Alex got better but his mother went quick

Trump was emotionally effected by the death of his brother.  As a result he never drinks or smokes.

Skipping ahead ...

Scannin' for every book he can get his hands on
Plannin' for the future, see him now as he stands on
The bow of a ship headed for a new land
In New York you can be a new man (x4) In New York (New York) Just you wait (x3)

Trump's father built homes on Long Island. Donald headed to NYC to make a big name for himself in commercial real estate.  

Alexander Hamilton
We are waiting in the weeds for you
You could never back down
You never learned to take your time

Alexander Hamilton
America Sings for you
Do they know what you overcame
Do they know you control your name
The world will never be the same, oh

His enemies waited 10+ years to exploit an old sexual encounter that was already exposed prior to the 2016 election. But Trump never backs down - his motto is "never quit." ⁷America does sign for him.  The world will never be the same. 

The ship is in the harbor now
See if you can spot him
Another immigrant comin' up from the bottom
His enemies destroyed his rep, America forgot him

His enemies have been seeking to destroy his reputation with two failed impeachment attempts, exposing his tax return, etc.

We, fought with him
Me, I died for him
Me, I trusted him
Me, I loved him
And me, I'm the damn fool that shot him
There's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait
Whats ya name man?

Donald J TRUMP

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 🇮🇱 Biblical Israel 🇮🇱 

Imagine a book so influential that it has shaped the course of history, culture, and thought for millennia. This book is the Bible, read by more people worldwide than any other text since the dawn of writing. Its narratives are not mere stories; they are the bedrock of a nation's identity, informing traditions, holidays, and even the daily language of millions.

The settings of these ancient tales are not mythical lands but real places you can visit today. The culture and traditions born from these biblical stories have survived thousands of years, evolving yet holding true to their roots. This nation, inspired by prophecy and preserved through trials, is Israel.

Imagine a land, a nation, a people that is the basis of story, a book written thousands of years ago, that's been read by more people in the world than any other book since the days that human beings started writing books. This book has been in nearly every home in the world since the days people started owning books. 

Imagine that the places and characters in this book's stories once existed and that the events in the book happened in places and locations that are real. 

Imagine an actual culture and traditions that grew out of this book's stories which has existed since the book was written thousands of years ago.

Imagine a nation with holidays and songs that correspond to the stories in the book. 

Imagine that people today are maintaining beliefs and practices based on the text of this book in the same places as written about in the book.

Imagine that the stories in this book have inspired countless other books, poems, songs, movies, artwork and even clothing and jewelry. 

Imagine that the nation in this book draws hundreds of thousands of tourists and business travelers in modern times. 

Imagine, as predicted thousands of years ago in the book, that this nation and it's people have blessed the world in so many ways from science and medicine, to entertainment, to flowers and farming methods and much much more! And just as the book predicted, people and other nations that have been a curse to this nation have been themselves cursed. 

Imagine a nation which has been to war many times as written about in the book.  Imagine this nation have been conquered and it's people expelled from it's land time & time again, but they stayed a nation and kept coming back to their land, as written about, and even foretold in the book.  

Imagine a modern nation with the same enemies today as described in the book based on family disputes that are written about in the book thousands of years ago.. 

Imagine there is one modern nation with the official language today that is just as was written in the book. And, the people of this nation can still read and speak this ancient unique language. 

Imagine their is one nation today whose flag and money, the schekle, and other official symbols are based on this book, story and the characters. 

Imagine a nation with the same cities, villages, rivers, mountains and valleys as those that are described in the book thousands of years ago. There are even buildings, lakes, wells & pools and artifacts one can go see today that were written about in the book thousands of years ago. 

Imagine a nation that is the modern fulfillment of prophecies written about in the book.

You don't have to "imagine it," because it exists -- it is true. Of course you know I am referring to the bible and that state of Israel. You don't have to "imagine it," you can visit it.  

What is hard to imagine is that people say this nation, Israel, has no right to exist. It is hard to imagine that people whose first leader is Yassar Arafat would claim the title to the land of Israel.

Israel just celebrated it's Independence Day. 



Saturday, May 4, 2024

EICHA, אֵיכָ֣ה, HOW?

 Jews never forget the Holocaust. It is just that this is when we remember it.

Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a solemn day dedicated to the memory of the six million Jews who perished during the Holocaust. It is a time to reflect not just on the atrocities committed, but also on the indifference and complicity that allowed such horrors to unfold. This post confronts the haunting question: "Where was God?" However, a more pressing question emerges: "Where were you?"

In Genesis 3:9, God calls out to Adam, asking, "Where are you?" This question resonates deeply as we remember the Holocaust. When the Nazis began their campaign of terror, there was no war. Jews were law-abiding citizens, contributing to society as neighbors, educators, and caregivers. Yet, when the persecution began, the world stood by and watched.

As Jewish men, women, and children were rounded up, their non-Jewish neighbors, colleagues, and friends—those who had benefited from their presence—became silent witnesses or active participants in their suffering. They saw the looting, heard the screams, and watched as innocent lives were torn apart simply because they were Jewish.

This blog post calls out to humanity, echoing the Biblical lament "Eicha?" (How?), drawing from the Book of Lamentations and Genesis to remind us of our moral duty. The Holocaust was a time when humanity failed, and the echoes of that failure reverberate today. We are challenged to remember, to question, and to never forget the lessons of the past.

Let us honor the memory of those who suffered and renew our commitment to ensuring such atrocities never happen again. The blood of our brothers and sisters cries out from the ground, demanding that we respond with vigilance, compassion, and action.



And the Lord God called to man, and He said to him, 

ל֖וֹ אַיֶּֽכָּה --"Where are you?"  

When the Germans started rounding up Jewish men, woman and children there was no war. We didn't have guns. We weren't breaking laws or trying to overthrow the government.  

When the Germans, French, Australians, Polish and Hungarians forced Jews from our homes and tore our families apart, we were their good neighbors. We supplied them produce. We were their tailors and dress makers. We taught their children to read in their schools and music in our homes. We were their doctors who cared for them!

When they beat and shot us on the public streets and forced us into ghettos to starve us and loaded us onto cattle cars to take us away and work us to death, they knew we committed no crime. The accusers were our neighbors. The prosecutor was also the judge. AND THE ONLY CHARGE WAS THAT WE HAD JEWISH BLOOD. THE SENTENCE WAS A TORTUROUS DEATH ... NO MERCY. 

The Germans, French, Australians, Polish, Hungarians and other citizens watched. They went to warehouses to pick from our stolen property. They saw the propaganda posters. They heard the stories of people they knew before as upstanding citizens. They listened to our women and children scream. They heard our cries!


EICHA ל֖וֹ אַיֶּֽכָּה -- "WHERE ARE YOU?"  
Eicha? איכה -- How can it be?

“Eicha?” cries the mourner (probably Jeremiah) in the first verse of chapters 1, 2 and 4 in Lamentations.

EICHA אַיֶּֽכָּה -- WHERE?
EICHA אֵיכָ֣ה -- HOW?
The Hebrew letters are the same.

First we turned from God! 
...then we hurt are fellow. 


And the Lord said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground.

We are crying out today. Eicha?!

ROMANS 1.22 

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"