Tuesday, December 29, 2020


"Mark this well, you proud men of action: You are nothing but the unwitting agents of the men of thought who often, in quiet self-effacement, mark out most exactly all your doings in advance." Heinrich Heine*

The first step of a New World Order is to destroy and reconstruct the history of the past. 

 And so it begins . . .

The Great Reset is a proposal by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy "sustainably" following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom's Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab.

Ultimately, this New Order will involve a new system for transactions including a different monetary system.  The dollar will be removed as the world currency and a new digital system for currency will be put in place.  Part of what is happening in sight but out of view is the destruction of the dollar. That requires a much longer explanation than this post provides. Surfice to say we will be forced to take the "mark of the beast."

The globalist have been ttying to establish a New World Order using climate change. With their efforts stalled by Trump, they took a new and far more nefarious tact. They exploited a pandemic begun by China. The Globalist and the CCP will ultimately come to blows in the End of Days, but they share a common foe - Donald J Trump. 

Biden's campaign slogan, "Build Back Better" comes straight out of the playbook of the Great Reset.

The Great Reset isn't just creating a "New World Order" with the Wealthy elite truly in control. It is also rewriting history.  The iconoclasm we've seen the last few years is but a glimpse of what's ahead.  The Left is going to do a full rollout of the 1619 Project.

It is nearly a certainty that some on the Left have started a list and every Trump supporter is on it. Vengance and revenge go hand-in-hand. Some have already said as much. And every Trump hater hopes as much.  Like during the Holocaust, Jews' friends and neighbors enthusiastically reported on them.

Heinrich Heine

“History is written by the victors” and the Left is wasting no time. They are doing so with both urgency and a vengeance. 

"Wherever they burn books, in the end will also burn human beings." - Heinrich Heine* 1821

Hitler burned Heine's books. Socialists and Communist don't just rewrite history. They also destroy it.  They want to destroy the past so we have no references to it. 

Without a deserved Nobel Peace prize or positive mainstream coverage of any of Trump's accomplishments, it won't take the Left long to obliterate the past and truth that goes along with it. Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook will do their part clearing the slate. 

PREDICTION: Once Trump is out of the way, Jared Kushner with be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the Abraham Accords. Watch Jared Kushner and what he does to his father-in-law's legacy.  Betrayal?  Or much worse? 

It will be as though the Pre-China virus economic boom which Trump created never happened.  Lest we forget Trump's prediction for 2021 to be the greatest year ever.  

The virus and every death won't be China's fault, it will be Trump's.  Even credit for the vaccine will be given to Biden. The economy that Trump created is irrelevant because now it will be credited to Democrats and their stimulus. 

The Left will have fools believing the last 4 years without wars, troops coming home and Arab nations making historic peace agreements with Israel were dangerous. The Left will say the world is peaceful under their watch as we bend over again to Iran and China. 

Biden is a puppet. Biden's only role is to read a script. Soon he won't even be able to do that. That's when Obama's choice for President, Kamala, steps in.There are so many more falsehoods. But the biggest lie of all is the Biden is the leader.  

But lest you think the faces in this graphic are in charge either. The Obama's and the Clinton's are more powerful than them and they are not in charge either. The people in charge meet in Davos! But even they answer to Satan. 

If January 6th goes as planned, it will be the start of a frightening new world order. The Great Reset may be the end of the Great American Experiment.  

If the Globalist Elite are successful at creating a New World Order the last hope isn't the Electoral vote challenge that will be raised on the floor on 1/6/21; it is the Messiah.  Because ultimately, God is in charge and heaven will not help those who haven't feared the Lord. Now is a time for repentance. 🙏Hashivenu Adonai🙏

"Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us, and the prophet who wishes to write a new apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts, and beasts so terrible that the ancient animal symbols of St. John will seem like cooing doves and cupids in comparison."  Heinrich Heine* the 1842


🙏PSALM 91🙏

*Born into a family of assimilated German Jews in 1797, Essayist, journalist and poet Christian Johann Heinrich Heine is considered one of the most significant German romantic poets. 

Saturday, December 26, 2020


Otto von Guericke

Prussian physicist, engineer, and philosopher


Trump sucked all the air out of the room. His absence creates a powerful a leadership vaccum. 


Obama, Hillary and a host of globalist elites will exploit the leadership vaccum created by Trump's absence followed by Biden's phony and incompetent leadership.  Biden couldn't even campaign, let alone handle agressive questions in a real press conference of pressers asking the hard questions. The Marxist BLM leadership, the anti-Israel Squad, Communist Biden Bro's and all the Soros activists will be crawling over one another to get into Biden's White House to fill his leadership vaccum.

The evil forces of China, Russia, Iran and others that Trump kept bottled up are going to all flex their muscle the moment Trump Presidential seal is broken. 

As if that weren't enough, legal challenges and lawsuits galore are going to dog the Biden Administration. Unlike with Trump and cases like a porn star who sought to violate her non-disclosure agreement and a Russian hoax, the cases against the Biden and Clinton crime families have actual serious felony evidence. 

Biden's Presidency is going to be a shit show. The corrupt mainstream media is going to have a hell of job trying to disguise the truth.  But we all know they'll do their job of NOT doing their job.

And when Biden resigns and Kamala is President, forget about it.

Millions of Trump haters who believe the end justifies the means and are looking forward to 2021 are going to have a revelation. The future they wished for is a frightening thing indeed.  Because there is ONE force more powerful than a vacuum or anything else. 

Trump haters should appreciate that it is one thing to steal an election and another to govern a nation which has ~50% of population that believes they were robbed.  Especially when they actually were. 

As the writer of this article explains, the Left set out to steal the first election from Bernie Sanders in order to ensure an easy victory over Trump in 2016. But Trump lit the USA map Red and shocked the world!  Peter Strzok's imfamous "Plan B" failed. So the Left, along with China and Russia, as well as the Deep State, decided to take no chances in the 2020 election. The solution, a "junk mail" election. And to pull that off, China supplied the justification by way of a virus. 

Between illegal Biden votes, disappearing Trump votes and blowing up the Trump economy it was in the bag -- "don't concede under any circumstances," ordered Hillary to Biden.  The mainstream media has always had Biden's back. They have been accomplices in every plot to remove Trump since he beat out 17 Primary opponents in 2016.

1 million, 2 million or even 30 million virus deaths worldwide is NOTHING to the CCP that oppresses 1.4 billion people and forces them to believe that their Communist Party is the Supreme power and destined to rule the world. Any Covid death toll is a pittance of a price to pay for the CCP to remove the one man standing in the gap to slowdown the CCP's ambitious plans - Donald J. Trump. 

What will fill the leadership vaccum which Trump leaves behind is everything that Trump stood against: regulations, taxes, bigger government, illegal immigration, unfair trade, national security risks, China, globalists, high drug prices, etc.  The list is much longer.  

With a vaccum, great pressure builds up pushing to get in. When a vaccum seal is broken the air rushes in.

Friday, December 25, 2020


It has been said the Yosef (Joseph) from Genesis is a shadow of Yeshua Hamashiach. Therefore, one who understands this would expect to see strong shadows of Yeshua in the Torah Parsha (Vayegash Genesis 44:18–47:27) which coincides with Christmas. As a Jew, I never would have seen it. 

"Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again." Acts 9:18

Orthodox Rabbi Bernie Fox offers his thoughts on the Parsha - Pride and Prejudice:

And Yosef said to his brothers, “I am Yosef. Is my father still alive?” And they were not able to respond to him because they were confused before him. (Sefer Beresheit 35:3)

In Parshat VaYigash, Yosef reveals himself to his brothers. He asks them to confirm that his father Yaakov is still alive. The brothers are overcome with confusion and cannot respond. There is an obvious reason for this confusion.

The brothers first encountered Paroh’s highest minister when they came to Egypt to purchase food for their families. Their relationship with this minister was complex. Initially, he accused them of spying on the Land of Egypt. He demanded they prove their innocence by bringing him their youngest brother. He imprisoned Shimon and sent the other brothers back to the Land of Cana’an. The brothers returned with Binyamin. Shimon was released. 

Yosef invited the brothers into his home, entertained them, and gave them generous gifts. He provided them with provisions for their families and returned to them the money they had brought to purchase these provisions.

Now, they are again before this important minister. He was sometimes very kind. Other times he was suspicious, harsh, and demanding. They never suspected that this powerful but unpredictable and enigmatic minister was their brother Yosef! Suddenly, he declares he is Yosef. The brothers’ befuddlement is completely understandable.

Some commentators suggest that the brothers’ confusion had other causes.[1] Chizkuni explains that the brothers were uncertain of Yosef’s attitude toward them. They had sold Yosef. How would Yosef treat them? Would he demand their punishment?[2] Rashi explains that the brothers’ response expressed their embarrassment.[3] Let us more carefully consider these interpretations of the brothers’ confusion.

And they said one to another: But we are guilty for our brother because we saw his anguish when he pleaded with us, and we did not listen. Therefore, this trouble has befallen us. (Sefer Beresheit 42:21)

From the beginning of their conflict with Paroh’s minister, the brothers were introspective. They did not interpret the minister’s suspicions and accusations as happenstance misfortune. Years earlier they had thrown their troublesome, presumptuous, egotistical brother into a pit. He called out to them pleading that they spare him. They ignored his anguish and sold him into servitude. They concluded that their troubles were punishment for their callous treatment of Yosef. Their sense of foreboding and the anticipation of retribution recurred when the minister discovered his goblet in Binyamin’s baggage. They believed their deserved punishment would now be exacted.

Chizkuni’s suggestion that the brothers feared that Yosef would punish them for their behavior toward him may reflect these thoughts. The brothers had concluded that they deserved to be punished. They believed that their struggles with Paroh’s minister were Divine retribution for their crimes. Learning that their antagonist was the brother they had betrayed only intensified their expectation of punishment. The brothers were preoccupied with anticipation of retribution and Yosef’s revelation was received in this context.

Rashi’s position is more difficult to understand. The brothers were paralyzed by shame. During their ordeal, the brothers reconsidered their behavior toward their brother. They deeply regretted their treatment of Yosef. They attributed their tribulations to their callousness toward him. Should not they have rejoiced to learn that Yosef survived and even thrived in Egypt? Why did shame replace celebration?

“And the brothers of Yosef descended… [The Torah] does not write “the sons of Yaakov”. It teaches that they regretted his sale and committed themselves to behave toward him in a brotherly manner and redeem him for any amount that would be required of them.” (Rashi, Sefer Beresheit 32:3)

Rashi explains that the brothers initially traveled to Egypt on two missions. They planned to purchase provisions for their families. Also, they traveled to Egypt as Yosef’s brothers. They would seek out their missing brother and redeem him from servitude. They hoped to find Yosef. They expected him to be a slave. They anticipated paying for his redemption. Now, they discovered that Yosef is alive. Their mission was fulfilled. Also, rather than finding their brother suffering under the yoke of slavery, he was Paroh’s most important minister. They should have rejoiced!

And Yosef recognized his brothers and they did not recognize him. (Sefer Beresheit 42:8)

The brothers arrived in Egypt. Yosef immediately recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. Throughout their interactions, the brothers never suspected that the minister with whom they were struggling was their brother Yosef. Rashi explains that when the brothers sold Yosef, they were physically mature. Yosef was still a youngster. Over the many years of his separation from his brothers, Yosef’s appearance had changed so much that the brothers did not recognize him.[4]

Perhaps, there is another reason that the brothers failed to recognize Yosef. They sold him into slavery. They hoped to find him but expected that he would be a miserable slave. It was inconceivable that this minister was their brother.

Their expectation that Yosef was a slave was understandable. However, it may have had a deeper foundation. The brothers came to Egypt repentant of their treatment of Yosef. They were prepared to rescue him. During their struggles with Paroh’s minister, they declared that they were callous and heartless to their brother. However, their repentance did not include a reevaluation of Yosef’s character and his claim that he was destined to be their leader.[5] Their opinion of Yosef had not changed. They had decided that despite Yosef’s failings, they had sinned in their treatment of him.

They continued to resent Yosef and to reject his claim that he was destined to be their leader. They continued to retain these attitudes and judgments. They expected Yosef to be a miserable slave. They would rescue him and be his redeemer. Their expectations implicitly rejected Yosef’s claims of a special destiny. They expected him to have experienced the typical fate of a foreign slave sold into bondage in Egypt. They rejected the possibility that something extraordinary might have occurred to Yosef.

If the brothers had found Yosef in the abject conditions that they anticipated and they had come forth as his redeemers, they would have rejoiced. But they did not discover Yosef among Egypt’s slaves. He was Paroh’s highest minister. He had lived an extraordinary life which attested to his special destiny. They were not prepared for this revelation. When Yosef revealed himself, they were forced to acknowledge that they had misjudged him. He was special. This realization was the source of their embarrassment.

We form impressions of others. Often, these impressions are not based on objective analysis. They are self-serving. We want to believe in our superiority over others or that we are at least the equal of our peers. Sometimes, we go to great lengths to sustain these fictitious judgments of others. We ignore the good, talents, or even greatness in others. These prejudices impact our treatment of others and often deprive us of the wisdom or other gifts that friends might share with us. The story of Yosef and his brothers alerts us to the strength of these prejudices that the harm that they can bring upon us.

Here is a superb teaching about how Yosef is able to interpret Pharoah's dreams on Torah.com

[1] The term used in the passage to describe the brothers’ reaction is נבהלו. The term is often used in תנ"ך to describe confusion caused by fear or anxiety. The commentators are identifying the source of the brothers’ fear or anxiety.

[2] Rabbaynu Chizkiya ben Manoach (Chizkuni), Commentary on Sefer Beresheit, 45:3.

[3] Rabbaynu Shlomo ben Yitzchak (Rashi), Commentary on Sefer Beresheit 45:3.

[4] Rabbaynu Shlomo ben Yitzchak (Rashi), Commentary on Sefer Beresheit 42:8. Rashi explains that the brothers were bearded when they were separated. Yosef did not have a beard. The minister that confronted the brothers had a beard. This change concealed Yosef’s identity.

[5] See Rabbaynu Ovadia Sforno, Commentary on Sefer Beresheit. 42:21.

Thursday, December 24, 2020


This animated documentary  is sure to win multiple film awards.

Friends, please watch this recently released animated documentary regarding China's treatment of Fo Guang Shan (Buddhism) practitioners. The true life story is told through the eyes of a mother and her daughter who grew up under the terrible persecution of the CCP.

Sun Tzu teaches in his military treatice The Art of War to "know your enemy." This animated documentary about the suffering under the CCP regime in China illustrates the mental and physical cruelty of the CCP.

The CCP controls the minds and torments the souls of it's citizens.  To survive, to keep ones spirit alive, takes exceptional strength and courage. One's conscious must soar . . .

This film features several paradoxes. The story is sad but hopeful. It shows how ugly but beautiful life can be. It is depressing but up lifting.  The CCP has lifted the country but crushed the people. 

This movie has a magnificent holy meta message told through the animation. There is SO MUCH MORE to this film than meets the natural eye.  The deeper your faith the better you will see it. 

We are at war.  Know the enemy!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

America Must Return

America today must heed the proclamation made by Abraham Lincoln on March 30, 1863.  Otherwise, God will bring judgment down on America and our "government of the people, by the people, for the people" will perish. Then, the dead shall have "died in vain." 

If America perishes the world will be lost.  The world will be turned upside down and America will become a people for the government rather than a government for the people. 

If we allow this to happen, and it is, then Communism will have won the day.  And Americans will no longer be entitled to our unalienable rights - life, Liberty or the pursuit of happiness.  

On the other hand, if America returns to God we shall have another "new birth of freedom."

Abraham Lincoln Proclamation
March 30, 1863

Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God, in all the affairs of men and of nations, has, by a resolution, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation.

And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.

And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole People? We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!

It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.

I, Jonah, believe America must humble itself, repent and seek forgiveness.  "Build back better" is the opposite. We are repeating the same hubris and mistakes Israel made which led to it's destruction thousands of years ago. Israel too was warned. 

America began as a City on a Hill dedicated to God. 

America is a rarity in history.  We are nation with a purpose which has resonated with a wide range of thinkers and writers since our inception. 

In his 1630 sermon John Winthrop made a now famous proclamation that “we shall be as a city upon a hill.”  
Winthrop’s text has been quoted by almost every president to hold office.

Sadly, many American's fail to know, understand or appreciate our history.  There was just significant historic anniversary.  Did you miss it

We must return - return to God.

Hashivenu Adonai (Restore us God).

Glory Altarpiece in Saint Paul's Church NYC

Explanation of the Glory Altarpiece: "The magnificent work of art that appears in the center of the windows is the “Glory“ altarpiece 3. It was designed by architect Pierre L’Enfant, famously known as the planner of Washington, D.C. This piece depicts Mt. Sinai in clouds and lightning, the Hebrew word for “God” in a triangle, and the two tablets of the Law. When outside the chapel, although not easily seen through the glass, the altarpiece contains a sculpture of an eagle pulling back a curtain to reveal a sun with thirteen rays, representing the original colonies." 

Did You Miss It?

This circa 1869 engraving titled "Landing of the Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock, 1620."

While most people were focused on Covid, the election and the so called "Bethlehem Star" we were distracted from an anniversary of National and international significance - the 400 year anniversary of the Puritans/Mayflower landing at Plymouth on November 11, 1620.

Sadly, many of the commemorative plans by local and international groups for this quadricentennial anniversary were upended by the coronavirus pandemic. 

Our Nation's early settlers on the Mayflower made a famous agreement on board the ship called the Mayflower Compact.   This was essentially a covenant with one another in which they dedicated themselves to God. The first sentence of the Compact is "In the name of God."  

The Mayflower Compact stated their voyage was “For the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith,” and that people derived their right to self-government from God.  I think it notable that on the top of the Washington is the Latin phrase with nearly the same meaning, "Laus Deo," which translate to, "Praise be to God."

The significance of this profound concept cannot be overstated.  About 150 years later, in 1776,  this belief would be expressed as the "unalienable rights" which human beings are entitled to -- Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

The revolutionary concepts in the Mayflower Compact laid the foundation for two other revolutionary documents: the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. The United States’s founding documents did a lot more than just affect Americans, they inspired free societies all over the world.

The Pilgrims created a democratic form of government where officials would be elected, and laws passed. Every male member of the colony over 21 would be able to vote. Based on a popular vote, the eligible men would have the right to change and propose laws and elect or remove office holders. This was unprecedented. 

The Mayflower Compact essentially laid the way for to the concept behind the historic phrase "We the people."

In 1802, John Quincy Adams described the agreement as “the only instance in human history of that positive, original, social compact” and it is popularly believed to have influenced the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

400 years later the Mayflower Compact matters more than ever. The Mayflower Compact famously applied the idea of law established by the people. 

God is under attack in America and around the world. Communism seeks to eliminate God.  God and America are under attack by the CCP

The principles embodied in America's founding documents are the opposite of the principles of the Chinese Communist Party. 

Why were they called Pilgrims?

A pilgrim is a person who goes on a long journey often with a religious or moral purpose, and especially to a foreign land. After the Mayflower arrived, the first baby born was a boy. His parents (William and Susannah White) named him Peregrine - a word which means travelling from far away and also means pilgrim. The writer of Mourt's Relation in 1622 refers to the Plymouth Colonists as pilgrims. Governor William Bradford calls the Plymouth settlers pilgrims when he writes about their departure from Leiden, Holland to come to America: “They knew they were pilgrims, and looked not much on those things, but lifted up their eyes to the heavens, their dearest country; and quieted their spirits.”  

A Rock of Ages

Isaiah 26:

We have a strong city.

He appoints salvation
    as its walls and ramparts.
Open the gates![a]
Let the righteous nation enter—
    one that keeps faith.
You keep in perfect peace
one whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You.
Trust in Adonai forever,
for the LORD Adonai is a Rock of ages.

For He humbles those dwelling on high,
leveling the lofty city,
leveling it to the ground,
bringing it down to the dust.

America is a City On A Hill. 

Hashivenu Adonai. 


Monday, December 21, 2020


The Art of War by Sun Tzu

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is attacking us biologically, electronically, economically, culturally and politically. Eventually they will attack us environmentally and otherwise.  China is already the largest polluter of the world's oceans.

"All warfare is based on DECEPTION."

All the while the CCP will do so deceptively and they NEVER admit it. 

Here is what we all need to do. We need to bring China to it's knees economically.  There are many ways to do this. They need us more than we need them.


Look at the labels. Housewares, clothes, toys pretty much anything made with plastic is made in China with slave labor or people working under unfair conditions. Spend more to get the product made elsewhere. If you cannot find the product without a Chinese maker, do without.  

When the USA went to war to defeat the NAZI'S we gave up much more. As for lives, We have already lost nearly as many lives to the Chinese virus as we lost in WWII.

Many of the people in China will be behind us. They hate the tyranny they are forced to live under. Those who defy the government are tortured, imprisoned and killed.

People throughout Asia, in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and elsewhere will cheer our efforts to free the Chinese people from their evil government. They fear the CCP! Hong Kong has been brutally crushed by the CCP over the last 18 months!  Look what they do* to their own people who practice a Chinese version of Buddhism.  Christians have faced terrible persecution. 

*UP WE SOAR- Watch this beautiful new animated documentary based on a true story.

WAKE UP AMERICA! The CCP is overthrowing America without firing a single bullet. They are winning a war that too many Americans don't even realize we are in.  If we don't do something about this now our grandchildren will not have a free country. 

Excellent article which gives examples of how China is excuting it plans.  

Is China Establishing a Strategic Lever in the Caribbean? Read Newsmax: Is China Establishing a Strategic Lever in the Caribbean?